Eagle button, relics and then BAM!


Hero Member
Jul 28, 2008
SW Michigan
Detector(s) used
XP Deus, Minelab Explorer SE Pro, T2 SE
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
The last couple of evenings have been slow for coin finds but found some decent relics and a nice eagle cuff button. Tonight I was working an old homesite that was in place from the mid-1860's through 1910, when they decided to move the house to a different location. The only coin I have found on this site so far was an 1864 IHP but was finding some relics here and there. Halfway through my grids tonight I hit a nickle-like signal. Couldn't believe seeing this puppy pop out of the ground. 18K that is 3/8" wide. I know that I have seen the jewelers mark before (B over an S?) but if someone can remind me again, I would like to find out more information. I believe this ring dates back in the time frame of the homesite. Thanks for looking and Happy Easter!





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:o Wow, nice ring WH!! Nice crop of relics, too. Love the crotal bell. :thumbsup:

Keep digging!

:wav: Congrats on a nice ring! It sure beats digging nickels.


Dang! I wondered what happened to my ring when I was detecting that site! Glad ya found it!

Great finds my friend, I guess I am gonna have to start diggin those crappy sounds if I wanna keep up.


congrats on the gold and relics! awesome finds! keep it up :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

That is a solid piece of gold...nice relics as well! Have you weighed the ring?

Very Nice! And 18K to boot! Congrats.............Hogge :thumbsup:

Thats a awesome pile of finds there bud. An goes to show that there are goodies to be found if you pay attention to what your detector is telling you. Sweet looking ring for sure, Thanks for sharing these finds with everyone now we can all go wonder where is are ring to find now lol :thumbsup: Jae

although the ring is bling bling
ya got to love the buckels
i am starting to change from a coin shooter to a relic hunter due to some great buckels and a crotal bell

HOLY CR-P WH!!!!! :o :o :o Congrats on that whopper 18k ring!!! :icon_king: :thumbsup:
Those are some nice relic finds too. Love those suspender clips.

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