F75 and beach hunting


Jr. Member
Feb 22, 2008
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Alright, I am going to a new spot this weekend since the snow is so damn deep I am heading to the beach. I have only been twice with my F75 and the signals were pretty wild. Any suggestions on what might be a good setting to start at? Would beach sand be considered disturbed? The sand is at the beach in Delaware, if that helps anyone with suggestions?

Keep us posted, I have never done the beach with my f75

I would stick to the dry sand to start. When moving into the wet you should ground balance again an if the detector is unstable you need to reduce sens till it runs quieter. This reduces depth, but the F75 is a land machine after all. The concentrations of salt and black sand can differ with in feet so it is harder to hunt there.

Good Luck and let us other snowed in people know how it went.

Yeah I know its a land detector, but I was given a free Viper when I purchased it and my F-75 is probably ten times better than that thing. I am going to sell it on ebay and then purchase a nice water detector. Never used it, thought I would be wasting my time.
I will keep you posted on what I find!!

Beach sounds nice right about now. We're getting pasted with a huge blizzard.

I've never had the pleasure with my F75, but I did dig out the manual to see what they recommend. First tip was to either search above the water or below, but not to pass the coil through or touch the water's surface. Keep it in one environment or the other.

1.) Keep the sensitivity below 30 (in both modes).
2.) Ground balance using the All Metals mode.
3.) Then switch to Discriminate and run at a setting above 25.

Have fun and let us know how she does.

I've hunted the beaches in Del and Jersey quite a bit....

in the dry sand, you dont really need to do anything any different than you would in your home dirt..........
I run the sens at 95 or so with NO ill effects, and long as the sand is DRY!
I also do a lot of back and fourth between the wet and dry, and again, dont have to tweak the sens at all. What I DO have to do is dial in more disc in the wet sand, and go to maybe De mode instead of JE mode(my preferred mode at the beach). JE WILL net you more lower conductors, like small gold than DE will. (its intended purpose).
Take the machine....turn it on and set it to JE mode, 90 sens, and 6 disc. Hold it in the air at waist level and see if its quiet. (Do a quick fast grab first). If its quiet, then your good to go. If its noisey in the air, but gets better when you lower it to the sand, you have external interference.(will need to bump the sens down...and maybe use De instead of JE) If its quiet in the air, but is noisey on the ground (sweeping), its likely reacting to the salts, and you'll need to bump the disc up till its quiet. I seldom ever have to go above 21 to achieve this. I NEVER have to reduce sens to make my F75 quiet at the beach, UNLESS its RF interference causing the interference.
Be aware that you'll probably not be able to fast grab in the wet sand, but you will be able to manually GB it.
As I said....as long as you stay in dry sand.....you can run it just as hot as you can at home. Detune it for no reason...and you'll lose sensitivity to real small gold. the key to making 99% of the VLF machines out there stable at the shore (especially in the wet sand) is discriminating out the salt.

I went to the "beach" site I researched. This site was or should have been perfect. All the pictures, stories, information on this place was awesome. I even had a new google earth pic. WELL fathead and I got there and he had already started hunting by the time I reached it. Said there wsa some bad news. There is no beach, well he had looked up information also with the same results I had . Since all the Noreasters, I am guessing the water was way high. No sand to be seen at this spot. We hunted the grass fields for a while but was loaded with junk. We ended up going to a local school and finishing out the day. I want to thank everyone who gave suggestions, I will use them the next time I am at the beach and will post my results. Thanks

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