Emailed local Parks and Recreation about Metal Detecting


Jun 7, 2019
Reaction score
Golden Thread
Ogden, Utah
Detector(s) used
Garret GTI 2500, Garrett Ace 300
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
As I live a block or two away from a local park, I found their website and asked about their policy on Metal Detecting.

Their response:

In response to the questions about metal detecting:

Metal detecting in of itself will not be a problem. However, digging into the ground to unearth an object is not allowed per the Park District Ordinances.


“…No person shall pick, gather, uproot, remove or destroy any flower, plant or grass. No person shall remove or cause to be removed any sod, earth, humus, peat, boulders, gravel or sand.”

If you have any more questions you are more than welcome to contact me directly if that is helpful.

Derek Solberg

Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds

Mundelein Park & Recreation District

It sounds like I can go metal detecting but I just can't dig anything up.

Any way around this, anyone can think of?



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Never ask for permission from public workers, 99.9 % of the time its easier for them to just say NO, kind of the same way as going up to people and asking them if the need life insurance :laughing7:.

Always keep a few pieces of shredded aluminum cans, rusty nails and box cutter blades, needles. What are you doing diggings Holes? "no I am just opening the surface of the grass and going down no more than 2 inches looking for old coins and such" and then show them the pouch full of dangerous items that you have just removed. Most police or public security/workers will say thanks and walk away. I did that the other day and the security officer was really nice after I showed him the garbage I was removing from the baseball field. If they tell you to leave, just leave and come back some other day or as others have suggested try the parks as the sun goes down.

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Someone mentioned “don’t ask,don’t tell” that’s great advise. Once you’ve been told “no” the answer is no, it’s always better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission. You could have detected that park forever with no problems.

I use a longer, thinner screwdriver sharpened like an icepick as long as I am only hunting clad and newer targets. Center up with MD, pinpoint 0"-3" items with good pinpointer, "stab" to locate target and then work a finger size hole and pop coins on edge and retrieve. Simply squeeze the hole back together. No plugs necessary for 99%. Deeper targets are your call.

I agree with Jeff I think peoples dogs do more damage than we do

welcome to tnet

Metal detected my local post office yesterday after hours place was built in 1930, scored a heal tap with heart in the center and a crap load of change......... no i did not ask for permission and did not have any problems

We have an "old" Village Hall that turned 90 this year and has been up for sale for 5 years since they built the "new" Village Hall down the street. Sounds like this might be something to look at "after hours" but no one is there now except for some surrounding businesses.


Oh ya I'd be all over that like flies on sh*t lol "after hours" is the way to go....

Never ask for permission on public land. Assume it's ok UNLESS their are specific signs to the contrary.

I always ask for permission first.
It's gained me access to off limits city property.

I always ask for permission first.
It's gained me access to off limits city property.

I find this hard to believe, please explain further, what official gave you permission? what department? what type of property? are you a city employee?

No I'm not an employee.
I contacted the mayor and the city manager at city hall and got permission on current and obsolete city utilitlity and other property.

Since you stated you "live just down the street", I would recommend you attending a City/Town council meeting, and ask them to reconsider this park rule. Most public parks host events throughout the year where vendors set up booths, drive and remove tent stakes, drive vehicles and trailers on the grass where they sit for a full weekend at a time, even bandstands being used, all of which appears to kill the grass. Not to mention the people trampling the areas around those areas. Then show them some photos of some spots where you have dug up a coin from a grass area, replacing the sod as we all should be doing. And ask them to explain the difference.
Bet they can't! Unless your in there with a backhoe digging holes, nothing we do as detectorists causes permanent damage, or kills vegetation. Go full political on them!

If hunting a public park for Heavens sake, leave the long handled shovels at home. I know with experience they can be used to cut nice plugs that fit back in the hole and leave it unnoticeable.
It's the public perception as seen by someone at a distance that gets one reported.
Take it for what it’s worth!


You are not uprooting or destroying anything if done properly. Have at it.

Metal detected my local post office yesterday after hours place was built in 1930, scored a heal tap with heart in the center and a crap load of change......... no i did not ask for permission and did not have any problems
Smart move.....:icon_thumleft:..

Since I'm 67 yrs old, white hair and beard I can get away with a lot of stuff. there is a historic home not far from me and I started hunting it last year. The first time I hunted this young buck came by and told me I couldn't hunt on the property. I asked him who he was and he said Josh the caretaker.

I went back about a month later and Josh came out after about 2 hrs and 4 silver dimes later and I said "Hi Joe, how have you been?" He looked at me funny and said "you can't dig here, I told you before". I gave him a puzzled look and said I don't remember that John....

The last time I went back he came out and asked "How you doing?" I looked up and said fine Bob and how are you today?. He shook his head and said "Don't leave any holes please".....

My brother, sister, and I went to a creek last summer. Area covered with trash. I got out my machine and in seconds a guy appears out of nowhere and said we couldn't dig. Could detect but not dig. Apparently he was never around when people were leaving the trash. Nor was he around when a body was left on the opposite bank not long ago. The place is rumored to be dangerous around dark on weekends. Drug dealers and parties.
Just riles me that you can't do something harmless in some areas.Have detected on lake shores and not been bothered at all. This reminds me, I need to check the regs about the national forest outside town. I expect digging a hole is forbidden.

I have permission in places CLOSED to others. Here's how I did it: walk in to see the head honcho. Tell secretary that you found something the main guy/gal ought to see. When you get your SMALL paper bag and display a bunch of sharp metal fragments and glass. Explain this is what I found at xyz playground across town. Explain that you got this detecting and that the kids are safer now because of it. Ask if they would be interested in your retrieving it all, NO CHARGE. And offer to show the plug and play method. Even let their main guy try might get pleasantly surprised.

Since I'm 67 yrs old, white hair and beard I can get away with a lot of stuff. there is a historic home not far from me and I started hunting it last year. The first time I hunted this young buck came by and told me I couldn't hunt on the property. I asked him who he was and he said Josh the caretaker.

I went back about a month later and Josh came out after about 2 hrs and 4 silver dimes later and I said "Hi Joe, how have you been?" He looked at me funny and said "you can't dig here, I told you before". I gave him a puzzled look and said I don't remember that John....

The last time I went back he came out and asked "How you doing?" I looked up and said fine Bob and how are you today?. He shook his head and said "Don't leave any holes please".....
That is so funny! :laughing7:

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