Do you remember......... Theese?


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May 27, 2008
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Nope, it is what's called a "Cap grenade" you untwist the cap off of front of rocket, install a cap from a roll of red caps, twist the head back on and toss it, when it hits hard surface cap goes BANG! :o

We used to play with this stuff when there was no "Playstation" or "Xbox", only 3 channels on the TV IF you were lucky enough to get them "all". We played outside with these and used a little thing called "imagination". We also played with toy guns, toy soldiers, all kinds of violent crap and not one time while I was growing up did anyone walk in a school and start killing people. We said the pledge of allegence every morning, then prayed, then started class. If you had a rift with someone at school you had a fight, you didn't kill them, just a fight, then by the next week you were buddies again. Nobody had ever heard of "A.D.D" you acted up in class you got your @$$ busted and you calmed right down. Not everyone that went out for sports made the team. You learned to live with dissapointment and then to work harder. I'm only 36 years old but I can see that I was on the very end of the "Good ol' days". Honestly can anyone else read the above and not see where this country went wrong???

Now adays all ya need is a 16 oz plastic soda bottle,a roll of aluminum foil and a bottle of works toilet bowl cleaner.Dump about 1 inch of cleaner in the bottle,then quickly stuff in 2 or 3 wads of foil and cap it.Toss quickly.There is a chemical reaction between the cleaner and foil and it will build pressure quickly :o

Haven't seen one of those in 50+yrs used to play with them when I was how old? ??? We used to take a roll of caps and wind it around a big aggie marble and wrap it in aluminum foil then throw it against anything hard and BOOM!. Or if you were really nuts youjust took a whole roll of caps and hit them with a brick or hammer. Make your ears ring :tard:


Say What? Speak up man........ :P

I didnt even have a clue what it was.

Am now pushing the heck out of 60 and my brothers and I had dozens of those cap rockets!

Kids (and adults) Don't try this one at home!
When I was a kid, we lived in the coalfields and every underground miner had a carbide lantern to see in the mine. If you put a tablespoon of carbide in a Hershey's cocoa can with a small (pin size) hole in the bottom, squirted in some water,placed the pressure cap on, and touched off the "cannon" with a match, it made a great BOOM! We loved doing this at Xmas and July 4...and any other time we could steal carbide from our Grandfather. (Peabody Coal Company 46 years)

grizzly bear

For those of you who may not know, carbide and water produce acetylene. Yup, the same gas used in OXY/Acetylene welding! Highly flammable and very dangerous. When we got bored at work, we used to fill a latex balloon with this gas from our welding tank, put a short (6") string to the tag end of balloon, attach a book of matches to it, stuff a lit cigarette behind the matches, then turn balloon loose outside, you can guess the results........

I remember the cap grenade very well. Had a bunch at one time. Had so many that mom refused to buy more. I was always loosing them.

Captain Loosechange said:
We used to play with this stuff when there was no "Playstation" or "Xbox", only 3 channels on the TV IF you were lucky enough to get them "all". We played outside with these and used a little thing called "imagination". We also played with toy guns, toy soldiers, all kinds of violent crap and not one time while I was growing up did anyone walk in a school and start killing people. We said the pledge of allegence every morning, then prayed, then started class. If you had a rift with someone at school you had a fight, you didn't kill them, just a fight, then by the next week you were buddies again. Nobody had ever heard of "A.D.D" you acted up in class you got your @$$ busted and you calmed right down. Not everyone that went out for sports made the team. You learned to live with dissapointment and then to work harder. I'm only 36 years old but I can see that I was on the very end of the "Good ol' days". Honestly can anyone else read the above and not see where this country went wrong???

Captain, we are about the same age and I remember those days well. It seems that this country went way wrong somewhere and that the people don't want to get back to the good ole days.

children these days have absolutely no imagination, the other day my 9 year old said she was bored, and I'm standing there looking at a PS3, a computer, an Ipod, a boombox, and the entire backyard. I guess life has gotten tougher since I was a kid

I see a treasure hunt in that backyard! Take all their toys out in the back yard and bury them, just make them believe a pirate came in whilst they were gone and took all their toys. After they get over the loss, wait 5 years, then one day while you are cleaning their bedrooms, accidentally find a treasure map! ;D. Give the map to your kids and explain to them that the map just had to be in their room all the time, tell 'em that NOW they won't be so bored anymore...... :thumbsup: And you may also get them interested in helping you on your treasure quests....

they love to go MD'ing, they just don't like the digging part

interesting find... never seen anything like that before... i'm a child of the early 80s...

anyone try the mentos in a bottle of coke? i've never done that but it looks like it could be fun. ::) :tongue3:

Yeah, coke and Mento's might look like fun......But, could make ya attracted to the yellow-jackets, and I am allergic to their stings :(. I carry an Epi-pen, but why waste it, when I can just avoid situations that would make them love me?

Nick Pappagiorgio said:

Remember lighter fluid Tennis Ball cannons... :thumbsup:

We discovered that butane lighters were a great source of propulsion for these kind of cannons Nick.
Remember potato cannons? Same principal.

About the same time we discovered that a couple pieces of 1/2 inch (OD) surgical tubing 6 feet long each,
and a piece of belting for a pocket would make a slingshot that would,( with the help of a couple trustworthy friends) throw an egg right close to three blocks.
Water balloons too.


mastereagle22 said:
You really want to blow their minds???

Take a pringles can and make a very small hole, about the size of a dime or pencil at the bottom of the carboard side. Place your finger over it.

Fill the can with the "gas" from a cig lighter. Put the lid back on to keep the gas from escaping.

Squeeze the can slightly, light the lighter and squeeze the can a little, remove your finger from the hole and put the flame by it and let go fo the squeezed can.

POOF, WOOM!!!! The top just blew off and shot across the room!!!!

Yeah I used to do that. I would get about 3 or 4 tennis ball cans, and one of them I would cut out the end entirely (to load a tennis ball), then the other end of that one I would cut a buncha holes using a diagonal can opener. I would do the same with the diagonal can opener to both ends of two others, then just one end of the last can (tha butt end). I would then cut my little touch hole in the butt end of that last can, and tape them all together. Pour light fluid in, whirl it around like a windmill to sorta air it out a bit, then set it on level pavement, drop a tennis ball in the top, and hold a match to the touch hole.


Tennis ball would fly 2-300 feet in the air. I had friends who had wars with those things. ;D

Kids these days cannot imagine living without cable, playstation, ipods, etc.

Heck I remember my little record player with the 45 rpm singles I had.

Man you were rich. You had a 45rpm speed on yours? :o. Mine only had 78 and

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