Do you believe in dreams?

This past summer a women comes up to me on the beach while detecting and asks, "Do you believe in dreams?" I said sure. She goes on to tell me how she dreamed she was by the water and in the water there was a tee shirt sticking out in the shallow. In the dream a voice told her there was gold buried underneath at that spot. A few weeks later while in Connecticut she sees some landmarks from her dream and the shore line. She walks to the shore and there in the shallows is a white tee shirt sticking out of the water just like in the dream. She told me she did not dig because she was frightened that perhaps some spirit was guiding her to that spot. So I say," Well lets go and dig it up."

A few days later I call her and take the ride to Connecticut First let me say this lady never stopped talking from the moment she got in the car. I heard her whole life story starting when she was a baby. Also my wife was a bit suspicious about the whole thing.

We eventually arrive, park and head to the shore line. She points to the general area so I hit it with the detector. The only thing I found was a piece of concrete giving a signal. It started to rain and we left and she took me to a few beaches nearby. Then i drove her home. She still kept talking.

That night I’m thinking about the signals coming out of the concrete. Now I’m thinking, if someone wanted to hide gold, putting it in concrete would be perfect. Who would ever think to look.

The following weekend I head back to the Conneticut shore. Its sunny and there are a number of people fishing. I walk the shore line to wear the chunk of concrete was laying. I picked it up and proceed to smash it on a boulder repeatedly to break it apart. ( I’m sure my actions looked strange to those who were fishing.) Nothing but the usual iron inside.

My wife might have been right. She might have been a lonely lady who wanted to meet me and go out for a ride. Or perhaps its true and there is gold over there.

Do you believe in dreams? Would you have gone and looked after hearing such a story?

Go back and slow down ,searh a little harder, take your time. You may not find what you think you should, but youll probably find something. While searching for one treasure you may stumble on another. Fate, destiny, an omen, who knows either way you'll be metal detecting thus increasing your odds of digging something good.

The human brain is capable of amazing things, it has been estimated we use less than 10 percent.

I had a reoccurring dream in high school, I would find my self in a large room, white tiled floor, large brick pillars, tall narrow windows with ugly brown drapes. Outside the window was construction equipment working, I couldn't see right but dozers, cranes etc.

Had the same dream 3 or 4 times, didn't think much of it, except the reoccurring part seemed weird.

That year my class, 10th grade went on a field trip to the Joint Vocational School, walked in the cafeteria and there it was. The exact room from my dream, right down to the drapes, but no construction outside.

Long story short, I went there, then a 2 yr. college, and ended up building roads and bridges.

Was the room, and the equipment in the dream a look at my future? I don't know, but it was so vivid I believed it at the time.

Re: Tom_in_CA - I really must apologize to you. Was writing quickly as I had to walk away for a while. Didn't mean to imply that you're "wrong and don't know what you're talking about". YOU know what has happened in YOUR life. I know what's happened in mine. And each other the same. When it comes to such topics, ideas/opinions will most certainly vary wildly. So to clarify, I wasn't trying to say you were wrong in what you believe, but rather that you were wrong, in the sense that you did not understand my experiences.

As for your statement about not remembering dreams that did not come true, whether day dreams or night, you are wrong there. Of course everyone is different, but I have remembered so very few dreams in my life that those I did remember somehow stuck. I can rattle off this one dream in particular that I always used to have whenever I was sick. However, it never came true. Not even close. There are others I remember as well.

My wife tells me every now and then when I was dreaming. Sometimes I'm giggling or laughing in my sleep, sometimes crying, sometimes...well, won't go there! :tongue3: Sometimes I'll do something really bizarre. My body is broken in places and doesn't want to do what "I" wanna do anymore. Yet somehow, I'm still able to perform a flying side kick in my sleep. :laughing7: One time she woke me up because I was punching at something in front of me. I never remember these dreams; not even having them! ...Ok, almost never. Maybe less than 1% I will remember there having been a dream, but not what it was about. Much lower percentage will I remember the dream itself.

I've read that if you want to dream about something, to think about it before going to sleep. Done that - didn't work. Thought about it all day - didn't work. Became almost fixated on it for weeks - still, didn't work. So what people understand of "some" people may be correct, but in "others" may be wrong. There's certainly not a one-size-fits-all when it comes to dreams interpretation, or even to faith and/or spirituality.

Now UFO's are another story!! Did I ever tell you about the time I was abducted? Yes, they took me into their ship, flew me to another planet (as a specimen, of course), and I was never to be seen here on Earth again. True story! :laughing7: Seriously though, UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. And while that doesn't necessitate an alien spacecraft, I really did see something in the sky one time that I cannot explain. I "could" have explained it (using logic and reason), until it moved. It went across the sky from a dead standstill faster than anything measurable even by today's standards. What it was, I'll never know!!

... This idea about dreams being able to convey information about events is old and common to many people around the globe......

Correct. Memory selective bias is common to many people around the globe.

.... This is something that is only excepted through personal experience...

Correct. It's subjective, not objective. "Experiences" are not the measure of "truth".

Ie.: how can you dispute or disprove a negative (that someone WASN'T simply at the mercy of memory bias trick) ? You can't. You can't prove a negative. When someone says they saw Elvis or Big foot (but .... durnit ... didn't get a picture or proof) you can't disprove it. It's just their word.

But what you CAN DO, is offer explanations for that are more reasonable. Eg.: that the UFO was merely a distant blimp. Or that the person only LOOKED like Elvis (but wasn't actually the true Elvis). Or that the feeling of fulfilled prophetic dreams (and uncanny horoscopes come-true, etc... ) can be the trick of selective memory.

Horoscopes I've never followed. There was a time when they amused me, but 15 minutes later the party was over. :-\

As for Elvis (since you bring that into the thread), is a little off-topic, but happened to look up the cast of a movie we watched recently. Saw the name Red West. Gee, that name sounds I did a search for him. Sure enough, it was him! The gung-ho mechanic from the TV series Black Sheep Squadron. I never realized he was a close and personal friend of Elvis, AND a bodyguard!! ...I now return you to your regularly scheduled topic. ;D

Correct. It's subjective, not objective. Ie.: how can you dispute or disprove a negative (that someone WASN'T simply at the mercy of memory bias trick) ? You can't. You can't prove a negative. When someone says they saw Elvis or Big foot (but .... durnit ... didn't get a picture or proof) you can't disprove it. It's just their word.

But what you CAN DO, is offer explanations for that are more reasonable. Eg.: that the UFO was merely a distant blimp. Or that the person only LOOKED like Elvis (but wasn't actually the true Elvis). Or that the feeling of fulfilled prophetic dreams (and uncanny horoscopes come-true, etc... ) can be the trick of selective memory.

Just so long as what's being offered is a theory - a "possible explanation". That has been one of the drawbacks of science for eons, was the inability to accept the possibility of something outside of what they know or believe to be true. We really don't know everything. It's sad when we act like we do. ...And yes, I do it, too!!

Lets see what Shakespeare has to say about all of this.

here are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
- Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.


My grandfather served in WW2, not me.

Once I had a dream fighting hand to hand combat in Hitler's bunker. I woke up squeezing my girlfriend's head in a headlock with the vague recollection of having just yelled,"I'll :censored:ing kill you Hitler!"

I must be a hero or something because now she's my wife. :laughing9:

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.

Alright now! Don't be expecting ME to sing along with you cause I don't wanna be singin.....cause I'm like a little bit.....or maybe I don't feel.......... Ok, you win.

Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily

My grandfather served in WW2, not me.

Once I had a dream fighting hand to hand combat in Hitler's bunker. I woke up squeezing my girlfriend's head in a headlock with the vague recollection of having just yelled,"I'll :censored:ing kill you Hitler!"

I must be a hero or something because now she's my wife. :laughing9:

When you proposed, maybe she was afraid to say no. :tongue3:

No ..not really ..I for one don't dream at all. I have only had one dream that I can remember. My wife is a nightmare, though .. does that count?

My wife ISN'T a nightmare. That's gotta count for something! :dontknow:

Long ago I had a dream I was stuck underwater in a pool and my nose was just below the surface. Thrashing and trying to break surface I ran out of air and at that moment awoke gasping for air.

Now, was the dream caused by my body having stopped breathing, or had my body stopped breathing because of the dream?

I had a similar dream, at least once. I've read that everyone stops breathing for a brief time in their sleep, although more frequently with men. Don't have any idea what might cause this, but I've always found that interesting. Great question Deft!!

I know that until it is experienced by a person, the idea of dreams guiding us seems pretty far out there.
I have personally had dreams that were 100% accurate in predicting future events. I am by no means a
super mystic either. just open to anything the universe has to offer me. I won't go into detail but I can
remember three times that this has happened. Until then I was a skeptic, but open to the possibility.

Having had such unexplainable things happen to me, and I'm still a skeptic, too. It's just really difficult for me to understand without knowing all the pieces that are involved. It's like, I believe 100% that God is real, but not "because" of faith. I've never seen God, never been close to death, and lived most of my life wanting to believe, but just couldn't.

Can't really go into just "why" I now believe, as I'm afraid doing so would open up a whole new can of worms here!

Long ago I had a dream I was stuck underwater in a pool and my nose was just below the surface. Thrashing and trying to break surface I ran out of air and at that moment awoke gasping for air.

Now, was the dream caused by my body having stopped breathing, or had my body stopped breathing because of the dream?

Deft tones and KCM, this is simply "sleep apnea" :

A physical condition. Nothing mystical, etc.. And yes: persons who have this (whether isolated incidents, or very afflicted) will report the same thing: Dreams of someone smothering them, etc.... I had a girlfriend who had this, and would have horrible dreams of demon's strangling her, etc... And was convinced she was demon oppressed, and all such supernatural explanations. But later realized it was sleep apnea.

But that would be an example of JUST HOW REAL the dreams are. If anyone had tried to tell her (before the diagnosis) that it WASN'T something supernatural , she would have adamantly denied it. Afterall, it's so "uncanny" and the experience "feels so real", etc.. And her theological background was of a pentecostal leaning persuasion. SO YOU CAN IMAGINE when these dreams started, she emotionally connected it with all sorts of mystical, supernatural, etc... Yet as you can see, it has a strictly physical explanation.

Then....sleep apnea is something that affects 100% of people?

I wish I could remember where I read this before - some science or medical publication of some sort - but it was saying that most everyone stops breathing for just a few seconds while asleep. It doesn't have to happen every night, and most people don't even realize that they do it. So is Sleep Apnea what "everyone" does naturally? Or is it limited to the people who have problems and wake up gasping for air?

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