Ctodd ya there going down a seam or hunting bedrock, On my claim the veins were left alone (1903) and they went for the face of the volcanic tube (pushed up 100mill years ago by monster earth quakes (pushed up 11673 feet)) .. Any hoo mine is at 6700 feet dry as a bone i have drywashed it and gone back to the Tube, the Quartz has yielded 4 oz of gold and I've only processed 20 lbs of ore (by hand) just got my Crusher working,, and i have 400 or more lbs of Vein with visible gold to grind up,, but I've noticed I'm going to have to go into the "Tube" at the rock face. I also learned that there are Torbernite crystals the size of pinheads but still they are Uranium, so an air pump will soon follow.. I love the dry washes out here tho and have found some gold in most areas of good bendy washes.