Enough is ENOUGH!!


Gold Member
May 11, 2005
Northern California
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All Treasure Hunting
This is just the most recent slap in our military's face.
A Missouri family is looking for support after a soldier from Springfield was killed in Afghanistan on Sunday, just two weeks away from returning home to the Ozarks. Special Agent Joseph Peters, 24, was the first CID Agent to be killed in the war on terror. He leaves behind his wife, Ashley, and 20-month-old son, Gabriel.
Normally his family would receive $100,000 from the military within 36 hours to help pay for immediate needs. But the Pentagon says during the shutdown it cannot give financial assistance to relatives of service members killed in combat.
Military death benefits enable grieving family members to travel to Dover Air Force Base to greet their loved one’s flag-draped casket returning from overseas. The money also helps them pay for the funeral.
But for the Peters family, the money simply isn’t there because Congress is still fighting over how to fund the government.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I don't care if it's 100% the fault of the Republicans....where are a$$hole's Executive Orders now? He sure throws them around when it comes to gun control but could care less about the people he sends to war. If I were to be awarded the Medal of Honor I would refuse to have this puke of a man place it around my neck. Leaving our men stranded in Benghazi should have shown this country how he feels along with Hillary and the rest of his gang.

Your right! I got MSNBC with Andrea Mitchell on tv, they are reporting live from Dover AFB.
Dem. Van Hollen from MAryland was saying he expects they will get these funds released/passed by the end of the day.
Guess we better all get on the phones AGAIN! Let these so-called "representatives of the PEOPLE" KNOW exactly what WE, THE AMERICAN CITIZEN & TAX PAYORS expect of them!

Wonder who showed up for work in DC today, and who has a golf game?

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Truth is Obama is enjoying instances like this. He dislikes the military...

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Whether Obama likes PB&J or not, don't matter right now! Get on the PHONE NOW!
I'm getting recordings, cause everyone in DC has layed their help off.
Bill Nelsons # for Fl is Phone: 202-224-5274 Fax: 202-228-2183
Marco Rubios' # (866) 630-7106 for South Fl.
Debbie Wasserman-Shultz # (South Florida House) Phone: (202) 225-7931
The girl answered the phone, said she is in DC voting, but did not know "how" DWS was going to vote.
I did remind her, that she needs to stand up for and behind the American ppl and our vets, or we would NOT be standing up or behind HER, come next election. For whatever good that may have done.

Let these officials KNOW, WE the American ppl mean business, NOW!
Those of you that are good with computers, see if we can get a sticky up top, with access links to all our DC "elite",
so at least they can get some choice words, from some of the people they are SUPOSE to be serving.
I've bout had enough, too!

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I don't care if they release the funds now........NOW is already too late. It's like the "Welcome Home" for Vietnam vets, it's just too late. The harm is done and the TRUE face of this administration has been exposed to where everyone must see it, even the liberals. Like I said, obam-a could have issued an Executive Order that he so proudly brags he can issue to control guns. I put a "-" in traitor's name so I could avoid the auto-insertion of a capital "O". He doesn't deserve a capital in front of his name. He's nothing more than a neighborhood organizer for groups like acorn; just gimme free stuff groups. He'll never rise above that in my eyes and, like I've said before, he and his court are not welcome in my home. It's "barricaded" to him and his henchmen (and women). If he wanted a drink of water he can use the hose if I'm in a good mood.

I guess if people wanted government services to be in place, they shouldn't support those who shut down the government because they didn't have the votes to block a law they didn't like...

This is part of the libs strategy.

I don't quite understand what that article is supposed to be telling me pippin. It is headlined:"Senate Democrats Close D.C. Offices During Shutdown While Republicans' Stay Open"
but in the text is written:"But some offices aren't feeling any pain at all. Currently, at least 10 senators have their entire staff working: Sens. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), John Boozman (R-Ark.), Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), Tom Coburn (R-Okla.), James Inhofe (R-Okla.), Tim Johnson (D-S.D.), Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), Carl Levin (D-Mich.), John Thune (R-S.D.) and Mark Udall (D-Colo.)."
The headline looks like ONLY Republicans stayed open and didn't release anyone but the meat of the article states that some Democrats did the same thing.
Thing is, they will ALL GET RETRO PAY ANYWAY so, I would say that keeping everyone working is the more sensible reaction to all of the stupidity.
None of this really matters as much as screwing over our dead vets and their families. While our dead heroes are returning home to a government that could care less about them, congressman Rangel and others, including Republicans, are at a rally supporting non-citizens. They should be at the airport with the families of those that are not yet cold from performing their ultimate sacrifice for this country. WTF?

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Nov 22nd will mark 50 years of a death to a great man. Why do the good ones go out while the evil ones continue?
Maybe this needs, CHANGE.


I guess if people wanted government services to be in place, they shouldn't support those who shut down the government because they didn't have the votes to block a law they didn't like...

No, try Arrogance, Hypocrisy and Tyranny.....


It is costing more to barricade and guard many if the sites than it is to leave them open.

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Just saw headline, they passed vote to give Vets their benefits.

I better update that, in that, senate still has to approve it, and,
no payment can go out, until shutdown is over.
Fisher House is still putting the money up for 26 families, to date,
and will await re-imbursement from the government.

NOT ONE PERSON, voted against paying the Vet's benefits.

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TOO LATE TO BE HONORABLE!! Real Americans were going to take care of the vets, the politicians are coming in second.

pat, we may have to backpedal on that "approval" for veterans benefits. Apparently that bill was approved 100% in the house but is sitting in the senate awaiting approval. Don't worry though, a charity, the Fisher Foundation will take care of the honorable responsibilities of this country, can't wait on a Executive Order from their commander in chief. What a joke he is.
(I just noticed that you saw that pat but I'll leave my post)

pat, we may have to backpedal on that "approval" for veterans benefits. Apparently that bill was approved 100% in the house but is sitting in the senate awaiting approval. Don't worry though, a charity, the Fisher Foundation will take care of the honorable responsibilities of this country, can't wait on a Executive Order from their commander in chief. What a joke he is.
(I just noticed that you saw that pat but I'll leave my post)

I doubt the senate will approve it based on dirty Harry's past comments. Even if it passes obama will just never get around to signing it...

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I have to amend my belief that there is no honor in any part of our government to say there is very little honor in any part of our government.

Jay Carney says 'we don't need legislation' to pay military death benefits

Jay Carney says 'we don't need legislation' to pay military death benefits | WashingtonExaminer.com

President Obama opposed passage of funding for veterans' death benefits because the Fisher House Foundation has agreed to cover the costs, according to his spokesman.

"The legislation is not necessary," White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters Thursday when asked about legislation approved by the House and Senate that would pay for those benefits. "Our view has been, this piecemeal funding is, again, a gimmick."
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Carney faulted Congress on Wednesday for not covering the death benefits in the Pay Our Military Act, though the Congressional Research Service rendered a legal opinion that the legislation did fund the program.

"[Obama] was not pleased to learn of this problem," Carney said during the Wednesday briefing. "And he has directed the OMB and his lawyers to find a solution. And he expects to have one today."

But the president opposes the legislative fix. "We don't need legislation," Carney said Thursday. "The president directed that this be resolved and it has been. What is preposterous is this notion that we should, piecemeal, fix all the consequences caused by shutdown."

The Defense Department, under the current agreement, will reimburse the Fisher House after the government shutdown ends.

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