I'm thinking about buying an F 70. Question. If an T2 and F 75 are sisters , then what is the Teknetics sister to the F 70 ? It is like they say ...the f 75 is programed better for coins and the T 2 is a good civil war machine. So what about the F 70 sister machine ?Which is it ?
Maybe the Omega?
On the F70 SL speed was indeed a precurser to boost on the F75 and came out first.
Dave J. has stated as a fact that the marketing guys at Fisher never though it would be a great idea to let on how good the F70 actually is from the moment it arrived since it was positioned in the #2 position behind the flagship model.
The F75 has a back light, and the ground balance can be adjusted, you have a tone adjustment too, and a bunch of other neat little things that are cool to play with like you have more ability to adjust notches and more.
Add it all up and that F75 is well worth the price if you like to tinker with all that stuff.
I have several friends that own T2's and they seem to love them to death.
The F70 is the lean and mean version of the F75...kinda like a Rat Rod with an unassuming body and frame but hiding a motor that has some major power.
The power and ability to go deep and ID accurately at depth are all pretty similar, however, with similar coils it has been said.
Put the 11" DD coil on the F70 and the sky is the limit.
I am hitting 10" or more with my F70 and the standard coil...no screen info at that depth but the tones are there.
Switching to the 11" DD I can get to at least 12" with screen info that could be a little iffy, sometimes, but it is there.
I dug a target at 15" with that coil that had a little jumpy ID on the screen but the most prevalent numbers I saw on the screen were exactly what the target was when I got it out of the hole and I had solid repeatable clear tones on that target from several angles.
All 3 machines are great, but just enough differences to make different hunters love each one for their own reasons.