Fake Breitling for Bentley A25082 Automatic watch from a palace in Iraq. Maybe?

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stationed ? hell i was deployed to Iraq i 03-04 101st abn...... those fake watches dime a dozen all over Iraq.

03&04 Camp Speicher fire fighter. I will go along with you that these watches were faked and sold to anyone that would buy.

03&04 Camp Speicher fire fighter. I will go along with you that these watches were faked and sold to anyone that would buy.
Tal-afar, Mosul ,Iskandaria,Baghdad, Camp Victory when it only had 4 tents, Thunder 1,2,3, Farp Shell,Exon etc... all over that sand box

I am beside myself and kinda embarrassed that after contacting all persons and soldiers involved that with all due respect I must apologize to all members that this watch was purchased in Iraq and not found in any palace in that country.
Sorry, RocstEddie PS: Just want to thank all those who delt with the cat sht and mouse trds in the sand bx. Keep at it, life's not over until its over. Thanks!

Stupid - Copy.gif

We ALL do silly things once in a while. Don't sweat it. Just glad you fessed up upon learning the truth! That goes a long way on the Respect-O-Meter!!

I thank you for your service Frank to this country and making America a better place to live than any other. I except the fact that it is a fake and to point out that it is not a reproduction watch that was made by Breitling.

Thanks and I want to thank everyone on Treasure Net that served, for their' Service! My future Son-In-Law was in the First or Second Battle of Fallujah or both. He and one other Marine were the only one's to survive from their' entire Platoon. He works for Brink's now as a Firearms Instructor, Trainer and occasionally steps into drive or be a Courier when needed. The job has actually helped him with his PTSD.


I am beside myself and kinda embarrassed that after contacting all persons and soldiers involved that with all due respect I must apologize to all members that this watch was purchased in Iraq and not found in any palace in that country.
Sorry, RocstEddie PS: Just want to thank all those who delt with the cat sht and mouse trds in the sand bx. Keep at it, life's not over until its over. Thanks!

You do not need to apologize for anything; fact is the watch still has a story. I am sure we have a few hard core Stars & Stripes on here that only became more patriotic every year they have been out but wouldn't have made it past day one of Selection. If their feelings are hurt because something was bought in that country then screw them. I have purchased things all over the world and ran Teams in 64 countries to date, I am not sorry for it.

No matter what the watch has a story and that should be the story told with that watch; regardless if you believe the story or not, if it is true or not, who cares man, its War Booty, most of us who have been down range have a foot locker somewhere full of trophies. all with their own story, maybe some are BS and maybe some are true. Its just an item with a story.

For example you go to a high end watch shop and some well known super star is in there and tries on a watch but does not make the purchase. Then you buy the same watch and tell folks it was one whom ever tried on but did not get. It makes face book and goes around some 100,000 times, the watch shop catches wind of it and the salesman tells the next customer that they have the preowned but never used watch from whomever and jacks the price up to make and extra buck. It works and he sells five watches in a week. By the end of time the story is so twisted it just seems wild.

I have seen this many of times with anything from the Mike Jordan's Hummer being sold in Italy with the dealer claiming it was from when he played for Milan, Mafia leaders Golden Uzi sets, Gaddafi's Golden Pistol. There just stories that come with things, does not mean they need to be true, they just need to have plausibility and an audience. Sort of like what Obama did with OBL, or what Clinton did with OBL. Some stories are there to get out and Clinton's story is one that does not want to get out. But if told to enough audiences then over time the truth is what we dictate and fact is just conspiracy.

I am with ODDJOB on this one. Doesn't matter if it was found or bought. It came from Iraq, and has a great story. The only mementos I got were:

1. A receipt for my property (which was all stolen by the police) after a great barfight at a cathouse in Tijuana after one of my Jarhead Buddies decided he didn't want to pay for his .....unh....company. There were nine of us. Seven Marines from the MARDET (Marine Detachment) aboard the ship. One Sailor whose brother was a Marine D.I. (Drill Instructor), and could recite EVERY line from "An Officer and a Gentleman", and me. I was permanently assigned to a unit at Coronado Naval Amphib Base (San Diego), and was TAD (Temporary Assigned Duty) to the USS Carl Vinson (CVAN-70) for her world cruise in 1983. We loved hanging out with the Marines because every port we visited had a US Embassy. Who guards our embassies? Marines! Where do the Marine Embassy Guards Live? Marine Houses. What do Marines at Marine Houses get for free? B-O-O-Z-E! We drank free every port.......and good times were had by all. The only drawback (which for me isn't a drawback) to going drinking with a bunch of Marines is a barfight in almost every bar we went to around the world! HAHAHA We got chased by the local Police back to fleet landing in more countries than I can count.


Thanks guys for your understanding and humor(Good one, Mike). Feeling a little better about this post. I have learned to not make to many assumptions and get my sht straight the first time.

I came back a millionaire...

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Yeah?? What's that worth in Pesos?? :laughing9:

New Pesos or Old Pesos? I think old pesos stopped at about 3000 to the $. HAHAHA


No worries Rocsteddie. The only issues I have with incorrect stories is if they were made up. Everybody just gets a wrong story every once in a while. Especially in anything to do with treasure hunting! After all, that is what this is basically all about:


Rangers Lead the Way - Mike

New Pesos or Old Pesos? I think old pesos stopped at about 3000 to the $. HAHAHA


Guess that'd have to be old pesos. I ain't been near the southern border in more'n 20 years!!

I have a few stacks of Dinar fresh off the press locked away in my gun safe .... good times and bad times .


View attachment 1314520View attachment 1314283View attachment 1314284 Went to a Britling watch web site by the name of Britling Source( A crappy web site) and was informed by an administrator that it was a NASTY fake and not a reproduction. Dang what a bunch of sticklers. Just for fun and because I can here is pics of mine and SHs. IN NO WAY ARE THESE TWO WATCHES THE SAME... MAYBE? This post was fun but now its over. Thanks again to all the members who helped me discover the truth and my mistakes made along the way.

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