And truth1253, make sure you count the cost with the needed accessories and spare parts. And this applies to any machine ever made. Nothing like going on a digging adventure and leaving something at the house, or smashing it in the car door, or it breaking. I always take extra headphones, chargers, (cables or batteries, whichever applies), and an extra coil for each machine. Never been let down, but it does get expensive to do it right. And I do break stuff. I'm pretty good at that. Has to do with snaking a coil in a briar patch, then having to pull it back out, having the machine slide off the support tree and go whump! and break a wire, the occasional sudden downpour, falling into a stupid hole and working another cable free, broken cable on headphones (Note to self: it is better to CARRY the headphones securely when crossing a main road with traffic coming at you at 60 mph than to cross the road and have the headphones BOUNCE along behind you because you were trying not to get splattered by an oncoming truck,and did not STOP to pick them up). Delaware 1 along the ocean is a trip. That's what I'm referring to, and I only dropped and bounced them across the highway twice, FYI. Or maybe three or four times. But they only broke once! I love those Grey Ghosts! Now my Deus has no cables, so breaking it has not been easy to do. Only thing I broke all by myself was the charging clip, but I bought four to have on hand, so no biggie. I miss the broken cable days. Not really. Has the fun started? I almost never drink coffee. Can you tell I had a BIG coffee a couple hours ago?