Everyone has an Old Park .... Here is Mine!!!


Full Member
Sep 1, 2006
Mishawaka Indiana
Detector(s) used
Minelab Explorer SE & Garrett Ace 250
First of all I found a first while on "the job". I looked down and found an Ipod Shuffle. It apparently belonged to "Ritchie Rich". I have since erase all the raunchy rap garbage out of it and now it is sitting empty on my desk. If you are interested in a cheap Ipod let me know. It does work - it has no earphones though.
Now down to business, seems here lately everyone has a story about the old parks in their hood so I decided it was time to tackle an empty park that covers about 80 acres. It has been around since the late 1800's and has been used for several different things. The fair grounds, an amusement park complete with rollercoaster, home of the South Bend Blue Sox (a womens baseball team), an above ground community swimming pool that doubled as a ice rink in the winter. I don't have any pictures of what it looked like before but this is now. Soon it will become dorms for I.U. of South Bend.
As for my hunt on the property, I kept getting these targets that were 6-8 in deep and showed up as half dollar or bigger. Then when I would dig it would get deeper or disappear or just never be found. It was close to freezing so I just didn't have the gumption to dig a hole to Japan. Any how as I was getting ready to leave I decided to hit an area on the otherside that looked good for fishing. i found a target right at the waters edge. As I started digging it was under a root and I finally got it out. i was surprised to see a coin, then I saw it was 1926 wheat and that made it sort of worth while. I also found this watch face plate in the same area. Showed it next to a watch that belonged to my grandmother for the heck of it!
Then today I was at my other park where I have found NOTHING older than a '59 Memorial (other than the 1876 Indian Head!!!!!). Anyhow I have been poking around there so much I have a lot of the trash cleaned out so I cranked up the sensitivity almost to the max today. In an area I have gone over before I found 2 more wheats. A '53 and a '57. Can't wait till tomorrow !!
Well thanks for looking and have a good hunt !!!!!

Mark (A.K.A. ivy_walls)

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search_and_find said:
Nice finds. Neat place to go.

[As for my hunt on the property, I kept getting these targets that were 6-8 in deep and showed up as half dollar or bigger. Then when I would dig it would get deeper or disappear or just never be found.]

Why does that happen. I had the same thing out in the woods at an old one room school house. It was driving my husband and son crazy...they were doing the digging.


if you find out let me know!!! i suppose that at my park there are possibly old buried service wires and that is what i am getting. at another park i kept digging the other day and found this big blue piece of sheet metal and there is something below that probably around 10-12 inch deep. it was about a foot sq and registered as a half dollar or bigger. all i can say is ????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ricardo_NY1 said:
If those wheats came out of there, it is almost a sure thing that there is also some silver. Does that water have Bass in it? :)

i dont really fish much but i do know there are salmon in there. in fact i have a creek in my back yard that runs into the st joseph river and in the late summer there are steelhead going upstream. it is crazy!!!! you can literally jump in and grab em. the water is usually only about a foot and a half deep.

80 Acres!!! Wow. It could take quite a while to cover all that ground. I'd definetly go back. Good luck and nice finds.

Hello, havent seen ya post in a whileguess youve been busy with reallife stuff,or have the lake effect snows been falling up there? Looks like you have a great place to hunt and huge! too. If you suspect filldirt has been moved into the area try and seek out places where you dont think would have been filled in. Maybe around the edges and I would definitely be hitting the area around that old football field,it smells like silver to me. As far as the mystery signals go Iwould bet you are getting falses from hot rocks. My Garrett used to give me those. They would show up as a good target but fairly deep,I'd dig some and they would go deeper when I finally think Ive dug the signal out of the hole it would vanish or be nulled out,very frustrating. Dont give up on the area though persistance pays in the end...Shoot

shootist said:
Hello, haven't seen ya post in a whileguess you've been busy with reallife stuff,or have the lake effect snows been falling up there? Looks like you have a great place to hunt and huge! too. If you suspect filldirt has been moved into the area try and seek out places where you dint think would have been filled in. Maybe around the edges and I would definitely be hitting the area around that old football field,it smells like silver to me. As far as the mystery signals go Iwould bet you are getting falses from hot rocks. My Garrett used to give me those. They would show up as a good target but fairly deep,I'd dig some and they would go deeper when I finally think Ive dug the signal out of the hole it would vanish or be nulled out,very frustrating. Dint give up on the area though persistence pays in the end...Shoot

Yes I agree with Shootist. I believe you are hearing the sound of hot rocks. Maybe three are cinders in the area and they too will give you false signals. Best thing to do with your ACE 250 is kinda double click the pinpoint button. Try to get a really close, in tight signal. If it really is a Half Dollar reading, the signal won't be big like a beer can. Also turn your sensitivity back, to around 3 or 4 notches. You might also try hunting in the coin mode.

I would definitely look around the edges of where the new soil is. Look for the top soil. If you find good top soil, your in an area you want to really hit hard. Slow down and really put some effort into your hunting. Check all your signals in an area like this. Anything that sounds good dig it. Look for old grass, and an area that kinda slopes down from the rest of the area. That is probably where the old soil is.

Get out there and hunt. I know next week is going to be cold, but try your luck anyway. If they are going to build on this site, see if you can get permission to hunt it while they are working on the site. Go there after they have left and check the site where they have taken soil away.

Good Luck, these are all comments from a ACE 250 hunter. I also use a SunRay Probe on my detector. It really is a great help in locating coins after the hole is dug.

HH, Ringfinder

Good luck on the coins. Check the back part of the stadium also if there is an area to check back there, as those sitting at the top may have had money slip out of their pockets and fall to the bottom in the back.

Sounds real promising. You may also be experiencing what is called a Halo. From what I have heard is that there may have been a metal object there at one time and not there now. ( ie. Someting rusted away) and there is sill a Halo still present which gives a false reading. Once you dig the area and you disturb that area, the halo dissapears or is broken up and machine reads nothing. I am no expert but this is how it was explained to me. If any one else can explain it, please expand on this . I have encountered this several times as well and yes it is frustrating, Thanks Art...

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