Here's a couple of mine. Headed to a mid 1600s site next week to find Mass silver #2
The spoons are prob the rarest that I've found but I'm pretty partial to the pine tree shilling. Some great stuff guys and I've found lots of really good friends on this forum. Good luck out there everyone
Stunning 13thC medieval heraldic harness shield pendant A medieval copper alloy horse harness pendant, shield-shaped, red enamel survives. Gules three owls ?Or/Argent. Possibly for Sir Richard BERMINGHAM, Gules three huits (owles in margin, L) Argent (Papworth 1874, rep. 1985, p. 329).
Stunning 13thC medieval heraldic harness shield pendant A medieval copper alloy horse harness pendant, shield-shaped, red enamel survives. Gules three owls ?Or/Argent. Possibly for Sir Richard BERMINGHAM, Gules three huits (owles in margin, L) Argent (Papworth 1874, rep. 1985, p. 329).