East Fork San Gabriel PS Online Meeting


Jr. Member
Mar 19, 2013
Corona CA
I thought that this might be of interest. Hopefully East Fork will remain open to enjoy for prospectors. I know the first of the meetings was yesterday, but the next one will be tomorrow.

Posted From: Legal Information - Action Alert: Special Meeting called at last minute

Critical Deadline: Special meeting online by the Park Service regarding San Gabriel Watershed and Rim of the Valley. You must get on this call. Los Angeles area stands to lose access to Angeles National Forest, San Bernadino National Forest and Los Padres National Forest. This is a big deal.

San Gabriel Watershed and Mountains Special Resource Study Public Information Meetings

We just got notified by the Park Service. They are deliberately notifying people late. You need to send them emails and make calls to complain. Call your local Congressman also.

WebEx Public Information Meetings
Wednesday, April 10, 2013 (3:00 pm PDT)
Friday, April 12, 2013 (11:00 am PDT)
The National Park Service (NPS) is pleased to announce the completion of the San Gabriel Watershed and Mountains Special Resource Study. The Secretary of the Interior transmitted the final study to Congress on April 10, 2013. The final study includes NPS determinations about the eligibility of study area as a unit of the national park system and it includes the "selected alternative" recommended to Congress by the Secretary of the Interior. An overview of the final study recommendations and the final study documents are now posted on the study website: San Gabriel Watershed and Mountains Special Resource Study.

The NPS will be hosting two online information meetings to present the final study recommendations. Study team members will be available to answer questions following a presentation. If you are unable to attend the online meetings, a recording of the presentation and a copy of the Powerpoint presentation will be posted on the study website. Lines for participation in the WebEx information meetings are limited so we ask that you only attend one event.

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda April 10, 2013
WebEx and audio connect time: 2:30 pm, PDT
Meeting start time: 3:00 pm, PDT
3:00 p.m. - Presentation on the Final Study Recommendations
3:20 p.m. - Questions
4:00 p.m. - Adjourn

Meeting Agenda April 12, 2013
WebEx and audio connect time: 10:30 am, PDT
Meeting start time: 11:00 am, PDT
11:00 a.m. - Presentation on the Final Study Recommendations
11:20 p.m. - Questions
12:00 p.m. - Adjourn

How to Participate in the Online Public Meeting
Below are instructions on how to attend the meeting. You must connect to the WebEx site (link provided below) and call into the audio conference line provided below to hear the presentation. Questions will be submitted by participants through the WebEx (online) chat function and answered by study team members via the audio conference.

*Note: This meeting format does not work from mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Currently WebEx does not function with Apple iOS 10.5.

To join the online meeting:
1. Go to https://yose.webex.com
2. Go to Other Events and Click onto the San Gabriel Watershed and Mountains Special Resource Study Meeting
2. Enter your name and email address.
3. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

To join the audio conference (you may also listen on audio through your computer)
Dial: 877 915-8659
When prompted, enter the passcode: 8902477#

Tips, Etiquette, and other Assistance for the WebEx Meeting:

Webex works best with high speed, wired internet connections, such as DSL or cable. If you have satellite, dial-up, or a wireless connection, you may experience lags or freezing video.
These online events are not supported on ipads, tablets, or mobile devices. Internet Explorer (IE) 7 or newer works best with this application. Sometimes problems are encountered with the latest versions of Safari or Firefox. The most recent Apple operating system iOS10.5 is not supported at this time. The latest version of Java script is required. Active X should be enabled. Please log into WebEx early, as there could be some software downloads, and so that the meeting can begin promptly at the scheduled time. You will have up to 30 minutes prior to the meeting's start time to make your WebEx Meeting and audio connections. Due to the unexpected volume of participants, the conference line will not be two-way. While you will hear the presenters, you will need to type in your questions and comments during the meeting using the Webex chat function. Study team members will be moderating the chat session. We will do our best to include as many comments and questions as possible, but there is no guarantee that we will have time to address every question. Please address chat questions to the host and the presenter/panelist. Chat questions addressed to the "host" only will not be seen by the presenters.
When the presentations begin and the presentations go into full screen mode, video and chat panels may temporarily disappear. Use the floating menu bar that appears during the presentations to reopen the video and the chat panels. For technical assistance visit the WebEx support website: https://support.webex.com/MyAccountWeb/supporthome.do or Call Webex Helpdesk at 866-229-3239

No one I know even knew about this. Complete BS.

Just reading quickly through the summary, looks like a "Vampire Squid" move (taking and reorganizing control of San Gabriel areas as well as others.) Congress would have to act on it, but being the sequester is in place it may sit idle for some time.

Might be a good idea to read through all of the info located on the link in the original post to get our bearings on this one.

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