Enviros have a LOT OF GALL

That's a massive amount of lead for sure, but ask any old time dredger anywhere in Ca. - he will tell you he got a couple gals a season at least, not to mention
the mercury. Its a shame the liberal media has no interest in telling the stories.

This was 7 buclkets in 5 days of dredging. Those salmon guys lose a lot of gear

I don't think I've seen that much fishing tackle in one spot including the sport fishing store. That's sad to see and of course the liberal media won't show that kind of stuff they pick and choose what flavor Kool-Aid to serve daily.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

Trinity river down from douglas city just as bad. Had to stop every 1-2 hours to empty dredge of lead from salmon/steelhead snagging gear. No room for gold to redeposit as every crack,crevice,nook and crannies full past overflowing with fishing gear. sic sic sic


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Once again it shows, this is not a search for the truth, just a witch hunt by the CBD:BangHead:

The states make money selling fishing license & fines. So nothing will
ever be done about this. The 'greenies' would have too big of a fight on
their hands also; so everyone picks on the small prospector/miner.

If you guys had any brains, you'd paint a dredge bright yellow, or any of those prius colors and label it "EnviorSavor the Lead Removal King" and go to as many environmental shows as possible collecting donations.

Display the lead along with photos of animals caught up in lures, deformed birds and fish and sick children. You'd rake in far more money than you'll ever see gold panning.

Show how the fish nest in the gravels right where the lead is found.

Might even get a few of them to consider backing dredgers.

jc - that's a fresh idea! I always thought about spying on them to be ready for their next BS announcements, but actually joining their "love fests" and getting
donations sounds great. Too bad it would create a Hazmat alert if we displayed a gallon jug of merc. too! :dontknow:

Mercury is another angle to hit as well. Definitely show the mercury cycle with fish returning from the sea, contaminated with mercury. Spawning, then dying right at the spawning grounds to return the mercury right to the new eggs.

A never ending cycle if not removed. These green nazis are going to kill us and the enviroment with their cockeyed ideas

I think JC's idea is a real winner....:occasion14:

Why couldn't an organization get a "Symposium Group" together of
knowledgeable and experienced dredgers who also have good
communication skills. Book them into every environmental show
they can get to, and maybe we can communicate enough of a message
to at least get the enviro folks to re-think their position.

Then, find a couple of willing enviro's to assist, and take them out
"lead dredging" in the Umpqua or another river that is fished equally
hard. They can watch the sluices as the lead pours in, and see first
hand how much environmental good a 6" dredge can do in the hands
of someone who knows what they're doing.

Get a few trips of that publicized showing how the dredgers are cleaning the
streams, for free, of all those dangerous heavy metals such as Mercury and Lead.
It won't be long before Greenies will be presenting "Lead Dredgers" with free

Give the enviro's all the lead, and then you can clean the gold out of the
sluices for yourselves.

Did the industry trade shows for more years than I'll admit, and I seriously
believe that with the right folks manning that booth we can gain a huge
amount of ground in this wacko eco-war over our rivers.

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They shut us down on proposed harm, I doubt seeing it would change their minds. Don't get me wrong, I would piss on a spark plug if I thought it would help. There just seems to be no negotiating with these pin heads:BangHead:

Truth has absolutely no standing as it's all AGENDA now. Last time the truth mattered was in the conferences when we were working with CDFF on the 1994 released regs. Obstructionism killed the truth wwhen the MINERS RIGHTS GROUPS stonewalled all negotiations ......sic sic sic...enviros didn't kill dredging miners did. Once a right is lost 10,000 times harder to regain than maintain but greed won the day as in prolong the strife,kill a working permenent group to maintain rules and regs....-John

You could test the upper American river, above Folsom dam, to the lower, below Nimbus dam and obviously see the difference. I don't know how much gold would be on the lower portion but dredging from Hazel ave. to the mouth of the Sacramento just to get the garbage and mercury out would be eye opening. That'll never happen though. That just make to much sense.

Everyone still keeps talking like it's all about dredging, better wake up and smell the roses. It's all about eliminating your rights so they can be in control of "everything". It's called Socialism.

Everyone still keeps talking like it's all about dredging, better wake up and smell the roses. It's all about eliminating your rights so they can be in control of "everything". It's called Socialism.

And the sad thing about this is the fact that the eco's will have zero voice if this happens. What we will have is "corporate" socialism. And when the eco's start complaining they'll be jailed under the Patriot Act as a national security threat since mining these metals will now be necessary for our national security.

The states make money selling fishing license & fines. So nothing will
ever be done about this. The 'greenies' would have too big of a fight on
their hands also; so everyone picks on the small prospector/miner.
I used to think this as well,and its humorous that the fishermen are against us as well,but........folks may not realize that RIGHT NOW<AS I TYPE THIS F&W is activly netting and killing hundreds of thousands of fish in all of the high mountain lakes because they eat frogs and they want frog habitat....I am not making this up.....blows my mind to try and reason where the loss of revenue from fishing will be made up by Frog watchers?

Dont be fooled...there are at least two more lakes that I know of...http://articles.latimes.com/1999/sep/22/news/mn-12881

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