Favorite songs I was raised on

these two guys had a sense of humor. I cracked up when they were tuning their guitars and Chet Atkins seemed to be having problems and Les Paul looked at Chet and asked if he had ever heard of "Fender". :laughing7:

Gene Autry with Red River Valley
This is the first song I learned on the guitar when I went to a guitar school. My parents loved that song so it was only appropriate it was the first one I learned and played for them. :notworthy: miss you guys

I remember sitting around the kitchen table on Saturday nights as my parents listened to the Grand Ole Opry on the radio.

I never heard this one, that I remember. It reminded me of a story. We had some friends from church. We had the guy over to do some roofing type work on our house. She was my supervisor in a direct sales co. and I just happened to call her about something related to that. She was surprised to find out hubby was at my house and started asking me a million and one questions. I was like "what in the world is going on?” So, I met up with her privately and she informed me that he was cheating on her with her bestie and no one, absolutely no one believed her. She was taking all kinds of crap from people at church and in her community (he and his family were big wigs in their town), and even the bestie's hubby. Well, we didn't know what to think, so stayed out of it as best we could. Then we had a meeting over by the Indiana border on cold and snowy day. We missed the place we were supposed to go and turned into the parking lot of a new Wally World that was still under construction. There were a couple vehicles there, but we didn't think anything of it. Don't you know as we were making our turn around, we made eye contact with the guy and the bestie in the pickup truck. Oh the look on their faces was priceless! We laughed and laughed. What are the odds?!?!? We wondered if they thought we were sent to spy on them? Never did find out what they thought about it. We did however back the woman's claims. So, she stopped getting smeared in the dirt. Twas an ugly thing and ended up we lost 3 families at church. The ones that were backing him and the Devil Woman herself.

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The album cover reminds me of one of my favorite western series called Have Gun, Will Travel with Richard Boone as Paladin.

Mr WD says this was one of his dad's favorites. :icon_thumright:

This falls into two categories:
Country.................and Halloween

Here I thought we covered all of those last year. Challenging me to find country halloween songs, interesting.

I remember Watching this one. I loved Mac Davis! I know you probably already know this, but someone else may not know that he wrote songs for Elvis. Here’s one


Mmm mmm mm! That smile! I was hooked! LOL!


Gene Autry with Red River Valley
This is the first song I learned on the guitar when I went to a guitar school. My parents loved that song so it was only appropriate it was the first one I learned and played for them. :notworthy: miss you guys

Awww. That’s cool that you have that memory. My dad liked him, too. Of course, my favorite song by him was “Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer.” Too early for that.

Written by Willie Nelson


And another Country song with a Halloween type theme

"I wrote 'This Haunted House' for Patsy. Right after she died I was over at Patsy's house to see the kids and her husband, Charlie Dick. While my husband was talking to hers, I sat on the steps where she had her playroom, her bar. It was the recreation room where they had all their parties. I sat on the steps and wrote this song. I wrote it in about 20 minutes, with my guitar, and I went and played it for Charlie. I was going to ask him what he thought of it, but he had tears rolling down his face. He said, 'It's beautiful.' I said 'I wrote this for you.' Two nights later, I recorded it." ~ Loretta Lynn

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Alan Jackson sings about visiting Hank Williams Sr. headstone amid a graveyard site when Williams's spirit appears wearing a cowboy hat and shiny boots.


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