I have the commercial variety of Abobe Premier Pro CC 2017, the latest and greatest. I rent the entire package. Ain't cheap, but we do cool stuff like 6 levels of sound, smoke coming out of muzzleloaders that were never fired, a ship created in my basement complete with it sinking, cg fiery meteors, noise reduction, noise addition, splitting hairs on "film", adding items together to fit filmed YEARS apart, voice overs, special effects, blue screens, green screens, people simply disappearing in front of you, changing the color of the sky, speeding up the footage, car chases, car accidents, fishing scenes with real fish, slowing down the footage, the 2nd Coming, WWII soldiers capturing Germans - 5' from the back door of a friend's house, a Civil War camp in my front lawn, all that fun stuff. Boy, sometimes the neighbors just stare and stare and stare. I can post a link to a youtube of one from the French and Indian War if you'd like. Fun and exhausting to make.