ECS, does your wife still sing when you play ?
A musician, singer, songwriter, producer, agent,
and still have time to piss off some in the KGB thread
Its not healthy to piss off the KGB, people disappear!

As for the Beale and Oak Island threads, real facts seem to always upset some.
No she does not.
Also, was a member of the management group that handled Rusty Day's reformed CACTUS when he lived in Longwood, Florida- a lot of "snow" in around, but I quit that Mgt group before Day and his 12yo son were machinegunned down in their home by a unpaid dealer.
I also had an Indie marketing label, Orange Records, and on THE COMETS (new wave band) you can hear my finger snaps on "Help Me".
The Comets opened for Bow Wow Wow at Eckerd College in St Pete, and that gig turned into a genuine Donnybrook knock down drag out because both band names were the same size on the College's marquee.
Their song, "Aurora" is included on Gainesville label HYDE & ZEKE RECORDS "Sinkhole Tapes"- the 12 string was added by the label owner on the entire song, mush to my disagreement. I prefer "layered" arrangements ,adding it to the second verse, but he insisted having it from the song's beginning, informing me it was added on his dime for his label.
The wonderful world of rock & roll ego.

The last band I developed/managed/produced/published was the band CIARA (not the solo artist), and they were one of the bands chosen to perform at the Official Y2K Party in Sugar Lake, Mexico.
They did an ASCAP Showcase in Miami in 2000 and "Worry About Yourself" is included on the "ASCAP Presents... Heineken AMPT Music Series.
"Those dats are gone forever, over a long time ago"- Steely Dan
Last summer I was invited to jam with some VILLAGES retirees who practiced in a mobile home community recreation building in Salt Springs.
They called themselves Alabama Fats & the Upsetters , (they do have some posted youtube videos), and they played songs like Gloria, The Last Time, far too many 3 chord progession songs, and Little Honda and Hanky Panky which I NEVER played when new.
I added lead fills and solos and backing vocals, and played and sang Heart Full of Soul, Kids Are Alright, Feel A Whole Lot Better, but they couldn't handle the off back beats of She Said by the Beatles.
They wanted me to join, but I declined when they said they wanted to play 4 sets in bars.