Evidence supporting the theory that the LDM is North and not east.


I did manage to get out to the Sears-Kay area today to take some photos relevant to this post. Things did not go completely according to plan. I got a late start because I was hesitant to go because my back was bothering me. Despite that I did go but got a late start. As a result it was hot enough that my cell phone overheated and died before I made it to the area I really wanted to take photos form. With that in mind here are a few that are relevant.

These two photos represent Weavers Needle which is shown in the hazier of the two photos. In the clearer of the two photos is Pinacle Peak which was known as “Miners Needle”when Jacob Waltz was alive.

Both photos were taken seconds from each other an in the same exact spot only I rotated about 10 degrees from the first photo to take the second image.

This is Weavers Needle taken along the trail to the Sears Kay Ruin. For some reason the image of Miners Needle did not load so I will repost it.


This is what Pinicle Peak looks like from the same location as the image of Weavers Needle. It can be seen for significant portions of the valley and in particular for much of the distance along the Old Military road between Fort Mcdowel and the Sears-Kay Ranch. It was well known in Jacob Waltz’s day particularly amoung miners and was renamed as Weavers Needle became more popular, ironically because of the popularity of the Lost Dutchman Legend.


This is a photo of Four Peaks again with my feet in the same position as the previous two photos I just rotated my body a few degrees. Often these views are much clearer but it was hazy today an I could not help that.



This is Warrior Head as refered to in a previous post on this thread. While this is not the ideal angle to view it, it strongly resembles the head of a great warrior from some angles. It was a revered geological formation for the Apache and in fact this entire area was considered sacred.

This formation of rock is associated with the Thunder God which is one of the Waltz Clues.

This photo was also taken from the same spot as the other three photos and again I just roatated to take the photo.



This photo depicts the top of the hill at the Sears-Kay Indian ruin. It is where I was heading when my phone overheated and stopped working. If you look closely you an see a rock wall like structure that was part of the Hohokom Ruin that is located there. I tried waiting for my phone to cool but with Black jeans and standing in the hit sun even putting into my pocket did not cool it enough to function and I gave up. This is not the first time my phone has overheated. It has happened several times for some reason on this hill. In hot weather I seem to get off about ten shots which I did today.

Had it been working when I reached the top i could have and would have been able to photograph the area of the Sears-Kay ranch house and the Camp Creek was which runs right in front of it. If one were to continue along the wash you would come to the Sombrero Rock I posted earlier in this thread. While it is a decent hike it is walking distance from the ranch house. Without moving I could have photographed many things relative to this thread which have not been covered yet.

I will try to make it back there in the next few days.


Matthew Roberts had a ranch in Cave Creek region .
I believe he could make some imputs about your " Thunder God " boulder from your pic and the other landmarks and mines which you have mentioned here .

While I never met Mathew, as he was gone before I arrived I am aware of who he is. He once had a ranch between Spur Cross and Schoolhouse Road. The first house I stayed at in town was in this same area. I also looked at a house in exactly the same area of his ranch, perhaps it was on property that was formerly part of his ranch. When he lived here there where few houses along Flemming Springs. That is no longer the case. There were several mines located at one end of Fleming Springs and they shared a stamp mill which has since been moved to the town Museum.

The hills surrounding the area where he lived was full of mines a hundred or so years ago. The immediate area surrounding his ranch was once full of shabby shacks where miners lived.

I would love to hear what he has to say on the subject. I have not seen any posts by him since I joined.


Thanks for the pictures, Steve...I spent a lot of my boyhood out there with those very mountains on the horizon...brings back happy memories...is the steakhouse still up on Pinnacle Peak, and do they still cut your tie off if you wear one in there?

Gees I can not believe I spent time reading this B.S.

sgtda do you just set around & make this b.s. up. WOW

Too long of a read BLESS

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Just use mules & packs

My opinion based on my experience

I think the LDM was a pinch vein. A pinch vein is very rich at the surface, then as you go deeper and further, it pinches out. It is usually mined out very quickly. A one man operation, it could be completely mined out in a few years. I learned about this phenomena in the Cripple Creek district in the middle 1990's. All my mining plans were pushed aside by a huge mining company. You can learn a lot from reading 100 year old mining reports in a ghost town library.
A good metal detector going over the tailings of such an operation, should be able to pick up some rich ore. A nice piece of float found, should be recorded with a good GPS. That and a possible adit or shaft nearby would solve this legend. I have found some very rich ore here in Colorado, but it was always small samples.

Marius your English & penmanship is improving especially compared too the lost dutchman soothsayers I especially love the Wells Fargo manifest too San Francisco per Jacob Walsh & the carpenter that made a rocker box for Jacob Walsh. If their is a vein you do not need a rocker box. LOL LOL LOL

If your testing following placer to a vein and hit a good spot a dry washer comes in mighty handy. Especially in the desert.

sgtda do you just set around & make this b.s. up. WOW

Ink you have been warned multiple times about insulting members and you obviously are not listening to the warnings so maybe this will get your attention. On your return if you return post by our rules as timeouts will double when they are for the same offense.

You know, with all of the luck people have had to the south, I say we all meet in Payson and start digging, this weekend. Whom may I expect to see there?

I have been away from here for a while but still believe the ore under Jacobs bed came from the north.

While he had a claim in the Superstions three patented claims in the Bradshaw area, south of Prescott.

I don’t believe his ore came from any of the four.

I believe the ore originated in a patented mine called the Valencinna near Bumble Bee.

There is a long association between Jacob and Jack Swilling and a long connection between both and Miguel Peralta whose father was one of the original owners of the mine.

I believe Miguel lived on Jacobs property near the salt river for a period of time.

There was an article in the Phoenix Prospector about a year after Jacobs death describing a deal he had to recover gold ore hidden after a three day running gun battle with raiding Apache.

I believe the route traveled was the military road between the town of Bumble Bee and the Cave Creek mining district.

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