Ever wonder what the coin facility guys think of the half dollar orders?


Bronze Member
Aug 28, 2009
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White's MXT
I just wondered with all the new CRHers out there.. I wondered what the delivery guys thought about all the boxes of halves they have to deliver. I wonder if they know about it or just wonder why the hell are people ordering these things and that they have to deliver them all the time. I guess if they're smart enough, they could figure it. I know that my order one day had a lot of coins they ordered on their own along with mine and needless to say.. the delivery guy was not happy.

I just know that I would be curious about it if I was a delivery guy for Brinks.. etc. Anyone ask their couriers about it.. like how many halves boxes they deliver a week?

Maybe just a dumb topic to bring up but I just felt like posting something.

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My wonder is how much longer are the tellers gonna stay in the dark ? Im thankful every time a "teller" asks ......" what is the intrest is the in half dollars ? " , it shows me at least my competition is good at not letting the cat out of the bag.

never ever tell a teller why you hunt halfs --all you do if you do so is create a "silver snatcher" who will make sure that any loose silver halfs will never come your way (why should they pass a $5 40 % ers or $13 90% silver halfs to you --when they can "profiet from it" --would you?)-- if a person is dumb to your benefiet $ - do NOT educate them . or else the gravy train will come to a screeching halt. -- if asked -- I just say to the teller that I'm a coin collector / its my "hobby" ,-- (yep I "collect" silver coins and cash em in --that part I do not say :wink:)

The tellers at my half dollar supply bank just asked- after 17 boxes I have ordered from them, "What are you doing with all these half dollars?"

My response: I collect the newer shiny ones as well as some of the good shape older ones, just a hobby of mine, I am trying to fill a book with all dates." I am not lieing, I also collect those old beat up ones as well as long as they have silver content in them :-X

They even asked me if there were specific dates that they could save for me when half dollars come into the bank. I told them I will buy them all(not going to say save all 1970 and older)... Also said I would buy all weird coins except those golden dollars. The tellers are now saving for me, though whenever I go to that bank, they never have loose halves/large dollars. My area ia dry with the loose halves since there are SEVERAL free coin counters in my area- they all go there.

In my area, it's all over with already.
The tellers almost all know about silver; some don't know which ones to look for.
But I've never ever found any silver in loose halves or dimes.
Therefore I always ask for "rolls of half dollars or rolls of dimes". :icon_pirat:

most likely thinking.. "these boxes are so heavy, why must the bank have to order 10 of these every time we have to deliver?" other than that, it is their job. They get paid to deliver them so maybe no thought comes across their mind.

What comes across the tellers mind when someone comes in to pick up their weekly order of 10 boxes of halves?-- My last box of halves had plenty of enders in it, and just so happens the box got cut open(and was taped back together by the vault manager) when the deliverers dropped the box on the floor. by the cut in the box, the first roll I pulled out was a 2008s proof ender... Don't you think that would stand out, if not, curiosity would kick in and someone would know somethings weird about the "shiny" coin?

I could be totally wrong about this, but I have thought about it, and I wonder if the coin facitilty companies actuall appreciate what we do (for the most part) because it creates more of a clear need for them as far as the banks, CU's are concerned.... In other words, is it possible that because of us (coin roll hunters) there is more of a clear need, or more of a value for these services???

They aren't stupid, they know exactly what we're doing. One of my order banks told me that when they call in my orders for halves the person at Dunbar says... "Ohhh, someone's looking for silver!"

I used to work for an armored car service 20 years ago and I will tell you that for me (and, I think, most of the other drivers), the 'allure' of dealing with money goes away within the first couple of shifts. The bags are no different than bags of dirt and the boxes were just a heavy nuisance. You never get to see the inside of any bag or box unless you've screwed up (torn or dropped) and even then you're more concerned with violating policy than with what you're looking at.

Except the time the Fed shut down early and we had to store $6+ MM in bills overnight in our facility. For our insurance company to cover it, we HAD to count it (typically, you are just transporting a sealed bag 'said to contain $XX'). We made a throne of that #$%& and sat on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Brinks facility here was obviously not amused by it. I've talked to a few banks here that get serviced by Brinks and they all told me that Brinks started to refuse half dollar orders after someone was loading up.

Not sure who services my CU, but it's not Brinks. Even then I only get one box every two weeks. Even if I wanted to do more, my job and family prevent me from doing so.

I was a little taken back this past Wednesday when I went to pick up my two boxes.

The Brinks guy was delivering the order, and walked out of the vault and said "So, your the guy, huh?"

Supposedly the vault teller and the Brinks guy have a running joke about him complaining about everything. I kind of feel like he was partially joking with me...but I think he was a little serious too.

I was told the delivery guy at my order bank is not a happy camper. They switched drivers but this guy is especially not happy with half dollars.

To the delivery driver:
Dude.. you signed up for the job..you know that you will be transporting money... what else do you expect? Carrying pillows around? Just cancel your gym membership.

Also, after watching the video of what it looks like in a coin sorting facility, that job would get real old. I saw those workers putting rolls into boxes. At first one would think that it would cool to work at a coin sorting facility so you can at least see where the silver is at but then again in seeing the video.. that job would get old real quick. After staring at all those rolls all day.. I would go crazy. You also don't get to do anything even if you do spot a silver in a roll because you have a ton of other rolls to package. Tough job.

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