Field Relic Hunter - I possibly just solved a portion of the LUE treasure map

Hi Randy,

You know, I have traipsed all over that valley. The terrain does not fit. Especially about the trees that were blown down. There is an area two peaks over though that has the trees as described. Never did find a single piece of metal though. The other caves mentioned haven't been located either. I was down there a couple weeks back and covered a little more terrain than in the past.

I would suggest retro-engineering that map from the known locations where cache sites have been found. Black Lake, Mora, etc. I have the list that KvM published at one point around here somewhere but it would be a task to find it since I am still getting settled after the move.


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Reply to Pearl54 Post # 10

Karl's store was west of Trinidad in Sequndo Colorado.
Karl was a man of dignity and honor and integrity--so upon his death
he was welcomed home warmly by the Angels.

Some people have no dignity, no honor and no integrity; such a person--burned down Karl's store.


Hi Barton,

You are right about KvM. He was never the same after the fire. That lot in Segundo is still empty. Much of what they could not recover was bulldozed toward the back of that lot. His family still owns the house there from what I understand. His son still keeps in contact with a friend of mine so I get second hand updates once in awhile.

I still have a collection of letters hand written by KvM. He was very opinionated and quite the character. I was around him when I was a kid but would have liked to have known him once I became and adult.


Hi Randy,

You know, I have traipsed all over that valley. The terrain does not fit. Especially about the trees that were blown down. There is an area two peaks over though that has the trees as described. Never did find a single piece of metal though. The other caves mentioned haven't been located either. I was down there a couple weeks back and covered a little more terrain than in the past.

I would suggest retro-engineering that map from the known locations where cache sites have been found. Black Lake, Mora, etc. I have the list that KvM published at one point around here somewhere but it would be a task to find it since I am still getting settled after the move.


I have that list handy...also have the list that was sent to him about the same time from a woman on the East Coast...she dropped a lot of names and places, was really surprised Karl published the letter frankly. There is some overlap in the locations she notes compared to the ones Karl noted a number of years later. If I don't send it this morning I'll find it tonight but I think oyu're right, using what we know to better understand what we don't could prove useful.

I have that list handy...also have the list that was sent to him about the same time from a woman on the East Coast...she dropped a lot of names and places, was really surprised Karl published the letter frankly. There is some overlap in the locations she notes compared to the ones Karl noted a number of years later. If I don't send it this morning I'll find it tonight but I think oyu're right, using what we know to better understand what we don't could prove useful.

Back in the winter break at the turn of the century (the week between Christmas and New Years 1999 to 2000) I went with a group of friends snow skiing in Red River. We were all from the Dallas/Fort Worth area. We made it as far as Amarillo and had to get a hotel due to a snow storm causing white-out conditions. The police had actually closed the highways out of town to the north. The next morning, we put together a route that would take us to Red River NM instead of the Dumas/Dalhart/Texline as we had planned.

We took hwy 40 west from Amarillo into NM. We turned north on 84 and followed that up to Las Vegas NM then went north on 518 then again on 434. It was a long route but we were anxious to get to Red River and didn't want to wait for the highway to be reopened coming out of Amarillo.

Interestingly, there are those places in that list of names KvM published on the known recovery spots along that route.

It also dawned on me, seeing the tiny little townships with names I had heard associated with the LUE, that they were fairly evenly spaced out from each other.

Karl did say that the site at black lake had not been totally cleared out. Not sure about that though. I seem to remember something about them making a recovery of bars and having to leave a little early due to other people in the general vicinity and they wanted more secrecy on their activity.

Hardrock H. was also supposed to have located a cache of silver bars on private property along a river west of Taos. Not sure if they are connected.

By the way, did I mention I can see the mountains from Mt Blanca up to Mt Crestone from my living room window?


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Sounds like you have an awesome nest to soar from in your quest for treasure.

Sounds like you have an awesome nest to soar from in your quest for treasure.

I actually got quite lucky with the views on this property. The windows on either side of my fireplace overlook that part of the sangre de christo mountain range.

There is a lot of treasure to hunt within an hour drive from this location.

Perfect place to retire.

I know what you are talking about

Hi Mical66,

I know what you mean. That map will make you dizzy if you stare at it too long.

Years back, I was out in the region and following up on a few trails. I found a few things.

Now, after more research, I think all of the clues are pointing to one of the multiple cache sites. This one is at a specific location based on my theoretic conclusions.

After researching that location, there are numerous legends about glowing lights, excessive lightning strikes, ghost stories, Native American legends, Anasazi, and so on. It is the perfect storm of treasure leads in the exact same location. Then, I viewed the area using the google maps satellite view. One can see where it looks like some form of mining had been done there.

Unfortunately, it is on limited access land. I cannot think of a more perfect location for this cache site.

My guess is this location was targeted for the church and not the crown based on a few other books in my collection.

I'm really trying to find someone with the similar interest and who has actually been on the ground looking for this elusive treasure.

Most cannot get past that map until they understand what the map legend elements would consist of.

I don't really want to publish my theory in the public forum since it is still somewhat proprietary. What I would like truly would be one of the people who can pick apart a theory to disprove it. I am that certain.


I know where you are talking about. I thought of it as a potential cache site when I first ran across it. By the way there is more I would like to talk to you about in regard to the LUE. Please send a personal email. Thanks LUE-Hawn

Hello all,

I am doubtful if it has been found. Its there you only have to use common sense.



Hi Dean,

My family actually has a small MD that was made for KvM. It has a little plaque on it "Exanimo". I'm pretty sure it is a Garrett although I haven't seen it in a couple of years. It works really well even after all this time.

I use a couple different ones. My favorite is an old Fisher Discriminator. It is heavy to carry though.

Another good source of TH material is Jesse Rascoe. I never met him but have a lot of his books.

Oh, I have found a few things too. I will insert an image of the Compass Stone I found. It is a carved Spanish head and the nose is pointing magnetic north. This is part of the LUE. Its old, mid 1500s. You can see how worn it is.

View attachment 665072

um, and that is my arm.

Cool huh.


Howdy - I believe that "Exanimo" detector was manufactured by Garrett. In his Treasure Hunter's Manual #7, KvonM published schematics for th'ers to build their own detectors. He called it "The Little Monster." It became popular enough that he had them built for resale.

When RAM (Charles Garrett) reprinted THM #7 (and #6) they removed the detector plans - no surprise. Just as when they reprinted Sudden Wealth they changed "White's" to "Garrett" and all the compliments about Ken White became quotes about Charles Garrett. The useful bibliographies were replaced with listings of RAM publications, as well.

Good luck to all,

The Old Bookaroo

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