FLOW was an early jazz rock fusion band formed by John Winter, keyboards, sax, flute, Mike Barnett, Drums (fellow members of Ocala High School Class of '66) Don Felder, guitar, and Chuck Newcomb, bass and vocals. They recorded one album on CREED TAYLOR RECORDS.
Winter and Barnett were in THE INCIDENTALS, a British invasion cover band, and Felder was in THE CONTINENTALS (with Stephen Stills, Bernie Leadon) and when Stills departed, they changed the name to the MAUDY QUINTET.
Both bands had a 45 single released on Tampa label, Paris Tower, and were contemporary with the NIGHTCRAWLERS and the ALLMAN JOYS.
After leaving FLOW with bad feelings, married and living in Boston, Felder relates:"John Winter, the former keyboard player and saxophone, called up and asked if he could come and stay. He'd been just released from a mental institution in New York State after suffering some drug-related emotional problems"... During the HELL FREEZES OVER TOUR Felder heard(Mike Barnett) "been living in Woodstock for years, and he took a massive drug overdose. They didn't find him for ages, and when they did, his brain had been starved for oxygen for too long. He's in a wheelchair now"
-Don Felder, HEAVEN AND HELL autobiography.
Don Felder and Bernie Leadon joined the EAGLES, Felder wrote "Hotel California".
Mike Barnett and I wrote the OHS Senior Class "66 play that was banned by the principal and never performed.
Mike Barnett has since passed away.