Yes, it was a few months ago and here's the scoop... I bought a camera at a yard sale for $5, listed it for $9.95+ free shipping... The final price was a little over $80 so everything's going great at this point... A few days later I receive this email from the buyer:
Dear Sir
I've received the camera. And after two roll of film to test. I find the camera is not in excellent condition. It have some light leak. And most important , about 50% photo can't focus normally. It may because the swing lens and shutter can't wrok properly. So I will return the camera and ask a fully refund USD 83.55 and hopshopgo's handling fee USD 39.72 , and the return shipping fee USD 35 . The total is USD 158.27. Please let me know what is your decision. Thanks.
SO... On top of wanting me to pay a "handling fee" to return the item, they wanted me to pay $35 postage on an item that costs a little over $5 to send from Oregon to Minnesota. Basically, he tried to double his money at my expense. Needless to say, I was extremely pizzed off at this point. I kept my composure and refunded the $80 and explained that this this transaction is over and I don't want to see the camera again so keep it.
This was sent to my personal email and not through eBay so it would be hard to report any type of extortion but I still may pursue it just on principle. In the meantime, I'm blowing it off and moving on... Easy come, easy go. I won't let this jerk spoil my business.
p.s. I did a Google search on his company name shortly after and found many poor reviews.