

Hero Member
Jul 13, 2005
Detector(s) used
MINELAB 2100, L-Rods
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Dowsing is easy, anybody can do it. You that don't believe just don't know how. Many things can be dowsed, but it takes a molecular resonator to discriminate. After you learn, you can tell depth and size of object, and then when you get good you can tell density, and assay. It took me only two years to master, but I could teach somebody in a week. -dowsing a joke- You've got to be kidding!!! Get some information before you post a disbelief, you've got a computor in front of you.. Dowser

dowser said:
Dowsing is easy, anybody can do it. You that don't believe just don't know how. Many things can be dowsed, but it takes a molecular resonator to discriminate. After you learn, you can tell depth and size of object, and then when you get good you can tell density, and assay. It took me only two years to master, but I could teach somebody in a week. -dowsing a joke- You've got to be kidding!!! Get some information before you post a disbelief, you've got a computor in front of you.. Dowser

You are 100% correct, in that obtaining a dowsing response as the result of an ideomotor effect can be accomplished by just about any one.

Now what?


Dell Winders said:

You are 100% correct, in that obtaining a dowsing response as the result of an ideomotor effect can be accomplished by just about any one.? JBlack
You are also 100% correct, in that obtaining a Dowsing response as the result of "BELIEF SYSTEM" sold to you by an LRL Salesman can be accompolished by just about any one.


Hey, Dell, this is fun!


welcome to the forum ''dowser''...hope you brought your waders as it gets quite deep in here......gldhntr

yes dell, that is blacks standard practice.... misquote people, put their names on things they did not say, try his best to make everyone but himself look like an idiot, post all sorts of unproven bull he dreams up..........and calls all of it the truth.....what a laugh.....he only seems to be showing everyone here what he and his posts are.....nothing a shovel and hipwaders can't take care of..........gldhntr

Well, not a signal emited from an object, you are dowsing a blocked force, your reading what the objects blocking. It can also be read to tell depth, all buried objects create a 45 degree halo, they never cross full. This is all done with just the L-rods no machine.

I don't have any problem moving the rods with my mind, you need to use different frames of mind, to check density. If you were standing over an object with your rods crossed, I'm talking metal object, and your rods were crossed full why can't you push the rods open? You need to practice more, sometimes it helps to practice over lines,power, or water. Use brass rods for better mind control.

Mind and body detect the blockage, the we need the rods to show us our subconcious detection..... Dowser
aarthrj3811 said:
You are 100% correct, in that obtaining a dowsing response as the result of an ideomotor effect can be accomplished by just about any one.

Where have I heard that before.....Three times I have posted a simple frame made of wood and two pieces of copper tubing that are bigger than the Diameter of the rod handles. By sitting the rods in a solid frame there is no way for them to cross. When you set on an object and they cross you have two choices as to what made them cross.

1....A signal emited from the object made them cross.

2....You can move the dowsing rods with your mind.

The frame eliminates the ideomotor effects and I know I can not move objects with my mind....Art

Re: Belief system

Each dowser has a different method they "believe" works and no two are exactly alike.​

These methods are known as Belief Systems.​

All Belief Systems are in a constant state of flux, needing constant adjustment and tweaking.​

Why do you suppose that is?

Because any time you try to find patterns of sameness and logic, while observing a totally random process or system, you will always end up chasing your tail, and eventually return to the starting point, without ever accomplishing what you set out to do.

That my friends... is part of the truth about dowsing.​


Re: Belief system

That my friends... is part of the truth about dowsing.​

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" I exist to live , not live to exist"

HIO Black/CARL:? I agree, now will you please get the highly competative chicken ranchers in Japan to listen.?

They still employ dowsers with pendulums to id? the sex of an egg? and also to see if they are fertilized.? For some reason they don't seem to realize that it just a matter of chance that they are hitting 99%? correct.

Isn't it a silly thing that they think that they can ID the sex of an egg, even of an unfertilized egg,? wiith dowsing?? Can you get any sillier than that?? Course since they they are in the auto 50%? chance range, they are safe in showing success in the 99 %? correct range no??:"?.

p.s.? If their dowsers are even 5% off, the? company is out of business since? competition is so strong.? They have to work on an a narrow band of profit to stay afloat.

"Jose de La Mancha"? ? ?( I tilt windmills )

Re: Belief system

I know all aspects and devices of dowsing. But what i'm wrighting about lately is dowsing objects. It was new to me to see that there is such scepticism, and I apologize to those I have offended with my facts. I am not trying to push dowsing on anybody, I was just informing the not so sure, that anybody can consistantly find material objects while dowsing. I used to doubt myself at the begining, but I have found that objects dowse exactly the same everyday any time. There is no longer belief, it is all fact with me. I wish I could demonstrate to you all!!! If you know how to dowse, go outside, walk around until your rods cross, check to see if it is a line, if not, then it is absolutuly an object with metal in it. It will be there allways until dug up. Objects have to be grounded to dowse also, and it takes practice to determine the density of the object. Depth is easy. I have dowsed and dug up gold, fact, and I have dowsed and dug up iron objects, fact, and meteorites can be dowsed easily. Are you anywhere near Arizona? Proof is hard to convince in letters. There is the saying that dowsers are people trying to figure out what they are dowsing, that is not 100% correct. But if you can't comprehend or believe in dowsing I won't push it. It is a specialty and an exciting way to find treasure. Dowser

JBlack said:
Each dowser has a different method they "believe" works and no two are exactly alike.​

These methods are known as Belief Systems.​

All Belief Systems are in a constant state of flux, needing constant adjustment and tweaking.​

Why do you suppose that is?

Because any time you try to find patterns of sameness and logic, while observing a totally random process or system, you will always end up chasing your tail, and eventually return to the starting point, without ever accomplishing what you set out to do.

That my friends... is part of the truth about dowsing.​


Hey Art, I looked at your device and it looks great, but I know allready that I cannot move the rods with my mind when not over an object. But I can move them when I am over one. As for keeping the mental aspect out of dowsing, you need to incorporate that. You need to use your mind to lower or increase sensitivity, and check density. There is 3 types of mind use. A push, or a thoughtless dowse, or off, which the latter is not used but it is there. Are you using L-rods? Dowser

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Dowser.....Dowsing seems to work a little different for each of us. The key seems to be that it works for you. I practice a lot to keep the mental aspect out of my dowsing as that works for me.

It would be of great interest to me if you could try the dowsing frame. So far the only one that has been able to cross the rods when not standing on an object is Carl. The photo of the frame is on Want to try dowsing...reply # 10? ?Thank you....Art

Hey Dowser...Keep the information coming. I am set in my ways but every thing I read is filed in my mind. Some day when I am having trouble the solution will be in there to use. I use 3/16 brass rods but have tried stainless, bronze, plastic, wood, swing rods, adjustable, and different diameters. I always go back to the brass as I think they feel better.

I seek mostly placer gold and most of them are small pieces. Despite the popular belief nuggets are very rare. There is a few ways to determine size or weight. They are not perfect but better than nothing. As far as depth is concerned I can judge it fairly close. If the target is more than 2 1/2 deep someone else can dig it as my hands do not fit a shovel very good.

The reason I use physical dowsing is I learned to use the rods with a Nuclear Harmonic Resonator. It was years before I knew I was dowsing. For the past 4 years I have been working on my dowsing and have become very good at finding objects. Try this web site .
I found some of the experments very interesting. The one about the potentiometer made me do a lot of test......Art

Hey Art, I learned from the same devise as you, and yes you are right nuggets are very rare, at the top anyway. I located a 5 lb one last week, it's 6 ft deep, and it's in a bad dig area. I recently learned that I can chase signals from a moving vehicle. One way to clean out towns. Have you found any meteorites yet? I have one so far. I located two others 2 weeks ago, both to deep, and in the ton size. I also have one treasure located under a slab in a garage, but I need to purchase the house first. Good skill finding. Dowser

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Dowser...Keep the information coming. I am set in my ways but every thing I read is filed in my mind. Some day when I am having trouble the solution will be in there to use. I use 3/16 brass rods but have tried stainless, bronze, plastic, wood, swing rods, adjustable, and different diameters. I always go back to the brass as I think they feel better.

I seek mostly placer gold and most of them are small pieces. Despite the popular belief nuggets are very rare. There is a few ways to determine size or weight. They are not perfect but better than nothing. As far as depth is concerned I can judge it fairly close. If the target is more than 2 1/2 deep someone else can dig it as my hands do not fit a shovel very good.

The reason I use physical dowsing is I learned to use the rods with a Nuclear Harmonic Resonator. It was years before I knew I was dowsing. For the past 4 years I have been working on my dowsing and have become very good at finding objects. Try this web site? ?.
I found some of the experments very interesting. The one about the potentiometer made me do a lot of test......Art

alot of the targets i have located were first picked up riding down the road at 60 miles an hour using one rod., and several of these targets were quite small....,,, art , thanks for the links, some good info there......question for ya'll , knowing there is positive and negative charged targets, and also that each side of a person is positive/negative,,,,,i usually dowse with two rods, sometimes one,,,would it be better to dowse for certain metals with one hand and other metals with the other hand,,,if so, which metals would be considered positive, and which negative, and would you dowse with the like= negative for negative, positive for positive ?//............thanks,,.gldhntr

i have been just holding one rod with tip tilted down about 15 degrees or a little more pointing straight ahead......when you pass a signal line you will know it ....stop , get out and follow line to target....seems to me to work better at 60 than at 25-30 mph........i have even picked up a target on an island in a river while crossing a bridge this way..................gldhntr

I don't know if this guys theory is right but it sure is interesting. Myself, daughter and grand daughters right hands are positive. The four other people I check had no reading. We that have the positive hand can do the pendulum test and the others can not .My son who's hands were neutral and was always 2 1/2 feet from the target when his rods crossed. I changed the ion flow by adding copper tubing to the handles of brass rods and shortened his rods. I can't explain how this worked but it did.

I can hold a rod in my right hand which is positive and rub my left hand on my shirt and when I move my left hand up the rod will follow it. When I do the same thing with the rod in my left hand nothing happens. I also have used a bar magnet in my hand with the rods and reversed the pole to see what would happen.

No need to comment JBlack as I already know....It's Ideomotor responce...Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I changed the ion flow by adding copper tubing to the handles of brass rods and shortened his rods.

It would be interesting to learn what type of conventional instrumentation you used, and how you hooked it up, to verify that you changed the "ion" flow.

Most interesting..... ;D

I use a Radio Shack Volt meter to check the hands for positive and negative readings. It will not read millivolts but will tell you if the probes are connect to a + or -. There is a lot of instruments that can be used to measure the transfer of ion's. I don't own one and see no reason to buy one. Did I change the ion transfer rate on my son's rods ? I think so but can I prove it. No I can't and I don't care as the rods work now and thats all that matters.

Have I every looked for meteorites. No but thats on my some day list. This is the first summer sense 1980 I have spent on non-profit projects. It feels good Dowser.

I use two rods all the time. With one rod I can pick up the signal but have a lot of trouble following it. Most of the dowsers I know use two rods to physical dowse and one rod to mental dowse. On weather the signal from objects are positive or negative I don't know. From the experiments using a Radiodynamameter everything I tried turned the alum. disk the same direction. From that I assume they all were the same polarity..........Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Did I change the ion transfer rate on my son's rods ? I think so but can I prove it. No I can't and I don't care as the rods work now and thats all that matters. Art

Okay... that's a lot different than the first bold statement that you made...

If you did something... and now the rods suddenly work(?) ---that's different than what you first said.

In my business... I must deal in FACTS, NUMBERS, QUANTITIES and reproducible, tangible entities.

Anecdotal accounts dealing with subjective results serve absolutely ZERO purpose. Apparently, subjective results are all you and other dowsers can produce.


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