Does anyone really Believe they Melt silver & gold Coins ?

Don't know if they lied or not. But just for this argument I will say they did. If they showed the cops that they still had the PMs, the cops would have taken them and they would have taken the loss (although they could have gone after the crook in theory for reimbursement). Having said that, would anyone here (if they owned a pawnshop) have given back the PMs if they still held them (even though you as the pawnshop paid the crook we'll say relative fair value)? To those who say yes, I say BS. Just my opinion. Jim

I'll take the 5th as an answer :laughing7:

But it's the "Pawn Stars" so I also expect them to be extra diligent :tongue3:

Got to believe they are smart enough to not melt valuable coins

Interesting story.
Yes the guy was a fool for keeping his coins where he did.
From the few episodes i,ve seen PS guy Rick seems to know his coins.
So I def, call BS if he Swore the Valuable "Rare" coins were Melted.
Most Pawn Shops are Ripoffs anyway & take advantage of people. " MOST"

I am on the Pawn shops side on this.

They have to hold everything for 90 days and have the local Pawn shop detail cops that come in at least weekly if not a couple times a week.

Even items sold not pawned are still held for 90 days by law.

if the owner of the coins did not protect the coins with a safe and did not check his coins to see if they were still in his hiding place i wonder if he really valued his coins.

Also i wonder if he did not want to thief prosecuted but was just out for a fast buck.

If a pawn shop really wanted to pull a fast one there would be no records of them ever getting or having the coins.

I am on the Pawn shops side on this.

They have to hold everything for 90 days and have the local Pawn shop detail cops that come in at least weekly if not a couple times a week.

According to the article, coins are not subject to the 90 day rule.

I wasn't considered a pawn shop either. scrap and coins might be different. I was in OH. And the rules were diff. at that time. A lot has changed since then! lol But I remember being so strapped from all the stuff coming in, You would Just count the min. to be legal to send to melt! lol

I believe you on that one! I was in Tucson when silver hit $50, or thereabout. I went with a friend to a silver-buying place, not sure if it were a pawn shop or not. Anyway, they had so much silver they didn't know what to do. I saw what appeared to be antique silver services, candelabra, silverware, etc., some obviously very old, being crunched, stomped, hammered and beaten in order to fit into a shipping container to send off to melt. Coins by the bagful were coming in with people standing in line to sell whatever silver they had. All just dumped into shipping containers, no one checking on rarity, antique value, NOTHING! It was heartbreaking!

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Chug Here,

All Pawn Shops Are required By local And State Laws on How to Take Care of Pawns And Or Loans!! If you had a Valuable Coin that You could Not Sell Would You Melt It!!

Or Purchase it For Your Own Collection!!!

Me I would Purchase it For My Self And Hold On to It!!!

Our Favorite Pawn Shop Just Scraped 1/2 Of Its Display Case Of rings Most were Just Plain Bands

Think about it As Long as they Followed the Laws There Is Nothing that Can Be Done

HH Chug

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