Evidence of KGC caches?


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What Happened to this $2 million Dollars of KGC Money ?

From: "Confederate Agent" by James D. Horan, 1954, page 34.

"...While Morgan led the remnants of his command along the dusty
roads, Justice Bullitt of Kentucky was meeting in Chicago with the
leaders of the Knights of the Golden Circle. He had word of a two-
minion-dollar Federal payroll captured by the Knights at Red River,
Arkansas, which would be used for the uprising. The leaders were so
confident of Morgan's victory that they decided at the meeting that
"only homes which fly the Confederate flag shall be spared from
burning. . . "

~Texas Jay

Hoss KGC said:
The world is full of differing opinions. You think Roush's book is better than Brewers, I on the other hand was sorry I wasted $20 on the book. However the bottom line is that neither book is going to lead you to KGC treasure. They don't give the information needed to do so.
Good luck,


I'm a little slow, but after a year and a half I have come to the same conclusion....these books will not on their own, lead you to a treasure. I'm still learning. ;D

BTW, for those of you that didn't know, cavers5 (who started this thread), has gone on into eternity.
I will miss visiting with her....she was a very nice lady.


:icon_thumleft: :coffee2: :read2: ;D YO, TW! Got Dr. Roy's books (3) on the KGC... GREAT stuff!
He is writing one on JESSE JAMES & THE KGC... gonna get THAT, too. Rt. ankle is "on the mend".
LIMITED "out-in-the field" work is in my future; NOT to worry. Will intensify my R & I on the "puter", and MAYBE create TREASURE HUNTERS UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINA, along the "lines of" HAWKEYE in the SW USA. NOT to get a "on-line" degree, but "info-sharing" pertaining to Virginia. Will have to check it out with UVA (University of Virginia) due to "copy-write" crap; I think old TJ would be PROUD, since he IS "connected to the BEALE TREASURE! LOL... :D :wink: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D

While doing research for our Bloody Bill Anderson Mystery group, I ran across this interesting account.

Indiana Treasure Hidden FROM the KGC.


This article gives an interesting account of John Morgan's and the KGC's raid
through Ripley County in 1863.


[Morgan's Raid Through Ripley County]

{ page image }

{Begin handwritten}Beliefs and Customs-Sketches{End handwritten}

Accession no.


Date received {Begin handwritten}10/10/47{End handwritten}

Consignment no.


Shipped from {Begin handwritten}Wash. office{End handwritten}


Amount {Begin handwritten}7-p{End handwritten}

WPA L. C. PROJECT {Begin handwritten}Writers'{End handwritten} UNIT

Form[md]3 {Begin handwritten}Folklore{End handwritten} Collection (or Type)

Title {Begin handwritten}Morgan's raid through Ribley County{End handwritten}

Place of origin {Begin handwritten}Batesville, Ind.{End handwritten} Date {Begin
handwritten}1938/39{End handwritten} {Begin handwritten}[(N.D.C)?]{End

Project worker {Begin handwritten}Lawrence McHenry{End handwritten}

Project editor


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Lawerence McHenry

Ripley County

District # 5

Morgan's Raid {Begin handwritten}[Indiana?] 1938-39{End handwritten}

Morgan's Raid Through Ripley County.

Reference---Mrs. Minnie Wycloff, Batesville, Indiana.

Morgan and his raiders entered Ripley from JenningsCounty on Sunday, July 13,
1863.. Their first stop was at Rexville in Shelby township, where a general
store was looted. From Rexville they marched to Versailles where they were met
at the new courthouse by a hurriedly summoned band of the militia and citizens.
The raiders seize the guns belonging to the militia and broke them against the
corner of the courthouse, which at that time was not completed. The Deputy
County Treasurer, B. F. Spencer had buried the county funds for safety from the
raiders. The treasurer's office was looted and it is {Begin inserted text}{Begin
handwritten}/{End handwritten}{End inserted text} reported that several thousand
dollars was taken by the raiders. Private citizens having funds or valuable
jewelry and silverware hid them in a safe place. Many housewives hung their
jewelry in the bean vines and other secret hiding places. Horses were hidden as
well as possible in advance of the raiders, as they constantly seize fresh
horses, leaving worn out nags, occasionally, in their stead. Housewives were
ordered to prepare meals for the marauding cavalry and feed was appropriated for
their animals, all available supplies were used or carried away. The detachment,
to be known forever in American history as Morgan's Raiders, did not march in a
compact body but followed a general course in scattered units, the central force
of about three thousand men, containing the leaders--John Morgan, and his two
lieutenants. Many interesting stories have been told of their behavior while in
this county. One of these was that Morgan's army stopped at a farm house and
were sleeping on the porch. The well at the farm house had been dipped dry for
the raiders and their horses. One of them asked a small boy at the farm


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to dip him a drink of water for which he would give the boy some marbles. The
Water was given for which he received a bountiful supply of marbles. Many years
later while he was in Louisville, Ky. on business he met the same donor of the
marbles and their acquaintance was renewed only in a different manner. Morgan
and his army passed through and had burned the bridge over laughry Creek and
Greasy Run. This art of the Morgan's raid is taken from John Robert's clippings
of the daily newspaper and is as follows: --"Morgan forced the father of John
Roberts to help roll the cars to the center of the bridges, after they had taken
him prisoner. He said that colonel Basil Duke gave orders to burn all railroad
property and to take what property from the citizens they needed {Begin inserted
text}{Begin handwritten}/{End handwritten}{End inserted text} for the army but
not to destroy private property. He said to Mr. Roberts, 'Old man if you could
only see our country, down south, how we have been driven from our homes and our
houses burned you might feel yourself lucky to have fallen into more generous
hands than those of the Yankees.'

Mr. Roberts replied, that, "I believe you are telling the truth, as I have tow
boys in the Union army, and if things are damaged as badly in the south as they
write home it must be terrible.

The Colonel said, 'We have not come here to destroy private property but to show
you boys that you are on the wrong side. We are here to give you people a chance
to help toward a good cause. We are very much in need of good horses. Our horses
were good but are worn out with rapid marching."

Basil Duke wrote a detailed account of the raid from his personal experiences
and the official records of the expedition, giving facts, figures, lists of
officers and {Begin inserted text}{Begin handwritten}/{End handwritten}{End
inserted text} men and a continuous narrative of the route and incidents of the
famous raid. It accomplished nothing of {Begin inserted text}{Begin
handwritten}/{End handwritten}{End inserted text} importance for the South.
Morgan had expected the Knights of the Golden Circle in southern


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Indiana to join him as Confederates and thus increase his force to a strength
that would aid him in capturing Indianapolis. In this expectation he was
entirely disappointed. Put to the test the "Butternuts" or the Copperheads"
failed to rally to his support. Instead his man {Begin inserted text}{Begin
handwritten}/{End handwritten}{End inserted text} were scattered, captured, and
lost by various mishaps every day of the hurried route of the fleeing raiders
through Indiana and Ohio.

From Versailles the raiders moved to [ilan?] and [Flerceville?]. [Straglers?]
spread throughout the entire county, looking for horses, food and valuables. One
group went to Napoleon via Osgood, from there to New Point in Decatur County.
Then back into Ripley County into Batesville and on to [unma?] where they
pitched camp for the night.

Batesville citizens of 1863, still remaining in the community, recall the five
or six dusty and frayed looking Confederate soldiers who rode into Hunterville
on the Newpoint road and ordered dinner at the tavern there. While waiting for
the meal to be prepared they observed another group of buildings farther east
along the C.C.C. & St. L. Railroad and learning this was a larger town known as
Batesville, cancelled their order for dinner and rode on in hope of getting
better fare. Perhaps they were not disappointed. There were five tall buildings
among lower ones in Batesville at that time. One was the newly built Boehringer
Hall, three stories above a basement floor. [Sat?] blue and white pigeons sat in
flocks on its roof. The hungry men in tattered gray uniforms shot a number of
the birds and feasted a little later at the expense of Mr. Boehringer and Mr. J.
Thomas, whose boarding house stood near the ambitious Boehringer Hall apartment,
office and boarding house combined. General Lew Wallace was encamped near
[unman?], north and west in the locality of [nnwtown?]. He


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had been ordered to Surman, just arailroad station and a few houses at that
time, to intercept Morgan's advance toward Indianapolis. He was camped there for
several days, arriving in Ripley County in advance of Morgan's raiders. There
must have been a few Knights of the Golden Circle who kept their vows of
loyality to the southern [Confederacy?] in spite offailure to enlist in the
invading army. Else Gen. Wallace should have been able to have captured the
fleeing Southern leader at his brief night camp three miles south of Sunman.
Five or six miles separated the camps, but Morgan was away across in Dearborn
County by New [Alsace?] and Harrison into Ohio before the Union leader learned
of his proximity.

The pursuing Union troops under Lieut. Edward Hobson rode hard after the raiders
the following day July 13, 1863 but the first Morgan and his equally dashing
lieutenants [Bisil?] Duke and Dick Morgan had all ready reached the Ohio river
beyond Cincinnati.

The raiders threw away smoked hams, looted from a meat curing plant at Dupont, a
bird cage or two, belts of cloth carried from the store, a little
country-general store at Rexville; tin [ware?], coffee-grinders, all kinds of
kitchen untinsels, drygoods and small groceries were strewn along the route of
the raiders as they "galloped and galloped on their way. Morgan, Morgan, the
raider, and Morgan's terrible men {Begin inserted text}{Begin handwritten}"{End
handwritten}{End inserted text} as {Begin inserted text}{Begin handwritten}/{End
handwritten}{End inserted text} characterized {Begin inserted text}{Begin
handwritten}(?){End handwritten}{End inserted text} in the poem "Kentucky
Belle"; The author of this poem overlooked the long ride through Indiana before
the raiders "swept into Ohio's cornfields", the deep green shoulder-high July
cornfields." Yet the longer part of this famous raid led across Crawford, Clark,
Jennings, Jefferson, Ripley and Dearborn Counties in Indiana.


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Pages of incidentsof the brief ride of Morgan's men and their brief rest in
Ripley County could be told and written from the stories of eye-witnesses and
participants among Ripley County citizens. A few Ripley County men were taken
along with the raiders as "guides" to the next point desirable to reach toward
Cincinnati, as the dash toward Indianapolis collapsaddinto flight. These men
were accused by their neighbors of being members of the "Butternut-Copperhead"
organizations, whether justly in any case was never proven. The routed
Homeguards and citizens at Versailles and in other counties avoided bloodshed by
their inability to oppose the marauders. The leaders of the raid were gallant
southern gentlemen at heart and brothers across the river of the people through
whose states they led their line of march. Southern Indiana was settled by men
from Kentucky and Virginia more largely than from [any?] other source. Back of
Kentucky's settlement they came from Pennsylvania, maryland and the Carolinas
into the blue-grass country of Daniel Boone. Blood Brothors of one race and one
country, they recognized each other when face to face.

At Versailles Col. Morgan Demanded the funds from the safe of the county
treasurer. The treasury was in charge of deputy, B. F. Spencer, who had safely
buried the county funds hours before Morgan arrived. He opened the safe and gave
the rebel leader the cash, $5000. A number of purses also lay in the safe. "What
are those?" inquired the raider.

"They are purses of money placed here by several widowed ladies for
safe-keeping," the gallant Spencer, of Kentucky blood, himself answered the
Confederate leader.


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"Keep them safe. I never robbed a widow yet", was Morgan's farewell word as he
ordered his men to remount and to ride, out of Versailles to the north and east
via Pierceville and Old Milan to the halting-place near the Dearborn-Ripley
county lines between Clinton and the railroad beyond which lay Gen. Wallace's
camp of Union soldiers. They fed from beef taken from Sunman farms and adjoining
neighbors. A few hours of galloping, a {Begin deleted text}fe{End deleted text}
{Begin inserted text}{Begin handwritten}few{End handwritten}{End inserted text}
hours of rest and sentries on the alert and Morgan had come and gone across
Ripley County; across southeastern Indiana, into Ohio, into the past, into
history. A day's march only, leaving the years only to piece together the local
accounts of his raid as an addition to lieutenant Basil Duke's graphic and
authentic record from the raider's own viewpoint. Wm. H. [o'Brien?] has written
a pamphlet on Dearborn County's part in this story. The Historical Society has
placed along the route [commommorative?] markers. At Rexville, Versailles, on
the Milan road at the Hassmer home, just north of Versailles; at Pierceville,
Old Milan at Governor Harding Home, and at St. Paul's Church south of Sunman,
the Ripley County markers show that "Colonel John Morgan passed here on July 12,
1863", Other markers are needed to tell the story of this incident to the

Col. John Morgan's famous raid into southern Indiana in July, 1863 was planned
as a parallel to Gen. Robert E. Lee's dash into Pennsylvania


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at the same period. One of the dates of world history, as well as civil war
history is the Gettysburg battle date, July 1, 2, and3, of 1863. Lincoln's
Gettysburg address, given a few months later at the dedication of the battle
field as nation cemetery, has immortalized the major offensive of the
Confederate armies in an effort to move the war by these invasions, into
northern territory. Morgan's raid is more famous in local historical records
than in national ones as it was of little importance and was considered by many
[a?] a more skermish for the glory of its leaders. The six thousand men of
Morgan's Cavalry command crossed the Ohio River into Indiana near Mauckport and
circumscribed a curve across southeastern Indiana and southwestern Ohio that was
more of a route rather than a raid. Morgan was followed by the Union Lieutenant
Colonel Edward Hobson with a detachment of infantry, About a twenty-four advance
was held by the confederates for most of the route until the main body of the
troops was captured, a [ramnant?] only escaping back across the Ohio River. The
raiders carried a few pieces of artillery which was never used. They robbed
farms, stores and dwellings of food supplies for men and horses, cash and in
some cases anything that could by carried away. Bird-cages, clocks, tin-ware,
bolts of cloth and such property, entirely useless to the raiders was included
in their loot and finally thrown away along the line of march as the raiders
were hourly pushed into a hurried disordered riot of escape from the pursuing
union soldier. Only a few civilians were fired upon by the raiders.


~Texas Jay

SWR said:
Jay...is the name of the article "Indiana Treasure Hidden FROM the KGC"....or, did you simply make that up? The link you gave does not go there, and does not acknowledge that title.

Also, the article you copy/pasted does not even mention the Knights of the Golden Circle. Did you make that up as well?

Lastly...have you come across some references or sources that show Morgan was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle yet? I'd hate to think all of this is just piffle to support your conspiracy theories.


SWR: Your reply is evidence that not only do you know nothing about research but also that you just plain can't read. The source is given at the top of my message which includes several references to the KGC. When you click on the link given, just enter the keywords "Knights of the Golden Circle" in the box provided.
~Texas Jay

I for one totally DDDetest these PI#$%NG contest that every forum gets in to just because of opinions every one has one whether they post or not that is the very reason a lot of us that so called LURK in the backgound never post and keep to ourselves and not share anything. Everyone can't be right and everyone can't be wrong or there would be NO CACHE's
for they would all be located and we would all be laying by the BEACH IN HIWIAII.no pun intended for those who might be lucky enough to live there.HAVE A GOOD DAY ALL. :thumbsup:

To answer the original question "However, my question is: How do we know, without a doubt, that we have a KGC cache and just didn't luck out and find somebody's stash instead???" and hopefully avoid all the other drama, I'll give my personal opinion. If I ever find a large hoard of buried gold & silver bars, coins, or whatever, I can promise you I won't care one little bit if it was hidden by the KGC, KGB, or members of the Mickey Mouse Club. And if that happens you'll never read about it here.. I honestly believe that most large stashes of hidden treasure that have been found have never been reported and at least some of the famous "lost treasures" have been found a long time ago.

I agree with that!!!!!

I would like all the treasurenet readers to keep Timberwolf, Proberod, and their families in your thoughts and prayers. They are each facing their own medical challenges and I'm sure they would be comforted to know that there are forum members thinking about them.

Hi okie. I will surely do that. Thank you for reminding us.
~Texas Jay

We have lost one of our own. Timberwolf "Tom" has passed away. I know that we all will miss him and the forums have lost a valued member. Please keep his family in your thoughts and prayers.

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