Richard, thanks for the follow up. Still a bit of a work in progress.
I was able to get them to pair AND get them in gaming mode. TYVM! It worked well for awhile, but after that, I was experiencing (what I think was) a latency issue and couldn't seem to ensure they were in gaming mode. I was trying other new stuff with the detector so not sure if I was causing my own problem.
I really do like the swing speed at 10 so the low latency is a big factor. I have also upgraded the software twice (1.07&1.08) since trying the buds.
Then, as detecting goes, life caught up with me and I haven't gotten back out to put the TOZOs through another test.
I will say they are very comfortable and am pretty sure they will work well once the "operator" gets them dialed in.
Thanks so much, peace out