Equinox Headphones And Water

then I ain't like most people and I felt deceived. I do a bit more than just splash water on it and they claim all this waterproofness. I love the machine not the fake advertising that makes me believe I'm gonna jump in the water with it out of the box.
Sorry I hurt your feelings V by calling them out ...but you ain't taking it out of the box and even splashing water in that port much less wading. And like I said I'm probably the only guy who doesn't use phones at all !! I can here it just fine underwater and above.....it would be less deceiving to just say machine can be made waterproof with the additional purchase of waterproof headphones !! Super simple !! V you don't have to worry about me being unfair to the EQX I'm a huge fan and have proven that post after post after post.....just don't be vague with the advertising and put it in the print for all to read that you must purchase headphones separately to make it waterproof !!

And many machines that claim to be waterproof do come with waterproof headphones so why some and not others ?? Especially when you could ?? Whites surfmaster, excal, fisher cz. I'm calling them out because they claim waterproof but its not until you purchase another product. !! It will fail in the water with stock phones if the port submerges...at that point it won't work in the water unless you close the port. Underwater most cannot hear the external speaker rendering it useless underwater. If I owned any of those others I would call them out too. Its false advertising to claim something is waterproof out of the box only to find out with no notice that its not waterproof until I modify it with an additional purchase. Its simple it doesn't work underwater with the phones they give you !! I'm not batching about the machine....I'm crushing it....just be forward and tell us it ain't waterproof until you make it that way....or just ship it out LIKE MANY OTHERS ready to go out of the box....no wasted time and money figuring it out !! Right !!

Your honestly going to compare the Excal And CZ to the Nox? Those machines are rated at 200'+ and sell for $1200‐$1500. That's exactly what we were saying. If you want full waterproof and waterproof headphones included pay the price. You are the one that made the choice to buy the Nox.

then I ain't like most people and I felt deceived. I do a bit more than just splash water on it and they claim all this waterproofness. I love the machine not the fake advertising that makes me believe I'm gonna jump in the water with it out of the box.
Sorry I hurt your feelings V by calling them out ...but you ain't taking it out of the box and even splashing water in that port much less wading. And like I said I'm probably the only guy who doesn't use phones at all !! I can here it just fine underwater and above.....it would be less deceiving to just say machine can be made waterproof with the additional purchase of waterproof headphones !! Super simple !! V you don't have to worry about me being unfair to the EQX I'm a huge fan and have proven that post after post after post.....just don't be vague with the advertising and put it in the print for all to read that you must purchase headphones separately to make it waterproof !!

This isn't about being fair to the Equinox. I couldn't care less whether you love it or hate it or both. Don't worry, I don't have "feelings" for hobby toys like detectors, believe it or not, and am not beholden to any brand or model.

Bayoutalker beat me to it. You are comparing a Lexus to a Honda. Let me be clear, nothing in the same price and submersion depth class as the Equinox (I already pointed out the other examples) includes waterproof headphones as standard and that does nothing to undermine their claims of being waterproof to 10 feet or 3 meters. And as you are an experienced dive detectorist, I know you know the difference. Requiring these "budget" WP detectors to include WP headphones before you can advertise them as WP would be bad business as it would drive up the price beyond that which would be attractive to the majority of the target customer base. As a matter of fact, I would rather get a decent set of third party waterproof phones (and have done that - custom made by Tony Eisenhower) rather than "included" OEM WP phones that tend to be inferior or cheap (but still expensive).

Frankly, I think as far as waterproof claims, it is apparent that the Equinox is a miss and it is not because of the exclusion of WP headphones. There is definitely something not right about either the design, manufacturing quality, or both based on all the water intrusion reports that seem to be increasing in frequency as the Equinox ages. So while I agree with you that ML calling the Equinox waterproof is probably a stretch based on the actual field experience, it really has nothing to do with whether they included WP phones, as no other"waterproof" detectors in the same price/depth class do either.

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Yup I own all three....love them all !! They all claim to be waterproof regardless of depth rating. Take the excel out of the box and jump in....take the cz out of the box and jump in....take the eqx out of the box oh wait you can't go in the water till you make it waterproof with an additional purchase. I call that a lie.....sorry....I didn't know that all machines rated to ten feet require additional purchases to make them waterproof. Was there a notice put out i missed ?? I've never exceeded any waterproof limits on this machine and it still failed....and I still fixed it and I still regularly submerge mine and I still will use it in the shallows....I didn't buy the wrong machine.....I have all the ones youve mentioned....I wasn't born yesterday....how come they don't tell you up front that you will have to make another purchase to get in the water....its deceptive and not totally truthful to make some one believe that they can open the box and put it together and get it wet....you can't and had they been upfront and made the customer aware of that.....well then I would have ordered a set of waterproof phones at the same time....LIKE I SAID ....I love the machine.....I love it so much I couldn't even wait for the phones and by the time I was gonna get some, I had already figured out I didn't need them. So what do I care about phones at all....I'm talking about marketing.....they are not making it known that this machine is only water resistant at the purchase price of 650(in my case) and an additional pair of phones to make it waterproof will run the price up another 150$ i don't like that deception....and I wouldn't like it from any company !! And guess what no matter how much you guys think I'm whining and being unfair I'm entitled to that view. I think there deceptive in the marketing by not explaining this up front....and I think they know that.....remember I'm only stating an opinion everyone has there own !!

I'm sure you can find a dealer that will sell you one with the waterproof phones included for about $1200.

haaaa haa....your funny !! Hahaha ha !!:laughing7: I don't know if I mentioned this in every post I just wrote but I'll give it another go.....I DONT USE PHONES IN THE WATER.
My point is there saying this thing is waterproof and making it seem that you can get in the water with this machine straight out of the box for 650....its a lie....you will have to make an additional purchase for 150 driving the price to 800. That is not being up front with the consumer. So you see its not the lack of phones for me its the marketing deception that make me mad.....like I said I'm probably 1 in a thousand that can hear and differentiate the difference in tones underwater so I'm fine.

If you don't use phones in the water what are you complaining about? It shouldn't matter if they are included or not.

Yup I own all three....love them all !! They all claim to be waterproof regardless of depth rating. Take the excel out of the box and jump in....take the cz out of the box and jump in....take the eqx out of the box oh wait you can't go in the water till you make it waterproof with an additional purchase. I call that a lie.....sorry....I didn't know that all machines rated to ten feet require additional purchases to make them waterproof. Was there a notice put out i missed ?? I've never exceeded any waterproof limits on this machine and it still failed....and I still fixed it and I still regularly submerge mine and I still will use it in the shallows....I didn't buy the wrong machine.....I have all the ones youve mentioned....I wasn't born yesterday....how come they don't tell you up front that you will have to make another purchase to get in the water....its deceptive and not totally truthful to make some one believe that they can open the box and put it together and get it wet....you can't and had they been upfront and made the customer aware of that.....well then I would have ordered a set of waterproof phones at the same time....LIKE I SAID ....I love the machine.....I love it so much I couldn't even wait for the phones and by the time I was gonna get some, I had already figured out I didn't need them. So what do I care about phones at all....I'm talking about marketing.....they are not making it known that this machine is only water resistant at the purchase price of 650(in my case) and an additional pair of phones to make it waterproof will run the price up another 150$ i don't like that deception....and I wouldn't like it from any company !! And guess what no matter how much you guys think I'm whining and being unfair I'm entitled to that view. I think there deceptive in the marketing by not explaining this up front....and I think they know that.....remember I'm only stating an opinion everyone has there own !!

It says right on the Equinox box that waterproof phones are sold separately as an accessory just like the additional coils and the headphone 1/4" adapter. Even shows a picture of them. The manual which can be obtained online BEFORE purchase also shows this information as well as the specs on the ML page for the 600 which states: "Headphones (included)
Wired 3.5mm (1/8") headphones (non waterproof)"
I mean ML is really not hiding anything pre-purchase as far as I can tell.

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Another thing.....people think that when I say snorkeling I'm somehow going deeper than any other traditional shallow water wader. I've never exceeded 8 feet with either EQX. I will often snorkel detect in less than 2 feet......where most people would wade or walk. This is my style....I would rather snorkel than wade with a scoop here in the keys....its the way we do it down here for many reasons that would take up another whole thread......from government cut to Fernandina and beyond you can wade and use a scoop in the soft sand...that sh!t don't fly in the keys its a very different world compared to Miami Beach. But you still can't effectively hunt any deeper than head deep.....absolutely no difference in depth that can be hunted.

Another thing.....people think that when I say snorkeling I'm somehow going deeper than any other traditional shallow water wader. I've never exceeded 8 feet with either EQX. I will often snorkel detect in less than 2 feet......where most people would wade or walk. This is my style....I would rather snorkel than wade with a scoop here in the keys....its the way we do it down here for many reasons that would take up another whole thread......from government cut to Fernandina and beyond you can wade and use a scoop in the soft sand...that sh!t don't fly in the keys its a very different world compared to Miami Beach. But you still can't effectively hunt any deeper than head deep.....absolutely no difference in depth that can be hunted.

Believe me, Bart, I can tell you are using the Equinox in spec. The detector has been reported to fail after several hours of in-water usage, as well as first dunkings - so that points more towards design rather than manufacturing quality issues. I know people whose detector failed simply while rinsing it off after a day of water detecting. So something is definitely going on with some Equinoxes not living up to spec. ML is replacing them under warranty, no questions asked, for now. What happens when the initial warranties start expiring early next calendar year? That will be an interesting time. If you really do like Equinox for certain types of water hunting, I would suggest getting a "backup" near the end of the warranty period and either selling your old detector or keeping it around as the "backup" after its warranty expires. Good luck out there.

.that 20/20 is hind sight V never had the luxury of a box in front of me and never had access on line to that info.....like I said....they don't go out of there way to make it known. I read as much as I could before purchase and did not see it....it shouldn't be hidden in a manuel it should be well known ahead of time. I'll take blame for not seeing that in the manuel.....most people read the manuel when the product comes.....its still really bad practice in my opinion to not include everything at the time of purchase so there can be no confusion. The fact of the matter is that they claim to be waterproof and there not when you get it !! Thats just the facts !!

Believe me, Bart, I can tell you are using the Equinox in spec. The detector has been reported to fail after several hours of in-water usage, as well as first dunkings - so that points more towards design rather than manufacturing quality issues. I know people whose detector failed simply while rinsing it off after a day of water detecting. So something is definitely going on with some Equinoxes not living up to spec. ML is replacing them under warranty, no questions asked, for now. What happens when the initial warranties start expiring early next calendar year? That will be an interesting time. If you really do like Equinox for certain types of water hunting, I would suggest getting a "backup" near the end of the warranty period and either selling your old detector or keeping it around as the "backup" after its warranty expires. Good luck out there.

Yup.....like I said for me its like a good hammer or tool....when I've paid it off I don't feel bad shelling out the money for a new replacement especially when they do such a great job. Minelab has been good to me on many levels and warrantee work has been good....knowing what I know now...I would get another one...even as good as the excal is I've had to send them back and have had knobs fall off and freeze and all the other cracked cables and what not thats common to them. No machine lasts forever and I do like having 2 in case one goes down. Plus that whole 150 dollar set of phones cost them 75 to manufacture so throw them in and charge me 725 for the machine. And I'm saying this as if I need headphones. Knowing that I can here the machine like I can undewater.....I'd be happy if the sold it to me for 550 with no phones at all.

I'm thinking of getting an Equinox 800, primarily for water hunting. Will the supplied headphones work in the water or do I need special ones?

Thank you,

you need special ones.

.that 20/20 is hind sight V never had the luxury of a box in front of me and never had access on line to that info.....like I said....they don't go out of there way to make it known. I read as much as I could before purchase and did not see it....it shouldn't be hidden in a manuel it should be well known ahead of time. I'll take blame for not seeing that in the manuel.....most people read the manuel when the product comes.....its still really bad practice in my opinion to not include everything at the time of purchase so there can be no confusion. The fact of the matter is that they claim to be waterproof and there not when you get it !! Thats just the facts !!

If I am going to plunk down several hundred for anything, even a toy like a metal detector, I do the research first. Like I said, it really wasn't a secret. I knew the score several weeks before the Equinox was even released as it is something I DO check for based on my experience with researching the other said detectors that do not come with waterproof phones. I even did the dive on that headphone adapter which also states that while the plug part that goes into the Equinox is WP but the 1/4" adapter jack is not and will leak and corrode if exposed to salt water. The manual even explicitly talks about the interference that might occur if water leaks into the headphone jack on the detector (that you experienced). If I have any beef with detector marketing its with "waterproof" claims when only the "coil" itself is waterproof or "weatherproof" provided the included "rain protector" is attached (Vanquish). But waterproof headphones on the lower tier "waterproof" detectors, never an expectation they are included. But that's just me I suppose. GL HH

If you don't use phones in the water what are you complaining about? It shouldn't matter if they are included or not.

it doesn't matter to me what matters to me is that they don't decieve people other than me into thinking there gonna buy this machine and unbox it and use it in the water....there not unless they have exceptional hearing like myself or spend another 150 !! Thats all bayou no animosity toward you or V for your opinions....I like the nox....I don't like there advertising......if all this is so easy to find out then this original post wouldn't even be up here....which means that after all this time out there people are still unsure about the phones.....people are still asking because as easy as V makes it sound to find that out......people are still asking about this and they shouldn't have to dig for info that should be easily seen and known before purchase.


Why would the minelab supplied headset not work if detector underwater? There are no additional plugs being used. Should work just fine.
You see....thats what alot of people assume. Who in there right mind would market something as waterproof, but then put the wrong headphones in there so it can't be used in the water out of the box. Seems dumb to me too.

My mom would call that a white lie.

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