Don Jose de Real Tayopa, A life well spent. The power of one.


Silver Member
Mar 31, 2011
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All Treasure Hunting
( The power of One )


Welcome to the subject of my interest, Don Jose has a special way of speaking of things that he has done , without bragging about

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Don Jose de Real Tayopa, ... A life well spent,n

( The power of One )


Welcome to the subject of my interest, Don Jose has a special way of speaking of things that he has done , without bragging about

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As it for your reading pleasure, and not discussion. If you really need to post on any thing ...
Use the thread with the same title,
With the Attached phrase!


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good morning my friends: On the campaign to find Tayopa, for some reason I seemed

to have no doubt that It was mine from the start ? At each point, when I could go no

further, because of financing or data, it suddenly would appear, but, just what was needed

for that period in the campaign, there never was a surplus nor information for the future.

I always had the strange feeling that I was simply a tool ???

As I look back to the actual standing on the site, it was a sort of anticlimax. My next

thought was "what is the next project", rather than $$ or anything else. You have to be

a T hunter at heart or a tropical tramp to understand what I mean.

good morning my friends: On the campaign to find Tayopa, for some reason I seemed

to have no doubt that It was mine from the start ? At each point, when I could go no

further, because of financing or data, it suddenly would appear, but, just what was needed

for that period in the campaign, there never was a surplus nor information for the future.

I always had the strange feeling that I was simply a tool ???

As I look back to the actual standing on the site, it was a sort of anticlimax. My next

thought was "what is the next project", rather than $$ or anything else. You have to be

a T hunter at heart or a tropical tramp to understand what I mean.

The goal had been achieved, even though to this date, while I know where it's hidden

entrance is, the mine has not been opened up. I can only rationalize that this is partially

due to the lack of permits and to the post challenge. However, I fully realize that it cannot

be put too far into the future since I am no longer a kiddie, and because of the operations

for the cancers, I am not as agile as I was. I do not have full function of my right shoulder

nor my left leg. I will leave the final opening to my associates.

While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful

memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling

by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top

of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love

found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of

frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not

seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of

complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is

difficult to put into words.

I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.

this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,

heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,

then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which

while rough, I would never change.

I will attempt to cover some of these things in this forum as time goes by, but please don't put

me on a tight schedule, I am a product of tempering by the Manana land. I may occasionally post

pictures that I have posted before, please excuse me for that.

Don Jose de La Mancha.

The goal had been achieved, even though to this date, while I know where it's hidden

entrance is, the mine has not been opened up. I can only rationalize that this is partially

due to the lack of permits and to the post challenge. However, I fully realize that it cannot

be put too far into the future since I am no longer a kiddie, and because of the operations

for the cancers, I am not as agile as I was. I do not have full function of my right shoulder

nor my left leg. I will leave the final opening to my associates.

While I may not have acquired riches or fame in the campaign, I 'have' accumulated wonderful

memories and experiences which can never be be reexperienced or bought. Memories of traveling

by myself / mule, in what was basically unexplored territory in those days. Of being on top

of lonely pine covered mesas by a small campfire listening to coyotes tell of dinners and love

found or lost, Listening to the gentle sigh of the deliciously scented clean air, which hinted of

frost by morning. Or of being deep in tropical canyons exploring ruins that probably had not

seen another human since the last survivors left centuries ago. I was able to sense a feeling of

complete freedom, a feeling which very few humans today are privileged to experience. It is

difficult to put into words.

I had the unique opportunity to find just how much I could rely upon myself, and not others.

this was experienced in traveling in uncharted country, twice experiencing bandits, lack of food,

heat and cold, sometimes continuing to exist simply by willing my body to place one foot ahead,

then the other until I managed to reach safety, or my camp. It was a growing up period, which

while rough, I would never change.

I will attempt to cover some of these things in this forum as time goes by, but please don't put

me on a tight schedule, I am a product of tempering by the Manana land. I may occasionally post

pictures that I have posted before, please.

Post #190


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Don Jose de Real Tayopa, The Power of one.

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