I'm gonna tell my apple trees bumper crop next year, or Ill cut you down.
Results will be posted next year.
The first house my Dad built, mom had planted peach trees and a plum tree. For about 4 yrs, that plum tree wouldn't put nothing out, so one evening, she told my dad, "If that tree don't put nothing out this year, cut it down"!
I would have been happy for that, as them plum tree switches were wicked!
come whipping time.

That year, there were so many plums on that tree, the little ole branches touched the ground.
My Mom made the best plum jelly, for many years...... nom nom nom.....
Deep, in Ga, when Oglethorpe was traversing the state & establishing it, he had his men plant Mayhaw trees, in a V shape pattern, from the top of the state to the bottom. I know where wild mulberry trees are, off my river, (those, and tomatoes too, but, we don't eat
them tomatoes.....

I think these folks are in Phoenix, but I like the concept of the fruiting trees for yr round food.
I'm always talking to the fruit at the store, asking which ones are best, worthy to come home with me.

Video only 5:52 min's, not too long.