Do You Think ETs Should Make Contact?

I don't see why it couldn't be a possibility, but I bet others might!

Whats our experience here on earth? (with water and the energy cost to move it).

Trucking water is fuel expensive. Just like trucking gasolene to fuel stations the further you have to truck it from the refinery the more expansive the gas at the pump...due to freight costs - here downunder where the tyranny of distance is the greatest brake on development - we know all about expensive fuel and freight costs believe me.

So lets think about how much energy ot would require to launch all that liquid water or even solid water ice out of Mars gravity.....

Man thats a lot of water hence mass and hence energy to get it outta the Mars gravity and the propel it across space if we take how much rocket fuel it takes to launch the space shuttle weighing I guess hundreds of tonnes into space?

Of course if you turned it to steam a weightless (almost) gas and compressed it enough then maybe NOT as difficult in energy terms as doing it in solid or liquid form.

Then again if you were highly technological like the startrek TV series maybe they just beaned all the water with the dolphins and whales already in it from one planet to anther...assuming they had that sort of energy available to them and why not - likely they have access to nuclear energy at least if not the other sorts of energy I was alluding too in my Philladelphia experiment posts - that no one bothered to read or try and understand - if they understood the gravitic or attractive force of the universe an its tractal tetrahedral nature then maybe they would move all that water and aquatic mammals and fish etc in the blink of an eye - not hard to imagine or believe at all.

It all depends on our understanding of energy wthin the universe and the more we know the more that is possible.

You know you read about monks in tibet who could 'sing' a rock into levitating itself of the ground and even when photographed and published in a book - still to this day no one believeds that ti could be done.

We still to this day couldn't lift the heaviest blocks of stone used in the construction of the Pyramids of Giza plateau, in Egypt with our largest industrial cranes, and most skilled engineers and operators - yet we refuse to believe that some ancient race of inhabitants on earth might not have ad a technology that allowed them to levitate (or counteract gravity's force i.e. anti gravity).

The old telekinesis joke shows this disbelief problem beautifully (Would everyone who believes in 'telekinesis' [that's moving things with the power of ones mind] - Please raise my right hand) at which point everyone laughs at the joke - because it couldn't possibly be true could it?

But what if it is true?

What if there is an energy form known as gravity that we rally do NOT understand that if we did our world would alter - we wou;ldn;t be stuck here on this planet we wouldn't age and die with the passage of time here on this planet we would be space travelers and time lords - immortal - ohh wait a minute - isn't that just what God promises for those who believe.....but the religious folk - everyone knows they are just nutters - right? ???

So maybe is just "us who believe" in the things unseen - who really are the ones with the secret knowlege that God has hidden deliberately from those who aren't being saved!

And for those of us who believe - its not such a stretch that new heavens and new earths might be a possibility, abnd innortality and the end of time and its dominion over mankind.

Anything more we should KNOW aout this who bidness?

Well yes - it says that the evil God of this earth was "Thrown down too earth" - as punishment for challenging the supreme God, but what does "thrown down" really mean?

Well when you are stuck here on earth and have forgotten the gravity energy and how to control it Time has dominion over you and you age and die!

Its not until you are lifted up beyond the heavens that you are promised immortality and this indeed is possible if you can defeat time (ageing), and once you understand time you can then understand how to defeat gravity and thus time.

Its not so difficult I already gave the physics and the math in my posts at the Philladelphia experiment thread - but no one wanted to know or paid the slightest attention.

Those who aren't being saved won't listen either - the post wasn't for them - but its there for any who wish to be saved.

Gods secret truths are available to all who accept (confess publicly) Jesus as their savior, and their belief in God and who's laws they write upon their hearts.

No one is "put right with god bye what they do - but instead by what they believe!".

Only believe and ye shall be saved.

It's not by observance of Gods 10 laws (commandments) that we are put right with God - even sinners can be put right with God by their belief if they ask to live under his divine grace and not under his law - and he chooses to exercise his divine grace..

The answers are ALL clearly there for all of us if we just believe and ask - indeed, "seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened unto you".

Where 2 or more of you gather in my name - I will hear your prayers, and as our high priest - he will ask of his father on our behalf for no one comes to the father but bye the son, because he has been given all authority in heaven and here on earth.

The greatest secret truth hidden from Mankind is that God is in you and if you look at my earlier post in this thread about our DNA - being created in the image of our creator, you will see that what the bible says is NOT all bunkum it is in fact the truth - truth so strange that mankind has difficulty believing?

Gods wisdom is wiser than human wisdom.

Only believe - that's all that is required and all the secrets will be made available to you - belief is all that's required.

I've shared a great many of the secrets already, because often the very best place to hide the most important sacred secrets is in plain view - those who are being lost won't believe even when shown - that is our human nature and it is our human nature that keeps us prisoners here on earth - subject to the ravages of time and aging and death - when immortality beckons and all that is required to achieve it is belief.

So simple that its so complex very very few ever get it even when it is written down quite clearly and unambiguously, our human nature doesn't allow us to believe.

And that's the final lesson that we are all here on earth for every re incarnation to learn - that in order to ascend all we need do is overcome our human nature and we do that by believing in God and his son Jesus Christ as our personal savior - because that is why God sacrificed his only begotten son for us so that we might be saved.

What if God had actually made it deliberately HARD to be saved - we'd a REALLY been in strife then, because even when he makes it really really simple and easy - we are too dumb and too stubborn to understand.

If you truly DO want to understand - that God is Love - and is in every single one of us - then try this - go out and take you only son - and push him under a fast approaching truck - sacrificing him - in order to save someone you don;t really like very much at all.

When you can do that - you will be like God - because essentially that is what he did in order to give every single one of us (all 6 billion of us here on the planet the opportunity to be saved and to escape this planet and live and rule with him forever - the gift of immortality)!

Until we overcome our human nature - although God is within us literally and spiritually - we wll never escape our bondage with mother earth.

We all need to grow up essentially because for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and take unto himself a wife.

we need to let go this mother earth - we need to grow up as a species in our love for life and each other, and come to the wedding feast of the Son, we need to leave the safety of thismother earth and to strike out and establish a life and family for ourselves - independent of thismother earth ans fully mature adults spiritually -ruling across the universe the way our DNA within us ptrivuded by God has ordained for us to do.

This is mankind's task - or goal, world domination is so passe - when you know the REAL prize and the immortality that goes with it.

And the answer is within us - not in some aliens comming own and telling us what we need to do - we already KNOW whqat it is we are meant to do they are just waiting for us to believe - and so to be ready to leave and start out on our own lifes ath as a species - with the aliens.

Its the same as a father waiting for his child to grow up and then come work with him - you cannot hurry the process if you wish to work with your son truly as an equal.

And so you see our creators dilemma - hes ready for each and every one of us to finally grow up.

I bet he is mighty miffed at our refusal to see the overall plan and get on with it - sure we are lucky, coz if he wasn't such a pateint father, he'd a likely given us a good clip around the ears by now.

Lucky for us - hes already growd up fully and learned life's lesson of patience (The reward of patience)!

Just believe and all things are possible even the water from mars with the porpoises and whales in it!.


Re: Where did our water come from?

BuffaloBob said:
Lucky Eddie said:
Mars was destroyed about 3 million years ago by a flood. They also had an Arc to carry their animals and life forms here to this planet. Whales and Porpoises were some of the first animals transplanted from Mars and are thinking beings.

Damn lucky they got out before all the water disappeared!. (I like whales and porpoises!).
Where do you reckon all that water went?
You'd think they could a left the damn great whites behind but we could a done without them I reckon! :thumbsup:

I have a question for you. Where do you think earth's water came from? Water covers 70% of our planet. A lot of water.

We have been searching for water on other planets without much success. Maybe small amounts underground but not enough to support life.

Perhaps the flood waters of Mars were transported to Earth? Frozen masses of ice deposited on earth and an atmosphere created to warm and melt the ice. And turn our planet green and habitable. And then populate it with whatever life forms that could survive?

How The Earth was Made is an excellent series on how Earth may have been created and evolved. Here is a clip on the oceans.

LE / BB:

What happened to the thread about "keep your cameras handy..........." ?

It "disappeared" about the same time Boylans "gonna happen for sure" prophecies fell out the bottom and he started back-paddling in his Yahoo site like a canoist on the Colorado in spring runoff..........

Why for ?

I'll say this much with absolute certainty: There is little we know with absolute certainty about the past, and even less we know with absolute certainty about the future - near or far. Any claims beyond that are nothing more or less than fanciful conjecture.


Diggemall said:
LE / BB:

What happened to the thread about "keep your cameras handy..........." ?
It "disappeared" about the same time Boylans "gonna happen for sure" prophecies fell out the bottom and he started back-paddling in his Yahoo site like a canoist on the Colorado in spring runoff..........

Why for ?

I'll say this much with absolute certainty: There is little we know with absolute certainty about the past, and even less we know with absolute certainty about the future - near or far. Any claims beyond that are nothing more or less than fanciful conjecture. Diggem'

Why the thread was deleted by me......Diggem that's a good question. It was in response to Dr. Boylan 86'ing me from his Yahoo group. Called me one of the bad guy's trying to cast doubts on him and his message. No opportunity for me to question his wisdom, just shut out. Period.

Well tell the truth I was/am a bit peeved. First I thought someone reading the "Get Your Cameras Ready" group had emailed Boylan and did him dirt. So I got mad and 86'd my original post.

Now I believe I acted in haste and wish I could resurrect that post but cannot. So.. my fault.

Since I can not access Boylans Yahoo group anymore, I have no idea what has been happening and what he has been saying or explanations of what had or had not occurred. His was the site I could get up to date information.

I acted in good faith by posting Dr. Boylan's predictions here as I believed him. I haven't heard or read any other major UFO sightings since then. So I can't defend or condemn Dr. Boylan since I don't know what he is doing.

Yeah, I'm disappointed a lot. I expected too much ... maybe Hoped too much for a better future.

BTW: I was born in 1942. I was five when the Chicago papers claimed the Roswell UFO event happened. I believed it then as I do now.

I lived through the Cold War, was upset when the Russkies sent the Sputnik up before us. I watched it mosey across the night sky like everyone else. I watch the Russian MIG jets that were really, really better than our planes.

I watched our many, many failures to launch anything into space. America was scared to death of Russia.

AS our defenses finally got better, maybe the 70's and 80's, I am\nd millions of other Americans have seen more missile launch failures and successes that I can vouch for that California "Contrail" was a missile.

So I Hope Washington is lying to us and really launched the missile. The other options are bad. Our $100 Billion Star Wars Defense (SDI) satellites and communications systems don't work. Or someone, somehow launched that sucker without permission which isn't much better.

I have refocused my attention on our first snow of the year in this part of Colorado. Ordered a turkey for Thanksgiving, sighted in my new .22 Target Pistol, changed my oil and bought a nice bottle of wine. Works for me.......

Thanks to you fine folks for reading my crap. :)



Bingo ! to much of what you said. I believe as much of what I hear / read (esp when from govt sources) about as far as I am able to throw your average overweight congress-critter. lol.

Anyway, the good Doctor is on hiatus.

More later


BB - I for one enjoy your so called "crapola" and check back often to partake of it - please keep it up and don't feel the need to nix threads, some of us don't frequent Boyland's web site so were enjoying your dissertations about it here - irrespective of whether it panned out or not wasn't the issue - just the discussion of same and conjecture about the possibility in itself was enjoyable.

I so wanted t use the word irregardless in that last sentence even tho I know there's no such word and that its grammatically incorrect!!.

It must say something about my age that I was unable to force myself to do it - more-so that I actually do crosswords to help keep my mind sharp - and believe it or not that was a word required to complete the damn crossword i am sure that whoever compiles them has the queens English as a second language - because unless you speak English like Manuel from Faulty Towers there's no way to complete the darn crosswords...... whatever is this world coming too?


Lucky Eddie said:
BB - ....because unless you speak English like Manuel from Faulty Towers there's no way to complete the darn crosswords...... whatever is this world coming too? Cheers

Manuel from Fawlty Towers.. Cracked me up as he curls up defensively when John Cleese is after him. I bought the five episodes and will have to watch them again. The Hitler step, the lady with the hearing aid, the rat in the kitchen. Silly fun and thanks for reminding me of it.

I loved the episode where Basil hangs the moose head on the wall - and asks Manuel to get him a hammer - Manuel comes back with a ham sandwich etc :laughing7:

Classics each and every episode - also the one with the Germans staying - don't mention the war etc :headbang: :notworthy:

There's a huge difference between English comedy and what we've come to expect from US slapstick, growing up our humor was mostly from the UK but as US media took over here we now get the US variety of humor (two and half men relying on toilet humor for example). Whilst I don't mind the show as a generalisation - when it stoops to 'toilet humor' for 'canned laughter' I change channel, and that's saying something coz my TV doesn't have a remote - I actually have to get up off my chair to do so.

I doubt we will ever see the equal of Fawlty Towers again sadly!

:icon_thumleft: :D DA MONTIES! LOVE 'em! "Dry", BRIT humor/humour; wonder what THEY woulda said or done, when meeting ET... LOL. ET may sing... "I'm an ALIEN, and I'm OK... fly ALL night, but what da hey... ". :laughing9: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee? ;D

Early Peter Sellers......

Lucky Eddie said:
....There's a huge difference between English comedy and what we've come to expect from US slapstick, ...

Fortunately my older brother took me along to a theater in Chicago that played they early English and Peter Sellers comedies that no longer exist. I remember one character he played, Pearly Gates, who was in prison during the daytime escaped at night to do his dirty deeds. I think he also did the first airborn car trick I ever saw. Astin Martin I think.

And during a vacation in England and Scotland in the early 70's, the wife and I saw "Steptoe and Son" which was the original that was copied here as Sanford & Son. Yours was better. I recall the one where the Dad taught the son how to dance. Unfortunately not how to lead so his first dance both he and his date went spinning off in different directions.

It was sad to see Terry Thomas reduced to American comedy and pretty much fade away here. I always wanted to drop him a line in Hollywood but missed the opportunity.

While traveling around Britain and Scotland we stayed mostly at local homes, which usually had salesmen staying there also. One night, after dinner a jolly fellow told a joke that got everyone else was rolling on the floor. Apparently in a particular local dialect that was totally beyond us. So he patiently explained the joke which was still over our heads, and that brought the house down even bigger. Wish we could relive those days.

Every generation has it's hero's and memorable people that they discover for themselves that the next generation on will never experience or quite understand what the big deal was. Thank God we can remember some of ours.

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