Equinox Technologies Part 1

I think its more about "please don't stop buying our most expensive detectors". Once I get my EQ, I'll be doing head to head comparisons against CTX to find out the truth.
And I for one am looking forward to those head to head comparisons. I hope it smokes the old technology, but I don't think it will just because you don't want to cut your own throat as a business and put out an 800 dollar detector that makes your 1500 + detectors obsolete. If your hand was forced to, then maybe, but minelab is killing it with all the models they have.

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And I for one am looking forward to those head to head comparisons. I hope it smokes the old technology, but I don't think it will just because you don't want to cut your own throat as a business and put out an 800 dollar detector that makes your 1500 + detectors obsolete. If your hand was forced to, then maybe, but minelab is killing it with all the models they have.

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Looking at the Equinox screen it doesn't appear to have dual axis target ID conductivity/ferrous. It may not have the editable discrimination patterns FBS machines have, they left some FBS features off. The thing is the features the Equinox does offer lightweight machine, improved target ID at depth, waterproof, those are so huge people like me might actually give up those more advanced FBS features or at least keep our old FBS machines for occasional use.

Not sure why people keep trying to compare it to 3030, it doesn't have near the depth of 3030, no target trace/ target pinpoint, no fe/co numbers, uses TIDs, I don't use the GPS but many do. It want replace the excal either.

Now with that said there is still real good chance I will buy one just to play with it to see what it's abilities and limits are. I own 7 Minelabs already, what is one more Minelab.

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Not sure why people keep trying to compare it to 3030, it doesn't have near the depth of 3030, no target trace/ target pinpoint, no fe/co numbers, uses TIDs, I don't use the GPS but many do. It want replace the excal either.

Now with that said there is still real good chance I will buy one just to play with it to see what it's abilities and limits are. I own 7 Minelabs already, what is one more Minelab.

Because a lot of people own CTXs and they want to know how the new kid on the block compares regardless of the company line. Hell, people are comparing every detector to every other detector even when they are absolutely nothing alike. At least this comparison is within the same brand designed for the same roles.

I own a 3030 and tested the proto Equinox in test garden that is over 2 years old, it was no where near as deep as the 3030 in the same test garden, stock coil to stock coil. 3030 in manual sense usually 18-24.

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I own a 3030 and tested the proto Equinox in test garden that is over 2 years old, it was no where near as deep as the 3030 in the same test garden, stock coil to stock coil. 3030 in manual sense usually 18-24.

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I didn't think the nox hit too hard on targets in the video I saw. Granted, alot of fine tuning still needs to be done before its a finished product, which is why I am holding off purchasing. They made some heavy claims on it, so I hope it lives up to the hype.

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Minelab is very business savvy. Why would they create a more cost effective machine that would replace a cash cow?

They went after the $750-899 detectors of their competition. I guess one company will not hit MAXX profits as a result of the hard NOX business acumen of Minelab Marketing .

It also took a swing at the ultra light detectors like the XP Deus Lite. This would address all the potential customers who have quite loudly stated that even if the minelab machines are well balanced they weigh more then 880 grams.

I would be curious to see the weight of the Equinox.

Cheers :occasion14:

Water Scoop

Minelab is very business savvy. Why would they create a more cost effective machine that would replace a cash cow?

They went after the $750-899 detectors of their competition. I guess one company will not hit MAXX profits as a result of the hard NOX business acumen of Minelab Marketing .

It also took a swing at the ultra light detectors like the XP Deus Lite. This would address all the potential customers who have quite loudly stated that even if the minelab machines are well balanced they weigh more then 880 grams.

I would be curious to see the weight of the Equinox.

Cheers :occasion14:

Water Scoop
Weight is approx. 2.8 lbs

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I own a 3030 and tested the proto Equinox in test garden that is over 2 years old, it was no where near as deep as the 3030 in the same test garden, stock coil to stock coil. 3030 in manual sense usually 18-24.

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If this is true -- if it is "nowhere near as deep as the 3030," then that's concerning. Not that it has to be exactly as deep, but if it is "not even close," as you are saying, then I won't own this machine for long.

With that said, I strongly doubt that this will be the case, once the final version is released. Many, many other units -- including the Deus (which Minelab is clearly "aiming at") are already as deep as, or in many cases deeper than, FBS, they just don't ID at depth nearly as well -- making FBS units "effectively deeper." And we've been told, at least by Minelab, that this machine will offer great ID with depth. So, unless that's pure marketing deception, and nothing more, I'm having a hard time believing that Minelab's engineers have created a "new technology," that they jumped out of a plane at Detectival to announce, that they claim will "obsolete single frequency units," and yet what they have built will be "not even close" to the CTX, depth-wise.

This also contradicts to at least some degree Brandon Neice's take on the unit, as well as some of the depth testing I have seen done on the unit in several videos (though none of these are necessarily "the gospel," of course).

What mode were you running it in? Multi, or single? What targets? Very mild soil, I assume, given that you are in Florida? What depth were the targets it could not hit?


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Minelab would have been better if it wasn't "almost ready" to have had pictures at detectival and not have prototypes that have limited performance for people to try out. I don't doubt their finished product will be different than these prototypes. They have made some hefty claims so it will probably be a really good detector. If not, they will have egg on their face. I don't see that happening. Now minelab, don't make me eat my words.......

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Well i thought it was going to be a deep detector but if it is just another VLF and only as deep as them . I guess i might not want one and it will more than likely turn some others away from buying the Equinox.

With that said, I strongly doubt that this will be the case, once the final version is released. Many, many other units -- including the Deus (which Minelab is clearly "aiming at") are already as deep as, or in many cases deeper than, FBS, they just don't ID at depth nearly as well -- making FBS units "effectively deeper." And we've been told, at least by Minelab, that this machine will offer great ID with depth. So, unless that's pure marketing deception, and nothing more, I'm having a hard time believing that Minelab's engineers have created a "new technology," that they jumped out of a plane at Detectival to announce, that they claim will "obsolete single frequency units," and yet what they have built will be "not even close" to the CTX, depth-wise.

I had the same thoughts Steve. Plenty of other detectors available are close to the CTXs performance, just not that last bit the gives the edge. To claim "not even close" is just a bald-faced lie.

I hope it's not just sales hype. I personally needed a water machine that is top of the line at a decent, affordable price.
Not a mid level go find.
I will hold off selling my other detectors until the Equinox is put through its paces.

I had the same thoughts Steve. Plenty of other detectors available are close to the CTXs performance, just not that last bit the gives the edge. To claim "not even close" is just a bald-faced lie.
In all metal using 10" coil on my excal I can hit targets at 18", I was not getting 18" close to 18 on the equinox proto model.

Jason I don't appreciate the "bold face lie" comment, it also violates our rules.

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In all metal using 10" coil on my excal I can hit targets at 18", I was not getting 18" close to 18 on the equinox proto model.

Jason I don't appreciate the "bold face lie" comment, it also violates our rules.

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wait, wait, wait.... You are saying because you ONCE hit an 18" quarter with your excal (which I did comparable today on the beach with my CTX) and because you didn't hit 18" with the prototype EQ that means the EQ is "no where near as deep"?

That is the worst type of comparison. You can't claim a find or lack of find today has any relation to previous days. Unless you are using both detectors, same day, same undisturbed targets then that isn't a fair test.

Lastly, just because I hit a super deep quarter on a florida beach has no bearing on how it responds in the soil back in Oklahoma. Same target, same soil, same day is the only comparison.

wait, wait, wait.... You are saying because you ONCE hit an 18" quarter with your excal (which I did comparable today on the beach with my CTX) and because you didn't hit 18" with the prototype EQ that means the EQ is "no where near as deep"?

That is the worst type of comparison. You can't claim a find or lack of find today has any relation to previous days. Unless you are using both detectors, same day, same undisturbed targets then that isn't a fair test.

Lastly, just because I hit a super deep quarter on a florida beach has no bearing on how it responds in the soil back in Oklahoma. Same target, same soil, same day is the only comparison.

It was not once and it was not at a beach. It was testing in a coin garden over 2.5 years old with coins buried at depths of 6, 9, 12, 15, 18 and 24 inches.

I also stated in my post the test was based on the "proto" equinox, who knows what the abilities of the release model will be.

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I have a test garden in my back yard (several acres so well away from any houses).

I cleared the area of any signals first and then dig holes at 6 inches.

Put in all sorts of targets- pull tab flat, pull tab up. Bottle cap flat, bottle cap up. Penny flat, penny up. Same for nickles, dimes, quarters.. then coins with nails, silver with nails.

Guess what?

Ctx won’t hit any of it at 6 inches in my soil, regardless of setting or coil size (I own all three).

So yea- different areas can make a huge difference.

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I have a test garden in my back yard (several acres so well away from any houses).

I cleared the area of any signals first and then dig holes at 6 inches.

Put in all sorts of targets- pull tab flat, pull tab up. Bottle cap flat, bottle cap up. Penny flat, penny up. Same for nickles, dimes, quarters.. then coins with nails, silver with nails.

Guess what?

Ctx won’t hit any of it at 6 inches in my soil, regardless of setting or coil size (I own all three).

So yea- different areas can make a huge difference.

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Wow. You Must have terrible soil. What state do you live in, Virginia maybe??

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I have a test garden in my back yard (several acres so well away from any houses).

I cleared the area of any signals first and then dig holes at 6 inches.

Put in all sorts of targets- pull tab flat, pull tab up. Bottle cap flat, bottle cap up. Penny flat, penny up. Same for nickles, dimes, quarters.. then coins with nails, silver with nails.

Guess what?

Ctx won’t hit any of it at 6 inches in my soil, regardless of setting or coil size (I own all three).

So yea- different areas can make a huge difference.

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We're you hunting in auto or manual sense, what settings? How long after burying targets did you wait before testing depths?

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I own the 3030 and I wouldnt mind trying the Equinox just for the sake of having a lighter detector.

5hr+ beach hunts do add a toll in the end of the day.

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