F4, ACE 250 or Eagle Spectrum


Mar 9, 2008
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Golden Thread
Kansas City, Missouri
Posted the same message on the Fisher site but wanted to increase exposure to get more opinions so here I am.

Got the itch back after being out of the hobby for about 12 years after my 8 year old out of the blue wanted a metal detector for XMas. So we go out a few times and the "disease" has returned. :)

Anyway, had a White's Coinmaster 5500 Di but was ruined when basement flooded. After reading numerous posts and reviews have narrowed my search down to an ACE 250, Fisher F4 and a used Eagle Spectrum. Don't want to spend more than about $400. I can get the F4 with the stock, 8" and 4" coils for $425, the ACE 250 for $212 but then will need to shell out another $60 or so for the sniper coil or a used Eagle Spectrum for somewhere between $325-$380 on eBay. The negative on the Eagle is the unknown on what you are getting with a used detector and no warranty.

Do either of the F4 or ACE 250 give a visual ID of the coin type or is it solely via a VDI number readout and the user has to interpret the value into a coin type?

Have only used a concentric coil and have had no experience with the elliptical coils. Is there much of a learning curve? Ia the ACE 250 more of a turn on and go than the other 2?

So, bottom line does the F4 offer more bang for the buck over the other 2?

Thanks for any and all responses. The sooner the better so that I can satisfy this uncontrollable urge.

Sorry dude but the urge is there for life and cannot be tamed!..anyway, the 250 does not give you a VDI readout...it lights up a little block under the target that it thinks it has found....if you have come from a vdi machine as i did you will SORELY miss the vdi numbers as they provide a more in depth determinate of what you've found..This said, the 250 is a turn on and go machine that i do like....for $300 you get a brand new machine and a sniper coil to go with it. I've had mine since Christmas and learn a bit more about the machine on every outing...Don't know much about the F4 except what i've read...supposedly it is basically an F2 with ground balance and the F2 reviews have been nothing short of terrible...as for thw Whites...it is a great machine, you just have to determine if used or new id for you

The F4's ground balance only adjusts for the auto tune all metal mode. It does not work the discrimination mode. The Fisher 4 inch coil is a good coil but is too hot off the edge. Meaning even with the sensitivity at it's lowest cannot get close to metal supports in tot lots, bleachers or fences. It gives you a target range and numbers. But the numbers would be the last thing to determine to dig or not.

The 250 has 12 target zones that can easily be adjusted in or out. It has a more positive feel to the buttons. The elliptical coil after detuning pinpoints very well. Also when using the sniper coil you can almost scrub the support posts at tot lots with the sensitivity all the way down. It's like it only detects strait down into the ground. It has a factory set GB in the disc mode just like the F4.

You can buy a 250, electronic pinpointer, large 9x12 and sniper coil for the same price as an F4.

Go With The Ace......

It has newer technology and has proven itself time and time again.......I own both ACE 150 + ACE 250 + small medium and large coil. I only use the small and large coils, and am impressed with their capabilities.

I would not imagine you being disappointed with the Tesoro Silver uMax and suitable coil.

My buddy hunts with a spectrum, and I use the Ace. He finds WAY more stuff than I do. Its goes deeper and it discriminates feedback from other detectors. I have to hunt far away from him when we go out together, but his spectrum is un-phased by mine.

Re: Go With The Ace......

John-Edmonton said:
It has newer technology and has proven itself time and time again.......I own both ACE 150 + ACE 250 + small medium and large coil. I only use the small and large coils, and am impressed with their capabilities.
John..now i read in another post that the Ace detectors use old technology that was by easymoney i think now you see how you can get confused.....what does it really have?????? The post is under ....Metal detecting.... then under......What is the best metal detector for your buck..........It is last post now you will see my boat by it

Hey CubFan, If you've narrowed it down to those 2 detectors, get the Tesoro, you won't be dissappointed. I have a Compadre that outhunted a 250. Needless to say I got rid of the 250. The F4 or even the F2 would also be a better choice than the Ace. This is just my personal opinion. Some people swear by the Ace 250. Been a Cub fan myself for 44 years, hope this is finally the year!

Re: Go With The Ace......

Gadabout - Jim said:
John-Edmonton said:
It has newer technology and has proven itself time and time again.......I own both ACE 150 + ACE 250 + small medium and large coil. I only use the small and large coils, and am impressed with their capabilities.
John..now i read in another post that the Ace detectors use old technology that was by easymoney i think now you see how you can get confused.....what does it really have?????? The post is under ....Metal detecting.... then under......What is the best metal detector for your buck..........It is last post now you will see my boat by it
go to a dealer that sells both detectors and swing both in his test bed...pick the one that feels right...the 250 has a lot of features that 3 years ago would have sold for $400 plus dollars....ALL detectors are using older circuitry save a few....it is transmit and receive...the latest and greatest detectors are sporting multiple frequencies or pulse technology with some sort of enhanced discrimination circuitry...neither the ace or the tesoro you are considering have these...they are both preset ground balance machines which means that one may perform slightly better in a given situation than the other...look at both models closely ...i will tell you from personal preference that i would not be without a machine that has a depth readout for a land machine....either way, if you fall in love with the hobby you will likely want a more complex machine in a year

Re: Go With The Ace......

The-Bone said:
Gadabout - Jim said:
John-Edmonton said:
It has newer technology and has proven itself time and time again.......I own both ACE 150 + ACE 250 + small medium and large coil. I only use the small and large coils, and am impressed with their capabilities.
John..now i read in another post that the Ace detectors use old technology that was by easymoney i think now you see how you can get confused.....what does it really have?????? The post is under ....Metal detecting.... then under......What is the best metal detector for your buck..........It is last post now you will see my boat by it
go to a dealer that sells both detectors and swing both in his test bed...pick the one that feels right...the 250 has a lot of features that 3 years ago would have sold for $400 plus dollars....ALL detectors are using older circuitry save a few....it is transmit and receive...the latest and greatest detectors are sporting multiple frequencies or pulse technology with some sort of enhanced discrimination circuitry...neither the ace or the tesoro you are considering have these...they are both preset ground balance machines which means that one may perform slightly better in a given situation than the other...look at both models closely ...i will tell you from personal preference that i would not be without a machine that has a depth readout for a land machine....either way, if you fall in love with the hobby you will likely want a more complex machine in a year
The-Bone ...........were around you do you have a dealer that has a test garden around N.E. Ohio here none of the dealers has a test garden ...........I would take a little drive over to Pa to see that dealer's detector's.......?????????

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