
Ph17 said:
Emtrescue - I have been shrinking the photos to try and meet file size requirements for this site, what process would you recommend? Also a note that the pics below are from roughly 200 - 250 yards away from me, and the zoomed pics are maybe 250 - 300. I don't have anything up close at the moment.

No... You're doing fine on shrinking them for the site. Image quality is good too. Actually they're great, wonderful, magnificent. Seriously. Especially for a point and shoot camera at 300 yards. I didn't explain it well enough maybe. I had a lot of things going through my head, plus I was at work so I rushed a little. It was meant as a tip for everybody's own personal collection. (the original pictures that you keep on your hard drive, disk drive, etc. at home. I don't know how familiar with digital photography every one is, (and I'm not very, but learning on the fly so to speak) - BUT - If your (and I mean everyone here - I'm not picking on you Ph17, because I'm pretty sure your Olympus doesn't) - camera has the capability, and I don't know that the "point and shoot" style cameras do (some do, some don't I'm assuming - I don't play with them much as I use a DSLR) - If you have the disk/card space - shoot your pictures in the camera's native RAW format. What this does is leaves all the data in the file the camera stores in memory allowing you to edit and manipulate your picture more once you get home. Plus this allows for you to go back and look at the original picture in it's native format to pick out fine details, and look at stuff other people asked about to see if it's really there or something fuzzy due to the compression of the .jpg format.

One other thing that RAW does though, is make your files quite a bit bigger. Each one of my pictures are anywhere from 10-20mb in raw at 15 megapixels. BUT when you convert them down to .jpg or whatever you use they shrink considerably - as much as you want them to really, hence the compression and loss of quality. I think I would get a little over 300 images on my 8gb card when I would shoot baseball games over the summer. And when shooting hi-speed action shots, that's not too many in reality.

Seriously, for your photos to be that far away those pictures are AWESOME.

Ok, enough of the Digital Photography 101 hijack, and back to the original thread.

Thanks Lost Horse for expanding some.

And remember guys and gals - I wrote all my stuff was questions. ;D :laughing9: I live in Northeast Tennessee. We don't have too much stuff like this 'round these here parts..... So basically I do this for the learning curve, entertainment, alternate view on history, and maybe the chance I'll get to move my happy a$$ back out west sometime. (plus you never know what I'll run into elk hunting one day :laughing7: )

The tilted 5 should be cause for further investigation. The symbol to the left of the 5 looks like a 'K'. I don't think it is. Scroll through the pictures until you find the backward 7 with a 5 to the right. There seem to be compelling similarities. I would learn the meanings of tilted letters and numbers. Then, go back and put that knowledge to use.

I respectfully disagree that there is a proper way to post, to muse, to mark pictures. When I post a picture I welcome all and any marks, posts, musings, ideas,passing thoughts, sparks, ideas, insights..anything... no matter how tentative, unsure, sure, wild, positive, negative, straight out of books or not. Whether you have ever even looked at a rock outdoors or not I would appreciate your thoughts. Armchair, wheel chair, lazyboy chair,potty chair, observers, commentators and hunters most welcome.

Having a different field of interest can only be good when talking or looking at the things posted in this forum.

I want your musings of any shape, color,half baked or fully baked, any seed of an idea or fully blossomed garden of thought, your ideas, passing fancies, criticisms any and all feedback and do not care if you ever followed a Spanish trail or not, if you ever read a book on markers or not.

I know a few things about you - the reader - you have imagination and interest and can see things and think about things in ways I can not. You have life experiences and interests that give you a broad and different point of view.

This different point of view...applied to this hobby, to any post, is how advances can be made. Different is good and the metaphorical child often sees the truth. So much would be missed if that went away.

I for one am so thankful when anyone posts any sort of feed back on any of my posts. I suspect most folks feel the same way.
Feedback is good and do not let anyone dissuade you from saying what you think in any way you like on any little thing that interests you. If the poster of the subject under discussion has any issues I should think they would say something.

Do not fear you might be wrong...do not hesitate because you are not really all that into this hobby and maybe just read for entertainment. Just say what you think :)) Give me the pleasure of sifting through and testing in the field..for truth.

Steps down from soap box. Yed Rangler..a sensitive subject. hehehe

Washing stones..previously in the river when it was wider.


  • Washing Stones, RB.webp
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Those washing stones are very interesting. They would seem to indicate that the village is pretty close by. I wonder what other "signs" are there..................and thanks.

B.I.T - Yes the l< 5 does look similar to the one on the face(see pic 1). Although, the tilted five looks more so to the 5 at the bottom of the bluff(see pic 2). You would see the bluff from the rock that the K5+LS is on if you look directly straight from it.

The second pic could be just from the pixelation of the photo like pic 3, but you are able to see it in all the photos I have of that location. It will still be a point of interest the next time I am able to go out.


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I think I count a total of four '5's. That is if all of them are not just natural formations. I don't have any 5s on my trails so first hand knowledge won't come from me. The only book I have tells us that 5 is for silver in some form. They could be distances from each to the next, or there could be a reason why they are involved in an equation.

Looks fun though!

I'm interested to know. While standing at the panel (|k + L S), does the <-shaped rock actually point to one of the '5's, or is this caused by photographing from some other location?

I notice that each of the '5's seem to have another above it, until you finally reach the top.

what about this cross?5 dots.


  • Copy of DSC02288-2-closcross.webp
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there is also a figure created with dots just above the cross or letter T.
Circled in red


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Desert Moons,
Of course you are correct!~
I was only trying to put a finer point on the markings, perhaps to show some advancement
on the subject, mostly concerned with the newbies prospective in trying to learn what was
background camo and a true sign..perhaps too fine a point to early....certainly not meant to
discourage anyone's input, Lord no!
I really liked your passionate response and the way you articulated same.

ps I still stand on the method of marking, that is just circle the sign , real or imagined- that way the integrity of the marks is still viewable.

looks like the green circle is a 5 but there is a rock stuffed n the lower portion or curve wonder 4 what reason if any?


  • Copy of DSC02288-2-closcrossqgrn.webp
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Old Dog:
Those figures on the "owl" stone look like a tilting "A" and a slightly straighted out "S" in the upper area and another shape I can't quite make out just below the "S".
I've tagged some more things that are interesting.

The reason I outlined some of uthunter's faces-photo was to differentiate between overlapping faces with contrasting colors. If anyone wishes, they can go back and look at all of my markups and see that I normally use circles to indicate things and sometimes squares and rectangles. I do that just for the reason you stated. I have not wanted to distort or cover any of the figures. What do you think of the photos of the Sphinx of the Grand Canyon? Maybe he's waiting for his queen. I think he's part of the Egyptian settlement down in the canyon.

OK, let's find some more STUFF. :hello2:

Cheez, I forgot to post the pic. LOL

Copy of DSC02288-2-closcross Merged.webp

I have a couple more pics with over lapping faces, both use the coloring of the native rocks to show them off. I plan on setting the camera to take a pic every three or so minutes when I go there next summer. If I can figure out how to crop the pics, without destroying the effects of the faces, to not give away the area, I will post them.

It maybe a week or two before I can post the pics tho, I pinched a nerve in the middle of my back and I am having a difficult time trying to do much anything. I am having a hard enough time just trying to type this.

uthunter said:
I have a couple more pics with over lapping faces, both use the coloring of the native rocks to show them off. I plan on setting the camera to take a pic every three or so minutes when I go there next summer. If I can figure out how to crop the pics, without destroying the effects of the faces, to not give away the area, I will post them.

It maybe a week or two before I can post the pics tho, I pinched a nerve in the middle of my back and I am having a difficult time trying to do much anything. I am having a hard enough time just trying to type this.
Cropping only eliminates the area of an image outside the selection box. Changing the resolution will change the way an image displays.

Normally, I capture an image at full size, 3264x2448 @180 dpi. To edit, I crop off the areas I don't want to see. Then, I resize to 500x500px, then reduce the color depth. Reducing the color depth plays a role, not only with the file size but, in whether or not an image will be accepted for display and how fast the image will load in conjunction with others on the same page.

There are other elements in the pics that may give away the sites. I am going to play with the pics in Paintshop Pro to see what I can crop out without ruining the key symbols. The color is important, since the use of color in the rocks is used to change the aspect of the symbol. The depth of the color is something I will try. I am afraid that it may ruin the effect if the resolution is reduced much more, it is a low quality pic as it is.

I showed one of the pics to an individual that is local to me and he knew right where it was, he said they go elk hunting in that area every year. I thought this odd since the pics are from an area that is over two hundred miles from the town we live in. He was able to describe other features that convinced me he knew the area in the pic.

I am not convinced that there is any treasure in the area, I just don't want anyone going out and tagging (graffiti) the sites. Am I selfish, of the signs/symbols, yes I am. At least until I can get out there and do a thorough photographic and GPS record of everything. This winter will be spent separating all the different symbols by group then mapping it all out. I am anxious to see where this will lead, and the adventures that are in store.

I pretty much determined that about a dozen or so of the different sites, are nature made, out of the 108 sites I have found so far. Some of the symbols point to another set of symbols just a few hundred feet away. They point to the other side of the mountain in a canyon, line them up on a map and it is a straight line from one to the other.

Do to the remoteness and the elevation of the sites, I would think a person would need a good reason to be there. These sites are not on a popular trail, a couple of side trails go up the river canyon at the base of the mountain range. None of the trails go closer than about 1/2 mile to the closest symbol, a big carved heart that is about 100' across.

So far I have 314 pics of the 108 sites, none of them are close up's though, that is scheduled for next summer after snow melts. Already got the camera equipment, just got to teach my partners how to use them.

Please take all of the precautions you see fit before posting your photos. There are people "out there" who take great pleasure in destroying such sites. Or, going out to put their own "brand" on the items there and thinking it's funny. I wonder if they'd be laughing with some buckshot in their a----.

I whole heartily agree there S.S., some buckshot, better yet salt loads, in their rear-end may make them think twice the next time they go to do it.

Hi guys, I know this is an old thread, but I'm still trying to learn this stuff. I noticed some things in one of the posted pictures that no one commented on. I don't know if any of it has any merit, but it would be worth reading what some of you veterans have to offer about it.


  • Rocks 1.webp
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Anybody see the duck in the bottom left. Birds seem to be important. Enjoy the pics and the theories.

treasure chest the thing u called a traingle is a turtle looking towards hill

just a small correction..trackers
an open mouth does not mean the goods are gone, far from it...the open mouth means the mine [pozo]or cache opening is close by....so look close..for more signs...similar to closed eyes...it is close!


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