Jr. Member
Went back to the old site and made sure I had a whole day to really work this place over.Got there at 8 am and after a short talk with the contractor(I work for him sometimes)and a little brown-nosin--I gave him the trench-lighter and marbles I had dug previously, I saw somemore of the lot and creek bank had been scraped.So I decided to start at the creek bank. Trying to G.B there the ground was full of metal, so I was walking in all-metal to find a place to G.B. and Behold-- a little perfume stickin out the ground.Moving off the bank I GB'ed and started swingin- Two seconds later dug a old Ford key.Diggin it up, I also recover 2 glass buttons and this small area seemed LITTERED with relics! For the next 2 hours I worked a 20'x20' area and found a 45-70 case,old lighter, model T valve-stem cap , buckle,silver monogrammed thing,anchor button, a pendant with 50 on the front, the back has California 63141...10kt, This spot was ON FIRE--Next a Tootsie plane,a hammered cross,solid SS child's spoon and a ivory flower earring, It came outta a pile of dirt from a hole. Speakin of holes-- I had this spot lookin like a war zone, Its the first time I've been able to hunt and not WORRY about coverin up my holes.The owner had assured me I could'nt tear up the lot enough!!It was T.H.'in heaven!! About this time I hear the dozer fire up and its starts makin passes near the bank. I watch and see PILES of car parts, Huge rusted slabs of sheet metal,and just a incredible am out of SCARY stuff being pushed down the bank. Afterwards, I stepped on the new scrape-BOOM!!! SS jump wings in almost mint condition-I was also diggin a LOT of trash, but the frequent finds kept me goin--Next a Daniel Boone lead toy,Forgien Legion pin with the screwback,but the ground quickly filled back with trash as I moved along the bank. Taking some different lines back. Gotta weird clicky,but repeatable signal,after about 10 minutes I was holding a double-barrel shotgun receiver!! I was stoked!! This hunt kept gittin better and better!! Finally, finished this hunt off scanning the dozer tracks thru overgrown areas, and found a broken pair of marked 18kt eye-glass frames!! Last but not least a saloon token says Golden Gate Salloon, Eureka Ca.--Was this a Dream!!?? Seemed too good to be true!? Never in 12 yrs of MD'in have I encountered a site like this.Sure I guess... I'll be back---note: Had to give up the jumpwings to the owner,he had been in WWII, as a grunt. When he caught me cleaning all my finds. He flipped out over the wings and offered me $20 bucks for them. I handed them to him and said " thanks for lettin me hunt,and would these allow me to hunt the rest of the site??He replied "Hell yes and the next one of my job site you wish!!!" I was truly filled with a pleasant thought--He's happy, I'm happy and relics were brought home.--------------------Detecting Nirvana at its best----
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