drafting a letter for Jerry brown


Bronze Member
Nov 8, 2010
Camptonville, CA
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GMT&GM3 Whites MXT Pro, Shadow X5, Fisher 1280, OMG and the TDI
Primary Interest:
I think it's worth a try, Jerry Brown has been in office a short time and I may not agree with him but the few things I have read these past couple of days has me optimistic. The financial woes of the state could have some influence on the revenue generated by dredging. I am not very good at articulating or drafting a letter. But I am thinking that maybe we could get enough letters out to him not to suspend SB 670 but to allow dredging while the studies take place like they did in 94. maybe we could dredge this summer
Dear Governor Jerry Brown
I am writing this in regards to SB 670
high unemployment and falling revenue the State would benefit from a partial suspension of sb670, allow the study to continue like they did in 1994. the state would benefit from this activity with the revenue generated from dredging such as

this is where i get stuck, i don't know how to make a convicing argument for us dredgers.
since i am a member of a local mining club, like some. i am sure we can get enough letters out to Jerry to get his attention
what do you think? everybody's input is welcome

Laugh laugh I though I'd die--just google ol'moonbean and his queer loving miner hating ways will spew forth like a rush a diarrehea. He cannot REPEAL-NO POWER FOR SUCH AS WENT THROUGH THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS(veto at bill passage is/was/always be the only remedy) and even if he could--the feds lawsuits kills all possibility of that. Hate to rain on your parade but false hopes just drive up frustrations and anger even more---if thats humanly possible that is-John :read2:

Hoser John said:
Laugh laugh I though I'd die--just google ol'moonbean and his queer loving miner hating ways will spew forth like a rush a diarrehea. He cannot REPEAL-NO POWER FOR SUCH AS WENT THROUGH THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS(veto at bill passage is/was/always be the only remedy) and even if he could--the feds lawsuits kills all possibility of that. Hate to rain on your parade but false hopes just drive up frustrations and anger even more---if thats humanly possible that is-John :read2:

SB670 is Done and Gone, no point trying to change ancient history.
What we are faced with now is CDFG DELAYS, LIES, and a freshly released EPA RESTORATIVE PLAN.

By all means contact the politicians, just forget the whole SB670 angle, maybe a different approach. Remember to tell them what you, as a voter, would like to see happen. :thumbsup:

Hoser John said:
Laugh laugh I though I'd die--just google ol'moonbean and his queer loving miner hating ways will spew forth like a rush a diarrehea. He cannot REPEAL-NO POWER FOR SUCH AS WENT THROUGH THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS(veto at bill passage is/was/always be the only remedy) and even if he could--the feds lawsuits kills all possibility of that. Hate to rain on your parade but false hopes just drive up frustrations and anger even more---if thats humanly possible that is-John :read2:


EPA plan just killed dredging forever in ever lake,stream and creek north of Williams forevermore sayeth the craven raven :tongue3: John

Hey John :coffee2:
What EPA plan are you refering to? I think i missed that one.

LMAO rotf

well we all know what happen to ( ol'moonbean and his queer loving miner hating ways ) when he try to change Prop 13

And you wonder why you can't dredge in that State!!!!!!!!

jog said:
And you wonder why you can't dredge in that State!!!!!!!!
so much for constructive criticism

Here is a draft of my current letter to Brown. Just as so you can see the angle I took, not to say it will change a darn thing.
But would be nice to get our foot in back in the door with the current issue of priority, the economy,
just as the greenies kicked us out and slammed the door with the issue of the enviroment and sold it to the public with the decline of salmon.
The talk in the governor office is "economy" so I will try anything at this point, worth a shot.

Here it is:

Governor Brown,
Congratulations on your recent win for the position of California Governor. It will be a hard job with challenging objectives due to the state that our economy is in and with the budget shortfalls.

Here I wish to offer a suggestion of how you might be able to ease the economical situation. I believe as humans we learn from our mistakes as well as from our accomplishments and we can find the many answers in our own past history.

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s California shined and in this troubled time lead the nation to a renewed level economical security. This was all achieved through the promotion of our nature resources, specifically the mineral gold. It was the vision of California’s own newly elected governor, James “Sunny Jim” Rolph, when he started his term in January, 1931. In these tough times he had seen the need for renewing gold mining and with the help of the California State Mineralogist, Walter W. Bradley; they set a course for California’s government officials, not knowing the full extent of their actions and all the benefits that later were realized. He had not only helped many of the common people that were out of work and effected by the depression but also helped the states economics and his idea had spread through our country helping not only California but the nation as well.

I invite you to research the accomplishments of Governor James Rolph as his ideas could once again be incorporated as part of your future economic plans for California, allowing California to once again shine upon this great nation as a leader through this recession.

Below are some ideas that support this sort of reasoning.

The current method of choice by many modern miners and which is the least ecologically harmful is suction dredge mining, as there are many studies and reports that have been completed that confirm this. In contradiction to this, suction dredge mining has been under pressure from extreme environmentalist with no specifics of it being of any impact to the environment or the wildlife as it is currently regulated. As I am sure you are knowledgeable on this topic, I don’t wish to go into great depth of this whole controversy but more so to bring to light the benefits of this said mining method, not the environmental benefits but rather the economical benefits which as our new governor would find to be a great interest for consideration.

This type of mining activity brings substantial tourism from out of state. They come and spend money on equipment, supplies and services within California and they also pay the taxes on most of these items. The local businesses see increased sales which helps the local economy of these rural areas that are associated with mining activity. If the state government could promote and aide mining through legislation and ease of regulation, it would bring in much more tourism and in turn added revenue. Let’s not forget the local miners that would invest more towards this than has been seen in the past, also contributing to this revenue as well.

Federal mining claims generate revenue for local governments through county taxes that are paid on these Federal mining claims. The more claims filed and the increased interest in mining, the more revenue it generates.

There are many people out of work with unemployment benefits that have run out and there are many more just barely making it with little work to be had. Mining for gold could promise hope to those less fortunate and even though the chances of getting rich are very slim, they might very well prove to make enough to survive in these times. If mining was to become popular enough it in itself would create jobs through sales and services.

Another interesting fact to ponder is that gold is a natural resource and when it is recovered by a miner it is ultimately introduced into the state’s economy through sales and purchases. It is like boosting the economy by flooding it with freshly printed money as is done by the Federal Reserve Bank but as you know States can’t print their own money so this would be the next best thing, utilizing our states natural resources for this purpose.

Lastly, which isn’t all that much added revenue, would be the State’s Dredge Permit Program which is controlled through the California Department of Fish and Game. Each miner that chooses to operate a suction dredge within the state must pay a fee for a permit this may not be a huge amount of money but it does bring in hundreds of thousands when it was in place prior to the moratorium and could certainly become more if the legislation, to aide and promote this method of mining, was supportive.

Thank you for your time and as you go forward in trying to plan your strategies for a successful balanced government, consider our natural resources and mining opportunities that this great “golden” state offers and let us learn an important lesson from our rich history. Not as a sole solution, but as part of the resolution as a whole. What is needed now is the legislation that would consent to and possibly encourage this progress.

I truly hope that you can remain open for all possibilities to lead California out of this time of hardship. I look forward to seeing what you have to offer and what can be accomplished to aid in our economic relief.

The Hog (hhahahah) this isn't my real name of course.

Gravel Hog
That's a great letter, very good job. I just finished a letter of my own to the new Gov, in Oregon. We are fighting our fight up here too.
One thing about gold is that it adds pure wealth to the country unlike the FED'S printing more money that has no value.
We need to keep pounding them with letters!

gravel hog
thats great writing,
mind if i use that and get club members to sign thier own as well ?

hey jog would you post yours too, the more we send letters its bound to get thier attention even to are reps

2cmorau -

I would encourage you to write your own letter but feel free to use the idea or concepts in my letter.

This would make far better of an impact than him receiving the same letter (a form letter) over and over and it would also devalue the work and effort I put forth on my own letter.
I would hates to see it treated as junk mail and tossed aside. My point of posting it was to show the angle I took so others could follow suit, but not to copy word for word.
If my letter should happen to make it to the govenor's desk and he reads it, it really makes sense to him, and gets him to thinking. How would it look to him if a few days later he gets the same identical letter and another and another. It would then possibly void the whole point and the leters would be treated as we treat our own junk mail.

If you were still insistent upon copying my letter try to change it up some or use parts you really like then add your own stuff to the mix.
I would rather see you do this than not send him a letter at all. :thumbsup:

I actually added some new stuff to my draft and I will go back and change it on the posting.

I really don't think it will change matters but makes me feel better sending it, trying.

Gravel Hog

Thanks I am looking for ideas in forming letters for club members to sign so i can send them in If I cut and paste or what ever to make them diff. I will do what it takes.

my last attempt at writing was for this Noticed i received

do you ever get a response ?

Thanks again for the ideas

Just was mailed off today, so we shall see.
Not very many letters sent in actually make it to the govenor to read, many obstacles.
I would much rather witness it in action, than just get a typical responce letter back from his office.

You have a much better chance with state senators, house reps., and local congressmen, give it a try.
I stay in contact with my county's elected officials, as they can't read minds very well, so you have to keep on them about what it is you want to see achieved by them.

Has anyone ever tried a petition? Just a basic we are for mining in general and get as many people in your state to sign it, including non prospectors. Thought about doing this in Oregon before we lose our rights.

The holder of a valid unpatented mining claim has possessory title to the land covered thereby, which gives the claimant exclusive possession of the surface for mining purposes and the right to mine and remove minerals from the claim


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