Looking to purchase a Highbanker/PowerSluice. Being in WA state I am limited in the amount of "riffled area" to 3sqft.
Does Miner Moss/Carpet count as riffled area? What about Expanded Metal or Gold Hog mats? Here is the definition from the WDFW Gold and Fish pamphlet.
By that definition, it seems Gold Hog mats and expanded metal would be considered a riffle, what about Miner Moss/Carpet?
1. When mineral prospecting without timing restrictions,
you may use only hand-held mineral prospecting tools
and the following mineral prospecting equipment:
(a) Pans;
(b) Spiral wheels;
(c) Sluices, concentrators, mini rocker boxes, and
mini high-bankers with riffle areas totaling 3
square feet or less, including ganged equipment.
Does Miner Moss/Carpet count as riffled area? What about Expanded Metal or Gold Hog mats? Here is the definition from the WDFW Gold and Fish pamphlet.
Riffle – The bottom of a concentrator containing a series
of crevices and grooves to catch and retain a mineral such
as gold.; or a short, relatively shallow and coarse-bedded
length of stream over which the stream flows at higher
velocity and higher turbulence than it normally does in
comparison to a pool.
By that definition, it seems Gold Hog mats and expanded metal would be considered a riffle, what about Miner Moss/Carpet?
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