Hello everyone. First off I want to say thanks for the many complements and warm welcomes. Secondly, to those that have a question about my activity on this forum and about this button.... I want to start off by saying I've never been much of forum follower or poster. I have mainly only done FB, FB live videos, IG, IG videos, TikTok Videos, MeWe post, and YouTube video creator. When I was sent a FB MESSENGER invite to post my button to this page, I had no clue what to expect or how it all actually worked. I created an account and posed it. Never really went back on the page until today when I got hit up by someone else to login and reply to folks comments. So for that, please forgive my ignorance. lol
Now to those who have questioned my find as being authentic or real. Here is the back story.... Hope it will change your mind and allow you to realize this is 100% legit and a one million kind of a kind rare find.... Here we go....
While doing some research in an area that I had recently received permission to, but had to wait until after deer season to explore. I plotted a few early 1900’s homesites, from a 1914 soils survey, on my phone to check out when I got to be on the property. Right after deer season, I set out to explore the 1st and 2nd homesite I plotted first to see what I could find. They were the two cleanest and easiet to metal detect. I found a few things, nothing older than the 1900's. Then I went to my third plotted homesite later in the day and scored an 1858 seated half dime, 181? Large cent, Civil War eagle button, Civil War three ringer, floral button, and 2 percussion caps all on the first day! Supper excited, I couldn’t wait to come back. I have now been to this site about 10 times (I THINK) and each time, I find something old, awesome and I know this is true virgin site. I have dug things from the late 1700's, early to mid 1800's and 1900's to about 1945ish. I have dug many floral buttons, flat buttons, KG half penny, tombac button, a union staff officers eagle button, plus the rarest of off all, the NC SUNBURST 17mm button. It is a sandy cotton field that is still pending the farmer to turn it real good so I can get better swings in.
I have decided to use a combination of two machines on this permission, various coils to see what else I could find. I was using the Garrett AT MAX with the THUNDER NEL COIL, Standard coil and the new AT VIPER coil along with the Garrett Ace APEX with the Big coil and the APEX coil. I would start with one and then switch to the other or alternate between the two in an area to see if I can land on something that the other may have missed.
Finally on my sixth or seventh trip out and while using the Garrett Ace APEX with the Viper coil, I get this screaming 76 VDI. I pop the sandy cotton field plug. Not finding the target right away, I grab my pin-pointer and it’s in the 12:00 o'clock side wall. I use my hands to scrap the sand out until I see a round item pop out. As I grab a hold and begin to wipe the sand off from the face of the item. I start to see something amazing and I start to shake with excitement! I couldn’t believe my eyes as I read “NORTH CAROLINA” and see a sunburst in the middle of what looked to be a button. I flip it over and sure enough there is a shank too! Now I’m very excited, I snap a few pictures then a quick video for my future YouTube video. I couldn’t wait to share this item with my friends and followers, so I went to Facebook and went live!
I later found out from a buddy who had a book titled “North Carolina Civil War Buttons” by the late Terry Teff, this button is ULTRA SUPER RARE! I am being told that only 1 of 8 (now) known to exist! That stat I am not 100% sure on. That is just what I am being told. When I go to try and search for this button on the web, NOTHING is coming up. The only example I know of is the one in the book and mine. I couldn’t believe I had just unearthed such a rare and amazing piece of North Carolina, Pre to Civil War and American history!
Shawn “SGT WHITEY” Sherrill
North Carolina, USA
YouTube link: