Dredging tomorrow, california, come get us coppers

Wonder what would happen if we petitioned the state of Cali for a permit to dredge for the purpose of removing mercury?

Our club had a reprint from the Western mining aliance, The Sierra Fund, who bankrolled the dredge ban and claimed that dredges were emitting toxic mercury plums is now going to benefit from the mercury removal. They keep the gold, the gravel is going to be used to used to start a aggregate plant. They will be paid 9 million by the state with no guarantee of recovering on ounce of mercury. The state estimates it wil cost approx 9000 per oz. I am sure that will double or triple. They claim their dredge will recover 93% of mercury, when a stock Keene will recover 97% of mercury. It is amazing what small miners were doing for free, these guys are making millions and when they dredge there is no mercury plume, just money pouring into the pockets of our enemies...

Dredging tomorrow, california, come get us coppers.

Well cowboy... send the Forestry Service your GSP coordinates. We'll all send you our profound, but best wishes, as we watch you get supremely CALIFORNICATED.

Dredging tomorrow, california, come get us coppers.

Well cowboy... send the Forestry Service your GSP coordinates. We'll all send you our profound, but best wishes, as we watch you get supremely CALIFORNICATED.


Wonder what would happen if we petitioned the state of Cali for a permit to dredge for the purpose of removing mercury?


G1sammons - In order to get any action from the state of Cal. (and of course, Federal giveaway money backing them), you have to form a non-profit enviro
group, and promise to: "form a collaboration with all stakeholders(whatever that means)", "work with indenginous tribes who have cultural heritages to protect",
"Invite all gov't agencies to participate in the decision-making process", "promise to have an outreach program to educate and inform the public as to why
your project will save us from global warming" etc. etc. etc. If you can do this without cronic vomiting, millions of Other People's Money can be yours!!!

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Court monday morning, just arraignment probably make us an offer which I will deny so will my partner who they gave a citation for being in a wetsuit and being with me.....

vini said:
Court monday morning, just arraignment probably make us an offer which I will deny so will my partner who they gave a citation for being in a wetsuit and being with me.....

Good luck vini Hope the judge will let a slap them boy around some!
God know they need it!

i'm not to smart john :icon_scratch: if someone else gets caught whats that got to do with me? they must not be as dumb i guess :icon_thumleft: maybe i'm hoping to get caught maybe i'm hoping an environut will stop by my dredge whilst pokin a hole in the river and maybe thats where they'll be layin when i get done with them telling me what I can and can't do, just cover um with cobbles.......

And who's laws are they the DFG and FS breaking? are they ANTI AMERICAN ? yeah i think so. I can name a few amendments to the constitution there breaking and mining laws that are supposed to be followed but there making there own laws up as they go, so they can KMFA, how about fighting for freedom and being treasonous like the men who wrote the Declaration of Independence when they said ENOUGH!!! no this is TYRANNY in this country and people better start fighting now before they, politicians, government take this country over in totallity.

I WON'T stand down men.

Stay tuned .

Your my hero. Take a spotter and and have your spotter take a spotter. Spotter #2 should be on the opposite side of river and creek from the road with a long rifle and scope. Put the effers down when they show up. I'm with ya. I'm tired of being told what to do by the "authoritah" This is America, freedom always comes with a price and that price is the blood of the oppressors. Tie a lead weight to each wrist and ankle. Sink em to the bottom and cover em with tailings. The only path to freedom is to stop avoiding confrontation. Meet em head on.

LOL love that post above me :) i'm not quite there YET...

Sooo alllllll dayyyyy in court, what a F'n joke, 1 hour on 45 minutes off thats how the judge did the whole day just about, fire alarm at 11:30 and he tells us to come back at 1:30, they finally saw me and my buddy at about 5:15 asking us why we were there, " OH your the fish n game guys case" Uhh yeah whats up with that I ask?

WELP this was arraignment and the DA had no offer for us, my public defender told me to take whatever gets offered, otherwise pay the price later at jury trial, probably have to do some time, so I ask SOOO whats the offer? there is no offer , HUH? nope no offers, might get dismissed might be a fine but for now its going to the next level, pretrial. So we pled not guilty and will be back in court on the 19th.

I'm headed to DFG here in town this week to see if they know what there doing, obviously no one knows what the other hand is doing so I'm going to try and find out more on my own.

The day sucked, sitting in court, standing in hallways, sleepless night last night, head running like crazy its already worn me down but after this afternoon i'm pissed off all over again and charged to fight........

No one cares who you are we're sheep inline, there were 40 people at least in court today another 40 didn't show up and bench warrants were put out on every single person ranging from $300 - to $50,000, most were drunk driving offenses, most were 2nd and 3rd time offenders, out on bail, yeah 3rd offense DUI's out on bail to drink and party LOL its all about programs now hardly any jail time because jails here are full, no wonder, its crazy out there i'm sure, I quit drinking a long time ago, it took me back but my drinking and using took me to another level, real bad level and i'm greatful to God for saving me from all that today, but there I am again, in the court room it was very uncomfortable and i wondered just how many of those people have lost control over there drinking, many i'm sure it will kill many of them and they will kill others, pretty sad!!!

Stay tuned will update agin on the 19th.

So, the scenes from Law and Order are not reality in the courts? Hang in there, must be something, watching that.

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I hope it only gets better from here out vini, we have rights and thats what you gotta stick to.

If they wanna lock ya up we'll bail ya out! WOOT! WOOT!

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LOL thanks guys stay tuned i'll be back to let you know the what this next hoop comes down to...


Good Karma coming your way.... Delay, delay, delay and hope we get a win in Plumas county, or San Bernadino. How's the prospecting been? Mark and I went over to Friant last weekend, color, but not much to brag about.....

AS the dredge turns. Or When you going again. The wetsuit heater is being worked on.

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