F 5 and F 70 - Question for those Who use them

I'm thinking about buying an F 70. Question. If an T2 and F 75 are sisters , then what is the Teknetics sister to the F 70 ? It is like they say ...the f 75 is programed better for coins and the T 2 is a good civil war machine. So what about the F 70 sister machine ?Which is it ?

No teknetics F70 equivalent. F70 is the newest hottest box just came out.

Thanks, I will make those down and try them.
Where I test was at the old farm. There seems to be no EMI issues so I cranked it up some with no problem in either mode.
Trying all modes and used 11" coil Sat and 5" Sunday. If I got too far off base I just did a reset and started over.
Found a 10" Iron ring about 8" down by the old barn yard. Looks like it is from an old wagon wheel. Also found a copper plumbing elbow and a penny and other assorted trash.
Found an old iron ladder from our 1955 swing set buried about 8" down too. Probably got lost in 1960 so I would say 5-6" of dirt has piled up since then.
Got some good signals at 16" depth- yikes- was too tired to dig that deep in Mom's front yard no less.
House dates back to the 1860-70's so who knows what is down there.
This week end I am going back Saturday to meet up with my brother who has a White coin master. Then Sunday there is a local club "token hunt" back in town I want to attend.
I am new to the club and want to see what other guys use. If they have Fishers, I might get some pointers from the "pro's".
I liked the all metal mode allot but had to keep my eye on the display to watch for targets in the 70's range. I found three nice hits in minutes. There seems to be no hi or low tone feature in "all metal mode" so one has to keep an eye on the display. Would be nice if there were high and low tones. (am I right in this statement?)

Sounds like u got a great spot to detect, in my years of detecting non of the machines you should or only dig if the # is good you will miss some great stuff that I promise you, definetly go by the good tones not the iron unless ur looking for it, even a good tone will sometimes show a low number because its deep & closer it gets to u it will get higher best of luck you, I would get a bunch of junk.targets & a bunch of good targets toss em on the ground & that will give u an idea what to hear in the tone dept, & ya will also give an idea what range it rings up in to

I'm thinking about buying an F 70. Question. If an T2 and F 75 are sisters , then what is the Teknetics sister to the F 70 ? It is like they say ...the f 75 is programed better for coins and the T 2 is a good civil war machine. So what about the F 70 sister machine ?Which is it ?

The F70, T2, F75, and F75Ltd/SE are all built on the same architecture. The F75 was built first, then the T2, then the F70 (which has an earlier or precursor version of the "boost process"--SL speed), and then finally (I believe) the F75Ltd/SE with "boost process". The F70 is geared a bit toward coins as are the different versions of the F75, whereas the T2 is geared a little more toward relic hunting. They're all good machines... deep, fast target recovery, and good at picking targets out of iron patches. They're also a bit "chattery" too when tuned a little hot, but can be quietened down usually with a decrease in sensitivity.

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I'm thinking about buying an F 70. Question. If an T2 and F 75 are sisters , then what is the Teknetics sister to the F 70 ? It is like they say ...the f 75 is programed better for coins and the T 2 is a good civil war machine. So what about the F 70 sister machine ?Which is it ?

Maybe the Omega?

On the F70 SL speed was indeed a precurser to boost on the F75 and came out first.
Dave J. has stated as a fact that the marketing guys at Fisher never though it would be a great idea to let on how good the F70 actually is from the moment it arrived since it was positioned in the #2 position behind the flagship model.
The F75 has a back light, and the ground balance can be adjusted, you have a tone adjustment too, and a bunch of other neat little things that are cool to play with like you have more ability to adjust notches and more.
Add it all up and that F75 is well worth the price if you like to tinker with all that stuff.
I have several friends that own T2's and they seem to love them to death.
The F70 is the lean and mean version of the F75...kinda like a Rat Rod with an unassuming body and frame but hiding a motor that has some major power.
The power and ability to go deep and ID accurately at depth are all pretty similar, however, with similar coils it has been said.
Put the 11" DD coil on the F70 and the sky is the limit.
I am hitting 10" or more with my F70 and the standard coil...no screen info at that depth but the tones are there.
Switching to the 11" DD I can get to at least 12" with screen info that could be a little iffy, sometimes, but it is there.
I dug a target at 15" with that coil that had a little jumpy ID on the screen but the most prevalent numbers I saw on the screen were exactly what the target was when I got it out of the hole and I had solid repeatable clear tones on that target from several angles.
All 3 machines are great, but just enough differences to make different hunters love each one for their own reasons.

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Well said, & ur right the people who know them do love em I had a lot of machines & I really like the f75ltd very much when I go out with it it just seems like I know if something is there its coming out & I will go home with something good everytims I been out I have come home with good well worth it & with its options leaves plenty of room.to play

In the Discrimination mode I have all the tones low-medium and high. I get that part.

When I use the All Metal Mode - Motion. I get one tone for any hit no mater what the VID number is 1 thru 99.
You think they would have allowed the program to give you multiple pitch tones for different metals like in Discrimination mode.

Also the good numbers come and go so quickly on the screen in "All Metal Mode" that you need to pay close attention. You might miss something in the coin range.
I was seeing some high numbers flash in the 70's real fast, so I repeated and found a 1/2" copper elbow and then a penny. So I am catching on.
Later in the day I think I found out the faster you swing the higher coin numbers stick around longer on the display.
Hey I am a rookie so I am forming opinions on experience and having fun.

In the Discrimination mode I have all the tones low-medium and high. I get that part.

When I use the All Metal Mode - Motion. I get one tone for any hit no mater what the VID number is 1 thru 99.
You think they would have allowed the program to give you multiple pitch tones for different metals like in Discrimination mode.

Also the good numbers come and go so quickly on the screen in "All Metal Mode" that you need to pay close attention. You might miss something in the coin range.
I was seeing some high numbers flash in the 70's real fast, so I repeated and found a 1/2" copper elbow and then a penny. So I am catching on.
Later in the day I think I found out the faster you swing the higher coin numbers stick around longer on the display.
Hey I am a rookie so I am forming opinions on experience and having fun.

Well yes & no in discriminate mode ur looki.g for certain metals so having tone options would make sence, all metal mode ur basically looking for everything if it beeps u dig
As,of these machines & a lot of the others try not relying on.the #'s to much rely more on tone pop over to disc side & mayb practice a bit with different metals if ur just only digging good numbers u are goin to miss good coins,buttons ect the deeper they get the lower the number I noticed that on a variety of machines closer I got to it the # got higher but tone always stayed the same

Maybe the Omega?

On the F70 SL speed was indeed a precurser to boost on the F75 and came out first.
Dave J. has stated as a fact that the marketing guys at Fisher never though it would be a great idea to let on how good the F70 actually is from the moment it arrived since it was positioned in the #2 position behind the flagship model.
The F75 has a back light, and the ground balance can be adjusted, you have a tone adjustment too, and a bunch of other neat little things that are cool to play with like you have more ability to adjust notches and more.
Add it all up and that F75 is well worth the price if you like to tinker with all that stuff.
I have several friends that own T2's and they seem to love them to death.
The F70 is the lean and mean version of the F75...kinda like a Rat Rod with an unassuming body and frame but hiding a motor that has some major power.
The power and ability to go deep and ID accurately at depth are all pretty similar, however, with similar coils it has been said.
Put the 11" DD coil on the F70 and the sky is the limit.
I am hitting 10" or more with my F70 and the standard coil...no screen info at that depth but the tones are there.
Switching to the 11" DD I can get to at least 12" with screen info that could be a little iffy, sometimes, but it is there.
I dug a target at 15" with that coil that had a little jumpy ID on the screen but the most prevalent numbers I saw on the screen were exactly what the target was when I got it out of the hole and I had solid repeatable clear tones on that target from several angles.
All 3 machines are great, but just enough differences to make different hunters love each one for their own reasons.
Actually the omega is a bounty hunter clone. It is very close to the bounty hunter platinum another division of first texas.

Actually the omega is a bounty hunter clone. It is very close to the bounty hunter platinum another division of first texas.

You're thinking about the Gamma aren't you?

Since I started this post I would like to say I am enjoying my F 75 Ltd SE. I would recommend a Fisher or Teknetics unit to anyone. I read that the Euro Pro is a great unit for the price.
EMI on F 75? No issue I cannot control. I can make it noisy or quiet, so no one should fear that. I am using the 5" coil 99% of the time.
When I get out I find an average of 4 coins an hour. Mostly Clad but that is me, because where I hunt at the moment.
Saturday Morn I got out and hunted an hour with the 5" coil and then decided to switch to the standard coil. Boy I could not accurately pinpoint worth a darn.
The 5" has me spoiled.
Sunday in another park I came across a fresh hole that someone dug. I had a good hit on the edge of the covered hole. I dug in the edge and out popped a 1962 D Rosie.
Someone missed or pinpointed on junk missing the coin, but I picked up on it. 8-)
I cannot claim I am an expert by any means I have so much to learn.
My best settings right now are - PF (Plowed Field) Discrimination 15, Notch 40, Tone at 3 - the High tones above 70 to 88 are 95% coins. Some 50 as Pull tabs. 40 Alum Bottle caps. I dig most of the 40-50 junk hoping for a ring.

Nice, im also one who has had some high end machines recently & these 75ltd's are blowing them out if the water with the power they have hands down awesome machines glad I got one

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