Bronze Member
Great replies guys, I like to see constructive communication. Well my side, I'm 100% PM's and it come from the inside telling me to stack it. I may be wrong but I do have a strong faith and follow what my insides tell me. (Yes I'm a Christian)
I believe we will know shortly as everything around us is getting so controversial and going crazy and the main stream media is not even reporting any of it. So be prepared. I for one will Keep Stacking
By the way, The Duke raises them well. Well Well ..look at this.....! * ponderingtheessence
I'm afraid that our 21st Century Internet has repeated the history of the 1970's CB radio era...
It certainly sounds crazy doesn't it. I checked with and discovered that the entire story was false. Obama Stole His Social Security Number from Jean Paul Ludwig?
As for as silver/gold, as long as I can find it in garage sale jewelry for garage sale prices, I'll keep gathering both. At those same garage sales, I also buy cast brass items and any #12 or larger copper wire when the weights allows me easy scraping and to at least double my money. Then, I take the brass & copper scrap yard dollars and buy both ASE silver and ammo.
I discover one or both precious metals at least 3 out of 4 weekends in our heavy main six month garage sale "season". I guess I play it too conservatively, but, if I keep PMs or if I decide to sell PMs when they go passed $1,400 and $28.00, it allows for a profit to buy other tangible assets. If Harry Dent is right and they go down, I'll have little to no losses, and may still make something of a profit by selling PM jewelry to those that still have some discretionary money/assets to spend/barter.
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