Hiya Springfield:
I think you are probably aware that the meaning of "EL TESORO DE LOS IGLESIA DE SANTA FE" and "EL TESORO DE LOS EGLISIA [Latin-EGLISAS ?] DE SANTA FE", as found respectively on the one Stone Cross and the "Cursum Perficio" drawing/map, have been discussed in the past. Since the translation to English is "The Treasure/Treasury of The Church (Catholic) of The Holy Faith" it seems as though the author of each had something in mind of some value, at least to himself.
Exactly. This is why, to me at least, the stone crosses are of at least some interest, whether or not they are modern day hoaxes.
'Holy Faith' was a term used frequently by the early New World clergy. A good example of this is
History of the Triumphs of Our Holy Faith Amongst the Most Barbarous and Fiece Peoples of the New World, by the Jesuit Ribas, written in 1645. Of course, this account predated the Jesuit invasion of Apacheria by a generation or two, but it illustrates the use of the phrase.
An earlier use of the term was by the Franciscan Marcos de Niza, in his
Relacion, the account of his 1538 expedition beyond New Spain's northern frontier:
"where God, Our Lord, could be so well served and his holy faith exalted, and the royal patrimony of His Majesty augmented". Despite his mention of 'His Majesty's patrimony', Marcos's later actions following the 1538 expedition are controversial, bizarre, and still being debated. The Spanish totally vilified him for leading Coronado on a famous wild goose chase in 1540, an expedition that yielded no riches despite high expectations. The Franciscans then promoted Marcos to be their top man in Mexico until his death. Interesting.
Since all these fabulous Southwestern treasure legends are speculative - supported by circumstantial evidence at best, and much of it questionable - here is more speculation to consider. Marcos was present during Pizarro's unconscionable treachery in Peru and thereafter became a very outspoken critic of Spain's sociopathic tactics used against New World natives. Most of his writings were destroyed by Spaniards, but those fragments that remained painted Marcos as a radical champion of the rights and fair treatment of Indians, and an enemy of Spanish exploitation of them while seizing their land and valuables.
What happened in 1538 is mysterious, particularly if you can accept that Marcos would be willing to deceive Spain for a greater cause, such as 'exalting the Lord's Holy Faith'. Let's speculate that in 1540, Marcos sent Coronado north up today's Rio San Francisco to Zuni, whereas in 1538, he actually continued east up the Rio Gila. If Marcos (following Estavanico) did indeed locate a rich and legendary gold deposit on his first visit, his known character indicates he may have been capable of withholding the information from the crown and claim the deposit for the Church - the 'Church of the Holy Faith', if you will. Could he have been a loose cannon, claiming the treasure for God?
Evidence? Rumors, of course. But good ones - a monster native gold deposit that provided monster caches in a variety of locations that straddle the 33rd parallel (Soledad Peak 1, Soledad Peak 2, Caballo Range, Santa Rita Mines vicinity, Gila/Salt vicinity), maybe more. The mystery of the settlement of Todos Santos on the upper Gila. The speculation that the Mother Lode is actually an Aztec site. And more.
The stone crosses? I don't have enough knowledge to offer an opinion of them, but as I said above - the inscription is interesting.
The Peraltas/Santa Fe, NM, connection? I don't see this association with the potential to generate the kind of gold volume speculated in the Kesselring account.
The Peralta Stone Maps? Seemingly something for everyone in them.
San Miguel Chapel in Santa Fe? Built when Onate settled northern NM, still looking for Cibola (even followed Coronado's route into the eastern plains). The oldest church in America. Destroyed and rebuilt.
Joe: what else?