g'd evening ACorp, You are supposed to be relaxing today & Sun, perhaps on a torrid date

Gracias for the extremely interesting post . That was on my ground.
The Yaqui also had a few other interesting methods. For some reason they left me with a feeling of comradeship. also they hadn't openly practiced those thingies for a few years when I was with them, stillll. For some reason I was easily tricked into showing my pistol work which impressed them, not that it would have done any good in their usual method of ambush - shoot first, then attend to what survived later.
Ole Juan once took me to a point and said "here is where we had a battle in the 30's." It was new year morning and we welcomed it in by dancing. The col ? of the federal forces yelled "Happy new year you **^&%% Yaquis" and ordered "open fire."
"We fought for 3 days." See that cave over there ? "
Yes" I replied, "Well there was a Federal in the cave ,but it took me almost the three days to finally hit him with my Mauser.".
The ground was still covered with layers of corroding cartridges, both still unfired and fired..
The Yaqui today is not a danger as such, he now knows just how big Mexico and the Gov't are and that he has no chance, in fact while I was with them, a group ran away into the hills & told the Commanding General of the area "we want this or we will fight again. " He merely replied "I will give you 3 days to come down and surrender your weapons or we will go get you".. In three days they meekly were down in the towns again.
The gov't never beat the Yaqui with arms, but in the armistice the gov't insisted that they open schools, which the yaquis agreed was a good idea, however as the Yaquis were educated, the gov't sneakily showed them the power of the gov't and how it was impossible for them to win, so the gov't won by diplomacy snicker.
Now go on that relaxing date luv.