East Fork, SG River Prospecting Enforcement


Jr. Member
Sep 10, 2012
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Golden Thread
Southern California
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

So I've been following the threads about the East Fork location for a while and finally picked up some gear. Was going to head down there as soon as the roads were open again but figured I should call the ANF Ranger station to find out about claims, since I've seen a fair amount of warnings about jumping someone's claim. I got a pretty good phone spanking from the woman who said ALL prospecting is illegal but it has been overlooked until now. She said so many people have been showing up, leaving trash, not filling in giant holes and generally making such a big mess that they are now enforcing the law and turning people away. She referred me to this:

Forest Mining Policy

All mining operations (location of mining claims, prospecting, and mining, including panning, sluicing, and dredging) under the 1872 Mining Law are prohibited within withdrawn areas of the Angeles National Forest. Public Law No. 578 (1928 withdrawal) withdrew areas from entry and location under the mining laws. There is no provision in PL 578 which provides for even a limited right to enter the withdrawn lands to prospect. Therefore, National Forest System lands within the East Fork of the San Gabriel River are not open to prospecting or any other mining operations.

So, what gives? Are we standing up for our rights and defying this because it's actually "our" land ... or are we just playing stupid?

Has anyone here been turned away yet?

Sorry if this has been answered somewhere else. I looked but it's a very expansive forum and couldn't find anything.


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Howdy Folks,

Long time no speak..Rawdog here..

Its good to be "back in the house". I'd like to take a moment to shout out Goldpaw, as well as slimstick...Jackpot, not so sure about!

Anyhoo, Keep going to the EF Edson is righ...fish and game and rangers seem to come up towards the beginning of spring (superbowl sunday in 2013) and scare everyone off. Keep diggin.

Yours Truly,

I used to enjoy reading Goldpaw's posts. He hasn't been on here for quite a while

Thank you for that Fullpan. I think some of those guys are still there.

From the State of California Dept of Natural Resources,
California Journal of Mines and Geology vol 50 num 3-4 1954 p485

In general public domain land within the national forests is open to mineral location and entry, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States Forest Service. However, more than half of the national forest land in the county, nearly 600 square miles from Angeles National Forest, was withdrawn from mineral location or entry in 1928 "to conserve the water resources and to encourage reforestation of the watershed of Los Angeles county." * All government lands in specified sections throughout the national forest were withdrawn, but claims valid prior to the passage of the act remain valid so long as requirements of mining law are met.

Prospecting is permitted on unclaimed lands throughout the national forest, on open and withdrawn land alike, except in dry seasons when certain parts of the forest are closed because of the fire hazard. If mineral deposits are discovered on withdrawn lands, the discoverer may petition the appropriate agency to have the mineralized areas restored to mineral location and entry. Claims are sometimes laid out on withdrawn lands, but they are not valid until the area is restored to mineral location and entry. Persons prospecting anywhere within the national forest should obtain permits from the Forest Service for such activities as removing timber, building roads, starting fires, and using explosives.

* Public Law 578 (S 4135) May 29, 1928

BG That last sentence--good luck with any of that ! LOL

Good luck with any of it. The FS will tell you it's all illegal. We'll see what happens. I'll keep a copy of this with me. Thank you.

Bumping this old thread for the LA Times photos. Maybe we can set up a bucket pulley like they've got.

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