Dogs being used to help find Gold !!


Jun 9, 2007
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Hi as this is my first post , I thought many will find this interesting !

Not that long ago , A guy was spotted out detecting with a dog next to him that was wearing hear phones connected to his detector ::) , guess he had trained up the dog to hear those faint signals us humans cant ?

If this works can anyone recommend the best breed of dog for hearing signals for gold ?

Bob :)

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Still can't get the dogs to work the lawn mower right...might be a stretch to get him to use my MXT....

Bobbys,there was a similar post on one of the Arizona gold forums last year or so.I believe it's possible to train a dog to detect gold with his nose in certain instances,such as a decomposing quartz vein or reef where the sulphides might present a certain signature scent to a dog......Dave

Thanks for that info Dave, must be a special sort of sniffing dog ...

Do you think that the best detecting dogs could be golden retrievers ?

Regards Bob.

Bobbys said:
Thanks for that info Dave, must be a special sort of sniffing dog ...

Do you think that the best detecting dogs could be golden retrievers ?

Regards Bob.

I know some dogs are better at sniffing out explosives and drugs, than others, but I don't know which. Maybe wasps would be a better bet though.

They can be trained in minutes and don't eat much. Just hope that they don't attract any of their friends.


Functional said:
They can be trained in minutes and don't eat much. Just hope that they don't attract any of their friends.

Yes I can see your point about the wasps being cheaper to feed, but they may not be able to be trained to use hearphones ;D


Actually there was one old man who taught his dog to smell gold. He would be out in the field where there was a lot of tourists and he would unleash "Rusty" his dog. Sure enough his dog would immediately go to a spot and start digging. Imagine the tourist's surprise when yes the dog would dig up a nugget. After Rusty found a half dozen good sized nuggets, it was obvious he was a gold sniffing dog. He was so good that the old man quickly started selling "Rusty's" undug spots to the tourists. (He would quickly leave after selling a number of spots).

The moral of this story is "If you want your dog to find gold- Be sure you bury a piece of bacon above the gold nugget"


Bobbys,I don't know what dogs might or might not be trained for this wild idea,but it makes a little bit of sense to me that it could be done.All gold has it's own spectographic sign,so why not scent.just because humans can't detect an odor it dosen't mean it's not there.Perhaps it is,such as plants have odors.Read somewhere once that this was/is being tried in Russia,China...Somewhere.Gold is mysterious stuff so who knows........Dave

Yep , the dog must have been trained up to hear those deep signals we can't, guess thats why it had on the phones on I hope !


actually both points could be right,
As an owner of a dog training facility, we have dogs that can detect scent of certain materials that are minute compared to gold, we even have a puppy that is being trained for this task.
The trainig for hearing detector noise is easy (although headphones are a stretch), my dog only will wear sunglasses and hat.
All elements carry scent, thats why dogs can detect cancer inside the body as small as a few cells.
this puppy we have will "detect" coins and metal found in jewelry, so far doing 60% at 3 months work. this training takes time and effort(2 Years) and should be in the 98% range.
what better way to spend a day out with the dog! just me and my lab.

Interesting thread. Would be better to train ground squirrels = groundhogd = marmots to do the sniffing as they'd do all the diggin' as well!

There is a dog trained to sniff out mercury.
That's the way to go.


Now if you could train the dog to dig the hole...

Would be perfect for us lazy MD'ers. ;D

diggin not a problem, trying to get her to classify: pricless

sorry, my lazy

Bobbys said:
Functional said:
They can be trained in minutes and don't eat much. Just hope that they don't attract any of their friends.

Yes I can see your point about the wasps being cheaper to feed, but they may not be able to be trained to use hearphones ;D


Uh hellooo "Killer bee" headphones ::)

Bobbys said:
Hi as this is my first post , I thought many will find this interesting !

Not that long ago , A guy was spotted out detecting with a dog next to him that was wearing hear phones connected to his detector ::) , guess he had trained up the dog to hear those faint signals us humans cant ?

If this works can anyone recommend the best breed of dog for hearing signals for gold ?

Bob :)


Ole Grubstake said:
I want to train a pit Bull to rip the gold out of the ground

That's the greatest!! I want to train my wife's pug to do this too!!! Goliath The Gold-Sniffin Dog!!!

HMMMM, Ole Grubstake, would that make your dog a, "gold digger"? I have one here too, but I'd better back off before somebody yells at me for being sexist.

I tend to believe this to some extent though, especially since I saw the study about the dogs being able to detect cancer in the human body. Amazing animals.

Grubby... Dogs can sniff out some cancers in people. I wonder if a dog could be trained to sniff out mercury. Where there's mercury there could be gold. About 30 years ago, I read in the Calif. Mining Journal that some company was working on a device to do just that. As I recall, the BLM was involved in the project, but I never heard anything more about it.

Ole Grubstake said:
Hi Jeff------Some of the gold that I recover is coated with Mercury and I burn it off with Nitric acid. Years ago I used to think it was pieces of lead and discard them. Live and learn. I did not realize that the mercury that miners used had spilled into the stream and river beds and found its way to attach to pieces of gold.

That is why I like this forum. Many people with lot of information that I never would have heard of otherwise. And yes, I like the idea of bit bulls ripping cancer from people!! I work in a hospital too. I bet not for long if I recommend that idea!!!

Hoser John said:
PUFF-PUFF-PASS-what a pipe dream-John
well pass this way. if they the can smell cancer why not gold?. you could start training a pup at a young age by putting gold in his toy then hide it over and over.maybe work or just a pipe dream

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