Encampment at "Potty's Mills" ? South Wilkes Barre in 1881.

jeff of pa

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The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.), 19 Aug. 1881.


The Columbian. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1866-1910, August 19, 1881, Image 2 « Chronicling America « Library of Congress

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This was Copied & Pasted from https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/127205663/

March 18, 1893 Wilkes-Barre Times from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania · Page 5

Not sure Why their Spelling is so Terrible.
many of the words I can't even guess on to Correct.
But it Hints on where Potty's mill was

The tiatlonery engine formerly need lathe tea hones located on the mountain east of the Hartford slope was recently taken out and repaired at the Empire shops and Is now being placed in a position to haul culm cars up the new plane nearly finished near Franklin Junction.' Foreman Peek said last night that the ngw4 notwithstanding Its long year of Idleness, working like a charm and would hardly be recognized by those who were familiar with It when in former service. This new dumping ground for the South Wllkee-Barre breaker Will entirely wipe out what remains of what -was formerly Potty's mill.- The body of water was once very large but has been gradually diminishing In size by the washing of culm from the Stanton and other breakers until It has dwindled to a small stream. The stream seems to hare manifested a desire to preserve the original dimensions of the pond, lor in etnad or rnnnlna' In a direct line west after entering the basin to the sluice way under the railway, It has always persisted in hugging the eastern, northern and western shores, reaching the emptying point after, making a wide and altogether neetest detour.

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