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Found a nice little crack last summer. It held some decent gold, but there is always a catch. Kind of had to battle the sides to get the 4" nozzle into the tapered bottom . I could have really used one of those crevice attachments for the nozzle, so now that's on the list. Hard to tell by the video, but the fractures in the crack just keep going and going, so I didn't use my blaster nozzle for fear of working the flakes even further down into the cracks. Tried to get a nice sluice box shot at the end but of course some water collected on the camera housing screwing up the shot. It's a little more fuzzy that usual, either because camera or compression settings or who knows what, you can still see the gold showing up, its just kinda fuzzy. Anyway enjoy. The 1080P HD version is available at YouTube.