Enviros have a LOT OF GALL

I don't live in CA but I find it amazing that you can't dredge on YOUR property. It's insane to me and can't imagine the rednecks around here putting up with being told what they can and can't do on their land.
Be careful what you say also as once you post online it's public information. I've read articles in papers and magazines with quotes pulled from various forums about who/where people will continue to dredge.

Its always about money somehow-
Mabe sometime down the road they will find a way to tax it and therefore regulate and make it legal again. It's obviously not really about the environment but the all-mighty dollar.
I have read some articles submitted by Mr. Oates as to the effects of dredging on waterways and know he's passionate about his fight... Then again I probably would be too if I had 2 claims I couldn't use.
Mabe instead of exhausting energy on an unsinkable govt. ship Mabe some of you experienced dredgers might write a book instead of relying on Dave mccrackens books from the early 80s. Good as they may be I think people like Oates would not only benefit from selling books/videos but help a lot of up people in the process instead of dangling tiny tidbits of info here and there like a dirt farmer dangles a carrot to a donkey.
Again it comes back to the dollar in the end but it beats keeping yourself occupied and frustrated and gets you back to doing what you love.

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thanx mucho 2020-some facts from 2011 Eir Comment-in 2005 there were 2,035,563 fishing licenses which produced $57,507,047 and that does NOT include the commercial or ocean just fresh. There were in 2010, 1,200,000+ boats issued licenses and 2005 1,630,723 hunting licences issued BUT many catagories makes the true numbers at least X 4. All these folks use trucks,atvs,camp,dump,leave millions of tons of lead from guns/fishing.NOT SAYING ALL BUT MANY MANY MANY. Destroy the riparian habitat but thats cool as ya just gotta follow the benjamins---then it's ok-:censored: John GILL NETTING ON THE KLAMATH/TRINITY ALONE KILLED MILLIONS OF SALMON/STEELHEAD LEAST WE FORGET AS i ALSO POSTED PICS-DOZENS OF THEM WITH EACH RIVER COVERED IN GILL NETS BANK TO BANK ROW AFTER ROW AFTER ROW.

Thanks for that Link Kuger, just another artical to arm myself with when i am out and about prospecting and run into a fisherWo/man almost forgot and for how many years have we been telin-em there next on the menu

I used to think this as well,and its humorous that the fishermen are against us as well,but........folks may not realize that RIGHT NOW<AS I TYPE THIS F&W is activly netting and killing hundreds of thousands of fish in all of the high mountain lakes because they eat frogs and they want frog habitat....I am not making this up.....blows my mind to try and reason where the loss of revenue from fishing will be made up by Frog watchers?

Dont be fooled...there are at least two more lakes that I know of...California and the West : Sierra Trout Killed in Bid to Save Frogs : Wildlife: Anglers decry action at two lakes. Officials reply that frogs dominated the area before fish were introduced and say there is plenty of fishing elsewhere. - Los Angeles Ti

Are you a dj?

And the sad thing about this is the fact that the eco's will have zero voice if this happens. What we will have is "corporate" socialism. And when the eco's start complaining they'll be jailed under the Patriot Act as a national security threat since mining these metals will now be necessary for our national security.

Lets call it FASCISM! Mussolini said that fascism is the merging of corporations with the state. This is what we have today.

The socialism part is what the "too big to jail" bankers got away with when the taxpayer shelled out TRILLIONS for their bailouts after the financial collapse. It was "privatize the profits, and socialize the costs". We got robbed!

The Combie Reservoir mercury removal scam is the model for the future. Scam the taxpayer to pay for their costs to dredge the gold out, and they keep all the profits! Then, they start dredging other rich reservoirs, and finally the government takes over all the projects under the guise of "environmental cleanup"!

That's the same way these guys go around and get paid to cap off old mining tunnels, and get paid a small fortune for each project! And some are taking out rich gold before they cap them! Environmentalism, my azz!

thanx mucho 2020-some facts from 2011 Eir Comment-in 2005 there were 2,035,563 fishing licenses which produced $57,507,047 and that does NOT include the commercial or ocean just fresh. There were in 2010, 1,200,000+ boats issued licenses and 2005 1,630,723 hunting licences issued BUT many catagories makes the true numbers at least X 4. All these folks use trucks,atvs,camp,dump,leave millions of tons of lead from guns/fishing.NOT SAYING ALL BUT MANY MANY MANY. Destroy the riparian habitat but thats cool as ya just gotta follow the benjamins---then it's ok-:censored: John GILL NETTING ON THE KLAMATH/TRINITY ALONE KILLED MILLIONS OF SALMON/STEELHEAD LEAST WE FORGET AS i ALSO POSTED PICS-DOZENS OF THEM WITH EACH RIVER COVERED IN GILL NETS BANK TO BANK ROW AFTER ROW AFTER ROW.

Hoser, if you still have those pictures, by all means post them here, and to every news and political group for all to see!
Honest fish fetishists will be outraged at this, and it is at the heart of this whole hypocritical dredge ban scam! Lets call it "investigative journalism" or, "whistle blowing". The truth must get out to the peasants!

CDFG website under dredging EIR comments letters,mine is sooo big it has it's own-3-headings at the end of listings-will look for pics only as over 20 MB+++John

bedrock, most people just dont want ot hear it or be bothered anymore about all this! we,as a mining family, have failed to get the message out to ALL Americans. we have even failed to enlist or keep the people we have mining to help get the word out or help doing something for the cause!untill this happens, i dont think we will win this war,we may win a few battels,but thats far from what we need!

thanx mucho 2020-some facts from 2011 Eir Comment-in 2005 there were 2,035,563 fishing licenses which produced $57,507,047 and that does NOT include the commercial or ocean just fresh. There were in 2010, 1,200,000+ boats issued licenses and 2005 1,630,723 hunting licences issued BUT many catagories makes the true numbers at least X 4. All these folks use trucks,atvs,camp,dump,leave millions of tons of lead from guns/fishing.NOT SAYING ALL BUT MANY MANY MANY. Destroy the riparian habitat but thats cool as ya just gotta follow the benjamins---then it's ok-:censored: John GILL NETTING ON THE KLAMATH/TRINITY ALONE KILLED MILLIONS OF SALMON/STEELHEAD LEAST WE FORGET AS i ALSO POSTED PICS-DOZENS OF THEM WITH EACH RIVER COVERED IN GILL NETS BANK TO BANK ROW AFTER ROW AFTER ROW.

Thanks for the hard statistics Hoser, I bookmarked it for future ref. Just think, if every fishing license holder lost just 1 oz. of lead weights in a season - that's
over 2 million ounces PER YEAR times what?, a hundred years? That's enough to call in EPA and declare all ca. rivers polluted Super Fund sites (not to mention the merc.). Its all about the money - not science.

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Best thing we could do is to use this in a comercial ob cable tv to gain support fron the public this will be our best hope to keep dredging alive

In this country !

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