Enough is ENOUGH!!

Jay Carney says 'we don't need legislation' to pay military death benefits

Jay Carney says 'we don't need legislation' to pay military death benefits | WashingtonExaminer.com

President Obama opposed passage of funding for veterans' death benefits because the Fisher House Foundation has agreed to cover the costs, according to his spokesman.

"The legislation is not necessary," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Thursday when asked about legislation approved by the House and Senate that would pay for those benefits. "Our view has been, this piecemeal funding is, again, a gimmick."
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Carney faulted Congress on Wednesday for not covering the death benefits in the Pay Our Military Act, though the Congressional Research Service rendered a legal opinion that the legislation did fund the program.

"[Obama] was not pleased to learn of this problem," Carney said during the Wednesday briefing. "And he has directed the OMB and his lawyers to find a solution. And he expects to have one today."

But the president opposes the legislative fix. "We don't need legislation," Carney said Thursday. "The president directed that this be resolved and it has been. What is preposterous is this notion that we should, piecemeal, fix all the consequences caused by shutdown."

The Defense Department, under the current agreement, will reimburse the Fisher House after the government shutdown ends.

Post edits for language.... Please watch language.

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Thanks TH, I know you felt the same way I did!

Thanks TH, I know you felt the same way I did!

I may indeed feel the same but it can't be expressed like that here

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Okay, I'll word it like this:

Our president is an impeccable man of integrity.

I firmly believe he did not choose to reject the law to fund aggrieved family of deceased veterans as a method to punish the citizens of this great nation....

I guess if people wanted government services to be in place, they shouldn't support those who shut down the government because they didn't have the votes to block a law they didn't like...

Government, reduced to a football game, is even a bad football game.

There's a reason that Congress has an approval less than cockroaches. and they deserve it. and no pay until they start acting like adults.

Thing is bum, when you make the money these guys do, get the perks they get and the fact that most were well off in the first place, not getting paid for a couple weeks doesn't hurt them. To count on a philanthropist group to take care of honoring our fallen in this manner is the most disgusting thing our government could ever do. The last time I looked o-bama had about 24 executive orders concerning gun control but nothing for our vets. He loves to wave his executive wand when it is in his interest but shows a powerful disdain for our service members.

As far as I'm concerned, the way our fallen vets and their families have been treated, they are considered no more than "Non-essential" to our government operations. Isn't that what the administration said about all the furloughed people?...........non-essential and therefore we aren't paying them!! My buddy and I are hoping to ignore government barriers at a national park tomorrow in protest of how our vets have been treated. We will be taking part in the "million vet" march that is to take place tomorrow and, if you can't protest in Washington, protest anywhere they have shut us out and tell them you are exercising your 1st amendment rights. That's how non-Americans got away with protesting in the mall that was supposed to be closed. Time to start standing up!

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We couldn't make our point today. They had signs indicating the area was closed but nobody was posted and everyone just drove around the signs to the lake. The government lost money because they weren't collecting use fees.

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