If depth is your main concern then there are two ways you can go, three really. First for maximum depth, you are probably going to have to operate any machine on the all metal mode which often voids out any advantage of a multifrequency machine as well as weakens its ability to discriminate. . Second you can buy a Garrett GTI 2500 and get the Treasure Hound attachment for around $200.00 extra and it will penetrate down to 20 feet! With the 2500 set up you will have a top notch detector and a deep seeking option for about the price of another coil. A third option is to buy a PI detector which you can use on dry land or in the water. It is basically a dig everything machine, with some (very little) discrimination. PI technology has been around for a long time and it is known for very deep seeking penetration....the deepest from all I have been able to read. So, is deep penetration really your main concern? It may seem so at first but in the final analysis, how often does anyone dig beyond a foot deep for every day use? Probably not many unless you are seeking a cache or hidden treasure or you are a professional treasure hunter. For the every day THer any one of the top of the line detectors will serve your purpose splendidly. For an amateur like me a midrange detector would probably satisfy all my needs. But alas, the bells and whistles have me intrigued so I have a top of the line, a low-midrange and a shallow water detector! So, you see, I can't even follow my own advice! MONTY