Thank you for the memories. i haven't heard this in years. The most lovely girl in HS sang this song to me about 50 years ago. I drove her home from school every day in my '67 mustang GT and she allowed me to open the door for her and take her hand like the gentleman I always was with her. It never went further. She was the only child of our chief of police and I was terrified of him. Hadn't thought about Kathy for a long time until you posted this song. Thank you.
I'll never forget my tiny blonde 5 year old daughter singing this song in front of about 500 people long ago with my wife on guitar. We discovered that she had the ability to repeat any song that she heard once - even if she did not understand all the words. We took her to a baseball game when she was about 3 and late that night after we put her to bed, we heard a perfect rendition of "Take me out to the ballgame" from her room. Folks, cherish your little ones. Thanks again.