If you have a GPS record the closest spot you suspect then grid reference front that spot each corner with each sides of grid 10 steps. flag or mark the corners with stakes and metal detect the area within paying attention to corners. Repeat the process of grids recording their position on the GPS. Until you have searched the area around you starting point. It comes down to slow methodical searching with the detector. Hardest thing of all is finding the correct original starting point.
Congrats finding that newspaper article which gives more details. There is more questions to uncover in regards to la Barge story. I could not find anyone with that exact name and age given at the the time of alleged events.
Hello Crow,
His name was Jerome LeBarge, I'll keep searching.
"Then he sighted from the middle
of the old road past the two trees.
Behold, at the end of the hundred
paces that the map mentioned, he
found several long troughs and corresponding ridges. This was where the
body was supposed to have been buried and certainly the ground looked
as tho some one had dug for a body."
"On this spot as a corner, a square was
constructed ten paces on a side, just
as the map advised, and at each of
these corners there should have been
at least $10,000."
I'm guessing the starting point is the old road? Or would it be the two oak trees?